Who wants to start a betting pool on when the movie will be released?
Pre-ordered the PC collectors edition a bit more than a week ago.
It's already announced, release date 2012 but obviously they just did it to have it there in case they actually get a script, a director, actors, and money of course.
OMG this game is way better that i thought it would me. And I was one of the people saying that Mass Effect 1 wasnt that great. It has totally changed my mind on the mass effect franchise.
BEST GAME EVAHR! Tuchanka rocks balls. To bad the pc version doesn't have my save (from xbox). I don't think any choice i did in mass effect 1 is reflected in mass effect 2's fresh start.
Man reading you guys replies makes me wish I was into RPGs, I tried playing the first mass effect and about an hour in I totally fell asleep in one of the conversations... Woke up two hours later and never played the game again.
So it sounds like the combat is a lot more solid this time? Better AI? Cuz I'm playin thru the first game and it's sometimes a tad too simple.
the combat mechanics are way better. it's honestly more of a shooter than an RPG this time. a shooter with awesome voice acting, scenes, and characters. it's so well done.
I went to EB and the guy tried to give me this story about how EA didn't even make enough copies of the CE for all the pre-orders and he told me none of them had it (for 360). So I bought the regular edition. Then I walked across the parking lot to Wal-Mart and got the last CE copy. The weirdest part of this story is that when I took the normal version back to EB, they game me my money back. I was expecting store credit. A small part of me was hoping for it, to help justify buying Darksiders or Bayonetta or Assassin's Creed 2 or No More Heroes 2, etc...
The extra stuff was worth the 10 bucks, but what's with the 10 dollar markup on even the regular edition? $69.99? Craziness.
Miranda is awesome. Her face is based on her voice actress Yvonne Strahovski, who is in Chuck, which you should definitely watch when done with Mass Effect. The potential for perfect cosplay exists!
Played for 13 hours straight yesterday (yea i got too much spare time on my my hands). Probably the best game i've ever played. Better than baldurs gate, system shock etc etc. Incredible.
For a game with so much focus on interactive dialogue, the lipsync is terrible. To be expected though, haven't been done well in games yet (it was better in latest MGS though, wasn't it?), and it's not that important usually, but with this much focus on dialogue... this game falls into uncanny valley territory a lot.
I'm loving it but having trouble getting over how dumbed down some things are... I mean, reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly dumbed down... The whole inventory system is dire compared to the first, and even though im 4 hours in, the only time I've levelled up is on the utterly pointless "mission complete!" screens that kill the mood... Is this the only time you level up? Because if so whats the point of XP then? It always sits at 1000 XP remaining... Seems really odd...
For a game with so much focus on interactive dialogue, the lipsync is terrible.
At the beginning of the game I thought the same.. especially in a few particular scenes.. I'm 7 hours in now and it's a lot better, or maybe I've just gotten used to it more. it still looks better than 90% of the other games i've seen with lipsync
I'm loving it but having trouble getting over how dumbed down some things are... I mean, reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly dumbed down... The whole inventory system is dire compared to the first, and even though im 4 hours in, the only time I've levelled up is on the utterly pointless "mission complete!" screens that kill the mood... Is this the only time you level up? Because if so whats the point of XP then? It always sits at 1000 XP remaining... Seems really odd...
I think you gain XP during the mission and it simply allocates it afterwards. I honestly rather like the mission complete screens.. a lot. sometimes it's hard to remember everything you've gathered during a mission, not to mention the entire reason you were there. I find them very helpful.
but yeah, the inventory system is a lot different, it was a pretty ballsy move, but I don't mind it. saves me the trouble of sorting through weapon after weapon only to wind up wasting my time looking at an inventory full of garbage. scanning for stuff on planets and using that to upgrade/invent new weapons is appealing.
I love loot, but this game isn't about that. gameplay and story, baby.
For a game with so much focus on interactive dialogue, the lipsync is terrible. To be expected though, haven't been done well in games yet (it was better in latest MGS though, wasn't it?), and it's not that important usually, but with this much focus on dialogue... this game falls into uncanny valley territory a lot.
Valve have cracked it.
I'm almost tempted to get this with the gratuitious butt shots, but I guess I'll have to played the first one... erm first.
Speaking of females in this game... Have you guys noticed sexual tension between EVERY female you talk to, and that they all, bar one or two, are quite attractive...? Can you get just about anybody in the sack in this game, or is it just one or two?
Found quite a few bugs, the worse of them is where you get stuck on/in walls/boxes after doing a hack where you actually have to reload the game there is zero you can do. I've had it 3-4 times and I'm about 4 hours in. Although I love the game (loved ME1 as well) I wish they could actually use more than one font for the entire freaking game, it's the same for alien ships/places as it is for the alliance ... it's one of those things that just really bugs me
Does ME2's plot and mission variety live up to the SPACE KGB promise of the start of mass effect? Or is it more base clearing dungeon crawl drudgery like the first?
Somebody needs to slap the interface designers for what they did to this game. It's fun to play until you have to deal with anything that isn't shooting or talking.
Miranda is awesome. Her face is based on her voice actress Yvonne Strahovski, who is in Chuck, which you should definitely watch when done with Mass Effect. The potential for perfect cosplay exists!
Okay, if any of you are like me and ended up playing a class that has a shitty weapon selection, (pistol/SMG) you do get to gain proficiency in another weapon type of your choice later in the game! It's a pickup at a specific point in a story mission. You will also probably get specialization in another type before the game ends because there are 5 slots for weapons.
I was seriously getting annoyed and disappointed in my class choice because of the bad gun selection. I can now wield Assault rifles now too, so all is well.:)
15 hours in and loving it. At least one of those hours is just mining random planets and galaxy exploration, which is something I did none of in the first game. I finished the first one in only 12 hours.
An easy/quicker way to scan the planets I've found is to start at the top of the planet move all the way right (or left) start scanning with L-trigger and hold right on both sticks. Moves a lot faster than just moving while scanning. Rotates about as fast as just using the right stick to move the planet.
It's already announced, release date 2012 but obviously they just did it to have it there in case they actually get a script, a director, actors, and money of course.
Ive got it pre-ordered, im expecting big things after playing the first! they can only make it better
Shafted. None of them work anymore. god dammit. I didn't even realize there was a CE until after I pre ordered.. I hope they can change it.
Who am I kidding... I'll be there Friday morning waiting...
good luck, ive checked all over the place and everywhere seems to be sold out of the CE. hope more come in soon.
the combat mechanics are way better. it's honestly more of a shooter than an RPG this time. a shooter with awesome voice acting, scenes, and characters. it's so well done.
The extra stuff was worth the 10 bucks, but what's with the 10 dollar markup on even the regular edition? $69.99? Craziness.
Miranda is awesome. Her face is based on her voice actress Yvonne Strahovski, who is in Chuck, which you should definitely watch when done with Mass Effect. The potential for perfect cosplay exists!
At the beginning of the game I thought the same.. especially in a few particular scenes.. I'm 7 hours in now and it's a lot better, or maybe I've just gotten used to it more. it still looks better than 90% of the other games i've seen with lipsync
I think you gain XP during the mission and it simply allocates it afterwards. I honestly rather like the mission complete screens.. a lot. sometimes it's hard to remember everything you've gathered during a mission, not to mention the entire reason you were there. I find them very helpful.
but yeah, the inventory system is a lot different, it was a pretty ballsy move, but I don't mind it. saves me the trouble of sorting through weapon after weapon only to wind up wasting my time looking at an inventory full of garbage. scanning for stuff on planets and using that to upgrade/invent new weapons is appealing.
I love loot, but this game isn't about that. gameplay and story, baby.
Valve have cracked it.
I'm almost tempted to get this with the gratuitious butt shots, but I guess I'll have to played the first one... erm first.
And this is not much of a spoiler, but the first place you go is the alien strip joint. Nice touch.
If you haven't played ME1 here is the entire story in a 5 minute video.
EDIT - i fail at embedding, here is the link
everything so far is absolutely stunning
my absolute favourite moment so far was just before talking to joker for the first time ever.
i'm itching to get home and play again
Give us a live action mass effect movie already!
holy shit. no excuses!
avatar graphics + the real actors the humans were based off + epic ass space saga = awesome = $$$?
1: Go to the pub to celebrate (again).
2: Play the game all night.
3: Perhaps I could do a combination of 1+2.
I was seriously getting annoyed and disappointed in my class choice because of the bad gun selection. I can now wield Assault rifles now too, so all is well.:)
15 hours in and loving it. At least one of those hours is just mining random planets and galaxy exploration, which is something I did none of in the first game. I finished the first one in only 12 hours.