I agree about the inventory stuff. I really felt like I never got enough guns and the fact that they didn't have stats or straightforward numbers to show which are stronger or faster kind of thing lost something. Selection felt very limited. I only ever had 1 Assault rifle and 2 of every kind but heavy weapons.
I would have liked more story missions and less team building assignments. All of the loyalty quests were awesome for getting to know the characters, and they were fun, but they didn't really have much to do with the overall plot.
I loved the game and I would have had an awesome ending... BUT
I dumped Jack after I couldn't get with Miranda. I thought that maybe, just maybe that would open up the other available dialogue options? Nope. So then I screwed over Tali so she would hate me as well. I didn't end up having sex with any of them. Shepard the ladies' man went up to his cabin to brood and looked at the picture of Liara on his desk.
I was okay with that. Then I went on the final mission. Tali took a rocket to the face and I lol'd, then the rest survived until the final battle. In the final scenes, Miranda rebelled against the Illusive man and seemed to have really warmed up to Shepard. I thought maybe next game there could be an epic romance because things moved slow and built up over time. Then Miranda died meaninglessly crushed by debris... That was so weak. That damn decision of siding with Jack determined that too because she was the other party member I had with me... God damn this really soured the ending for me, such a pointless waste killing her off. It was not even dramatic, wtf. I have to play through again now to get a perfect ending.
I don't don't mind though, because I loved this game. An instant favorite.:)
Space hamsters and wacom tablets cost double if you`re from the UK.
Kinda miss some of the old gameplay like exploring planets in your moonferrari in different galaxies, but like that most of the missions are more unique than in me1.
The mini-games are kinda fun but I think they can get boring after the first playthrough because they are a bit repetitive (hacking/scanning planets for rare metal)
Glib and Dkk, I think the problem is that throughout the game, you're never really reminded about the main bad guy (harbinger). Hell, I only noticed he's the villain at the end..and even then, minimal contact. Whereas in ME1, you're constantly being dogged by Saren..and throughout the game you learn more about him (misunderstood, tragic spectre) We learn nothing about harbinger, cept that he can control/possess the pro..I mean collectors
Another thing that's bothering me is the lack of any epic, oh shi my mind just got blown moments that were abundant in the first one (like you pointed out, learning about the reapers..actually talking to one, visiting the last prothean planet etc)
so good builds? I'm only a level 12 Vanguard, I miss some of the abilities from ME1. I did Jacob's loyalty quest so I'm pairing shield up with charge and liberal application of the shotgun, I've been using it as my battle finisher.
Play as an infiltrator; you can only lose if you actively try to. Playing it on veteran as an infiltrator focusing on heavy damage (heavy incinerate, assassin cloak, ammo powers, etc) made the game almost too easy.
With slam as my extra power, I could lift an opponent, work in a headshot before they fell, and then nail them with a heavy incinerate as they stood up. Assuming, that is, I didn't insta-kill them with my sniper rifle first.
Finished the game, absolutely adored it just like I thought I would, well worth the wait. The last mission was really interesting with success based purely on the right decisions and the progress you made through out the game. Whilst potentially frustrating, when you get it right the payoff is well worth it.
I have to say I was really disappointed with the "harbinger / Collector General" character or rather the distinct lack of him. I swear I saw more of that guy in the damn trailers than ingame, I almost completely forgot he was even in the game. I certainly would have been nice to have a face-to-face confrontation at some point.
Another disappointment I had was with the "making-of DVD" which actually felt more like a marketting pitch to buy the game rather than an enlightening look at the process of making the game.
Looking forward to playing through the game again as a complete bastard
Play as an infiltrator; you can only lose if you actively try to. Playing it on veteran as an infiltrator focusing on heavy damage (heavy incinerate, assassin cloak, ammo powers, etc) made the game almost too easy.
With slam as my extra power, I could lift an opponent, work in a headshot before they fell, and then nail them with a heavy incinerate as they stood up. Assuming, that is, I didn't insta-kill them with my sniper rifle first.
Soldier with the extended length adrenaline burst and the sweet sniper rifle was pretty rediculous too. Pop the adrenaline, step out and headshot 4-5 enemies, then fire the rest of the clip at a guy's chest to break shield/armor. Reload while your power comes back, repeat.
I have only just started the game, but am chiming in to say Miranda's face is horrifying and uncanny. She looks so scary, I can barely focus on her dialogue. Sort of assuming this is a part of the character... creepy and looks like her face is going to fall off.
Other than the issues it has with single-core processors, the game runs beautifully and is very fun. Is an entertaining little world.
Did my first run through with a Soldier using the extra slow Adrenaline boost and Fortification. That combined with the sniper rifle saved my life a number of times. Excellent all the way through, but I all throughout I got the impression that everything was too . . . short I guess?
May be a result of having played through Dragon Age's epically long multi-tiered missions, but I was kinda that all the character recruiting missions and their side stories could be completed in about an hour or two tops (since that to me felt like it was the main driving force of the game)
I was hoping that recruiting all the characters would only begin the quest to stop the reapers and collectors, and that I would get those massive and surprising reveals just like in ME1, and I was a little saddened to see it all come to an end shortly after I did that.
Given how much fun I had it's mostly a nitpick though . . . and I ended at hour 32, so I dunno, maybe I am just spoiled
I agree about the inventory stuff. I really felt like I never got enough guns and the fact that they didn't have stats or straightforward numbers to show which are stronger or faster kind of thing lost something. Selection felt very limited. I only ever had 1 Assault rifle and 2 of every kind but heavy weapons.
I would have liked more story missions and less team building assignments. All of the loyalty quests were awesome for getting to know the characters, and they were fun, but they didn't really have much to do with the overall plot.
I loved the game and I would have had an awesome ending... BUT
I dumped Jack after I couldn't get with Miranda. I thought that maybe, just maybe that would open up the other available dialogue options? Nope. So then I screwed over Tali so she would hate me as well. I didn't end up having sex with any of them. Shepard the ladies' man went up to his cabin to brood and looked at the picture of Liara on his desk.
I was okay with that. Then I went on the final mission. Tali took a rocket to the face and I lol'd, then the rest survived until the final battle. In the final scenes, Miranda rebelled against the Illusive man and seemed to have really warmed up to Shepard. I thought maybe next game there could be an epic romance because things moved slow and built up over time. Then Miranda died meaninglessly crushed by debris... That was so weak. That damn decision of siding with Jack determined that too because she was the other party member I had with me... God damn this really soured the ending for me, such a pointless waste killing her off. It was not even dramatic, wtf. I have to play through again now to get a perfect ending.
I don't don't mind though, because I loved this game. An instant favorite.:)
We literally had the EXACT same ending.
Except I had sex with Jack, :thumbup:
I loved the game though, I think I'm going to replay through both and see what happens if I'm super renegade.
I have to ask. KOTOR was setup so even female avatar interactions were like Lesbians half the time. Does it work Vice Versa now as well? Male avatar Homosexual interactions?
Me + Mass Effect 2 on Insanity Mode + Deadzone borked controller = Face time with floor x20+
Damn as much as I hate the 360 controller, it's sure durable.
BTW who opted to kill Samara over her daughter? Was odd to me, because I got the Paragon option when my bars here half full
Also for the Ending, I opted not to get upgraded Shields Tali suggested, that Equaled to her dying before the mission even started (cut scene death). Then Thane died in the vents. Jack couldn't hold the biotic shield she survived but sacrificing Grunt in the process (swarm got him). And Dr Chakwas was the only npc to survive.
Anyone else have issues on the 360 with starting a new character? It's been 50/50 that the game locks up at the very first loading screen after the prologue which is very frustrating with a 7 minute prologue.
I finished the game a few days ago, replayed the finale just now to save a team member.
Excellent game, had it's flaws, but it certainly delivered.
Now it's another year of waiting, or even more.
Oh if anyone's wondering,
I'm a lvl 28 Infiltrator now, did absolutely every quest, romanced Tali because I like her, saved team, played on Hardcore.
In the end I pumped 53 hours into the game, I guess 5 of those are just me wandering around with different henchmen to hear their responses, but it's still more than 38 hours I had in ME1.
Oh guys for extra awesome you should bring
to Tali's loyalty quest. Don't worry your
won't die if you do the loyalty missions, no matter how many, since they are treated as plot missions. You will lose 'em if you do side stuff.
GODDAM. I'm 18 hours into ME2 now and I still have 6 loyalty missions and 2 more characters to get, so I'm sure it'll take me at least another 7-8 hours, and I was already impressed that I was at 18 compared to the 14 it took for me to beat ME1. but 38? damn! is that a new game +? no way that's one run through.
GODDAM. I'm 18 hours into ME2 now and I still have 6 loyalty missions and 2 more characters to get, so I'm sure it'll take me at least another 7-8 hours, and I was already impressed that I was at 18 compared to the 14 it took for me to beat ME1. but 38? damn! is that a new game +? no way that's one run through.
That's one game.
I just poked in every nook and cranny, went to every system, did every quest.
Oh and by the way, I was only level 50 by the time the credits rolled. People were at like level 60, so there's gotta be something that I missed. I heard you get tons of experience if you kill things outside the Mako.
Grabbed the new Eviscerator Shotgun off the Cerberus Network last night. Since I play a Vanguard it's pretty good. I chose the machine gun instead of the uber shotgun when I was given the choice and had been regretting it, so the new shotty kind of makes up for it.
that's insane. I thought I did all the quests for the first one, but I do remember beating it then getting distracted by something else - I didn't realize there was that much more content, or I must have just got through it fast. I beat it at level 38 I think.
anyway, I'm 20 hours into ME2 as of last night, and it's fucking great. there's more quests AVAILABLE on my galaxy map than I've done total to date. It's amazing.
Ha, beat ME1 as a level 32 soldier at 9hrs 32min... Suppose it didn't earn me much with my character transfer. Im also glad the Mako is gone, I seriously hated that crap... and the elevators made me angry too. The story, however, was amazing and the Citadel at the end was epic. Im about 15 hrs into ME2 and my play style has changed drastically... I love this game and trying to get everything! Playing as an adept too, which has made the gameplay way more dynamic:)
, somehow I managed to end the game with no one dying, everyone loyal, Tali and Legion *seemed to be getting along. I just assumed that's the way it ended, didn't know till reading everyones spoilers here that people could actually die. My space lesbian however seemed to have lost her touch since I didn't manage to score with anyone
Except everyone (or maybe just the women, not sure) has a messed up left eye, like the uvs were changed for every character but the textures weren't.
that made me happy too! ( wait im on PC not 360 lolz )
hope ppl dont give up making some long hour quality RPGS.
and non-post-appocaliptic sci-fi game.
finished it last night, went total renegade throughout which had some cool trigger moment thingers. got the no one left behind acheivement, was lvl 24 and about 23 hours of playtime. how are some people getting to be like lvl 30-40 on their playthrough, I did almost every side quest i found and every characters loyalty mission....
DKK every character, not the renegae scars and stuff... the UVs are slightly out of whack on the faces, might just be the females. It's really noticeable on Justicar and the Yeoman.
I imported a ME1 save at level 50, and that gives you a bonus in ME2. I started at lvl 3 that way. Level 60 in ME1 gives lvl 5 in ME2 so I guess that is how people reach level 30.
It's not that hard to h4x the game though, giving you more XP and stuff like taht.
Yeah I did notice pretty regularly that people where lookin all googley eyed in some scenes
Pea - Simon Templeman (AKA KAIN (LoK)) also lends his voice as he did in dragon age, he voices one of the Quarian admiralty. Hearin that guy still gives me goosebumps everytime
Also its nuts hearing about all you guys play through's, theres some shit in those spoilers i never dreamed could happen, so heres mine.
I bought all the upgrades, I must not have got Mordins. Cause later during the last mission he died, that was sad, but I was sadder when Garrus got shot and I thought he was dead, but then he stands up and gives a thumbs up, man that was epic. Also I was sad that I wasn't paragon or renegade enough to end the Legion/Tali conflict, and sided with legion, who is still the cooler character of the two, but It was sad I lost Tali's Loyalty. Either way I wish she had died instead of Mordin. Now I have to play through the fucking game again and specifically set it up so she dies, and Mordin lives, that'll teach that Quarian bitch.
To be honest I'm a little depressed I didn't lose more characters, I didn't even think it was that possible to have them die in the ways you guys had, I thought it would just come down to who you chose to do what. What depresses me is now I know how to end the game with everyone alive, Atleast I think I do.
Fuck Bioware, I'm going to be playing through Mass1 and 2 more times than I will spend on other games this year, maybe even in my life. I have to get every possible ending, every possible romance, every possible set up for mass 3. FUCK!
Bioware explains about Mordin and the ending sequence.
I thought so, although it kinda ruins the whole image of him as a badass scientist. He takes down a Merc party with krogans, all by himself, according to the story.
Anyway, I sent him back with the crew since he's a doctor and all
PS: Anyone else finding it kinda funny that bioware call their characters squishies.
I was happy everybody survived at the end on my play through...
I'm not happy, however, that I feel I've done something wrong for ME3... Why do I have this feeling that sleeping with Miranda, something that lets face it most people were going to do, is going to have a huge impact on the next game... Maybe Ash gets pissed and goes against me and we end up in a threeway... Maybe... Maybe...
I was happy everybody survived at the end on my play through...
I'm not happy, however, that I feel I've done something wrong for ME3... Why do I have this feeling that sleeping with Miranda, something that lets face it most people were going to do, is going to have a huge impact on the next game... Maybe Ash gets pissed and goes against me and we end up in a threeway... Maybe... Maybe...
seems im the only one who thought Tali was awsome...?
Nah, her sex scene is just... Odd... Hows she gonna survive THAT? I bet they are stunning under that mask though, the little hint of a face you see through the glass makes them look human.
I agree about the inventory stuff. I really felt like I never got enough guns and the fact that they didn't have stats or straightforward numbers to show which are stronger or faster kind of thing lost something. Selection felt very limited. I only ever had 1 Assault rifle and 2 of every kind but heavy weapons.
I would have liked more story missions and less team building assignments. All of the loyalty quests were awesome for getting to know the characters, and they were fun, but they didn't really have much to do with the overall plot.
I loved the game and I would have had an awesome ending... BUT
I was okay with that. Then I went on the final mission. Tali took a rocket to the face and I lol'd, then the rest survived until the final battle. In the final scenes, Miranda rebelled against the Illusive man and seemed to have really warmed up to Shepard. I thought maybe next game there could be an epic romance because things moved slow and built up over time. Then Miranda died meaninglessly crushed by debris... That was so weak. That damn decision of siding with Jack determined that too because she was the other party member I had with me... God damn this really soured the ending for me, such a pointless waste killing her off. It was not even dramatic, wtf. I have to play through again now to get a perfect ending.
I don't don't mind though, because I loved this game. An instant favorite.:)
Space hamsters and wacom tablets cost double if you`re from the UK.
Kinda miss some of the old gameplay like exploring planets in your moonferrari in different galaxies, but like that most of the missions are more unique than in me1.
The mini-games are kinda fun but I think they can get boring after the first playthrough because they are a bit repetitive (hacking/scanning planets for rare metal)
Will add more when I played more.. Awesome game !
Another thing that's bothering me is the lack of any epic, oh shi my mind just got blown moments that were abundant in the first one (like you pointed out, learning about the reapers..actually talking to one, visiting the last prothean planet etc)
With slam as my extra power, I could lift an opponent, work in a headshot before they fell, and then nail them with a heavy incinerate as they stood up. Assuming, that is, I didn't insta-kill them with my sniper rifle first.
I have to say I was really disappointed with the "harbinger / Collector General" character or rather the distinct lack of him. I swear I saw more of that guy in the damn trailers than ingame, I almost completely forgot he was even in the game. I certainly would have been nice to have a face-to-face confrontation at some point.
Another disappointment I had was with the "making-of DVD" which actually felt more like a marketting pitch to buy the game rather than an enlightening look at the process of making the game.
Looking forward to playing through the game again as a complete bastard
Soldier with the extended length adrenaline burst and the sweet sniper rifle was pretty rediculous too. Pop the adrenaline, step out and headshot 4-5 enemies, then fire the rest of the clip at a guy's chest to break shield/armor. Reload while your power comes back, repeat.
Other than the issues it has with single-core processors, the game runs beautifully and is very fun. Is an entertaining little world.
May be a result of having played through Dragon Age's epically long multi-tiered missions, but I was kinda
I was hoping that recruiting all the characters would only begin the quest to stop the reapers and collectors, and that I would get those massive and surprising reveals just like in ME1, and I was a little saddened to see it all come to an end shortly after I did that.
Given how much fun I had it's mostly a nitpick though . . . and I ended at hour 32, so I dunno, maybe I am just spoiled
We literally had the EXACT same ending.
If your a dude, can you hook up with this "Jack"?
Damn as much as I hate the 360 controller, it's sure durable.
Also for the Ending, I opted not to get upgraded Shields Tali suggested, that Equaled to her dying before the mission even started (cut scene death). Then Thane died in the vents. Jack couldn't hold the biotic shield she survived but sacrificing Grunt in the process (swarm got him). And Dr Chakwas was the only npc to survive.
I finished the game a few days ago, replayed the finale just now to save a team member.
Excellent game, had it's flaws, but it certainly delivered.
Now it's another year of waiting, or even more.
Oh if anyone's wondering,
Oh guys for extra awesome you should bring
sci-fi-gasm!! i ve fallen in love with details omg omg :O
GODDAM. I'm 18 hours into ME2 now and I still have 6 loyalty missions and 2 more characters to get, so I'm sure it'll take me at least another 7-8 hours, and I was already impressed that I was at 18 compared to the 14 it took for me to beat ME1. but 38? damn! is that a new game +? no way that's one run through.
That's one game.
I just poked in every nook and cranny, went to every system, did every quest.
Oh and by the way, I was only level 50 by the time the credits rolled. People were at like level 60, so there's gotta be something that I missed. I heard you get tons of experience if you kill things outside the Mako.
charge + shotgun + face = win
that's insane. I thought I did all the quests for the first one, but I do remember beating it then getting distracted by something else - I didn't realize there was that much more content, or I must have just got through it fast. I beat it at level 38 I think.
anyway, I'm 20 hours into ME2 as of last night, and it's fucking great. there's more quests AVAILABLE on my galaxy map than I've done total to date. It's amazing.
Except everyone (or maybe just the women, not sure) has a messed up left eye, like the uvs were changed for every character but the textures weren't.
that made me happy too! ( wait im on PC not 360 lolz )
hope ppl dont give up making some long hour quality RPGS.
and non-post-appocaliptic sci-fi game.
It's not that hard to h4x the game though, giving you more XP and stuff like taht.
Pea - Simon Templeman (AKA KAIN (LoK)) also lends his voice as he did in dragon age, he voices one of the Quarian admiralty. Hearin that guy still gives me goosebumps everytime
Bioware explains about Mordin and the ending sequence.
I thought so, although it kinda ruins the whole image of him as a badass scientist. He takes down a Merc party with krogans, all by himself, according to the story.
Anyway, I sent him back with the crew since he's a doctor and all
PS: Anyone else finding it kinda funny that bioware call their characters squishies.
I'm not happy, however, that I feel I've done something wrong for ME3... Why do I have this feeling that sleeping with Miranda, something that lets face it most people were going to do, is going to have a huge impact on the next game... Maybe Ash gets pissed and goes against me and we end up in a threeway... Maybe... Maybe...
did you just spoil the last character on me?
he did not. The last character is way cooler than ashley.
Still wish I knew what the deal was with the
No, you just need to
And yeah odium.
You know what... I actually think I DID speak to him about it and know about it, and have just forgotten all about it, lol...? oops
Nah, her sex scene is just... Odd... Hows she gonna survive THAT? I bet they are stunning under that mask though, the little hint of a face you see through the glass makes them look human.