This pre-order bonus content / premium content thing is getting out of hand. Remember when games just 'were' and you bought them when they were released, and everyone got the same thing?
As for 'premium' content, I think Tycho and Gabe said it best.
I'm not getting any of the Ally achievements in the first game. Finished a 30hour play through yesterday having used Ashely Williams on every mission from the time she joined 5 minutes into the game and still didn't get the Soldier Ally achievement. I probably should have gotten the Sentinel one too for using Kaiden up until "the choice".
It's funny actually, as I was talking to a mate about how to include means to extend content and add more within a game... Although this discussion came from one about the recent iPhone game that monitored the leaderboards and piracy numbers. Their suggestion was to make games free with a different model for payment... something akin to the korean MMO genre or a multiplayer thing.
My friend thought it would be potentially shit for storytelling and I agreed to some extent, especially if it was put in tactlessly and would break flow, however, I thought that there were some games that could use it fairly well. Like a monster hunter game where you had to buy maps for new zones, only the currency was either a gamer point system or normal money.
The description of that dragon age thing is quite funny though and quite sad at the same time.
This pre-order bonus content / premium content thing is getting out of hand. Remember when games just 'were' and you bought them when they were released, and everyone got the same thing?
I'm not getting any of the Ally achievements in the first game. Finished a 30hour play through yesterday having used Ashely Williams on every mission from the time she joined 5 minutes into the game and still didn't get the Soldier Ally achievement. I probably should have gotten the Sentinel one too for using Kaiden up until "the choice".
You have to complete a majority of the game first, this means side-missions and main missions, as in a majority of all the missions available in the game, not just a majority of the game storyline.
I did. I did all the missions I could find which was several more than my first play through when I got the Completionist achievement. Explored every planet. Even completed all the suvery/mineral/gas/writings/medallion missions. There was only one mission I didn't get completed because of getting locked out of the Citadel.
little off topic, but did anyone notice the whole blue glare lens flare thing that was used in mass effect 1 was totally ripped off in the new star trek...?
I would like to know the control scheme though. The first game a class like the Adept was a bit awkward due to having to select your powers through the radial menu. I hope you can use the face buttons for powers. In the first game 'A' was run but X and Y did nothing and B was holster weapon.
Just downloaded the trailer on XBL. I'm REALLY stoked to play ME2. The Edmonton studio has really done some awesome stuff with this one. Can't wait to play it through.
Just downloaded the trailer on XBL. I'm REALLY stoked to play ME2. The Edmonton studio has really done some awesome stuff with this one. Can't wait to play it through.
I have to say, with these 2 trailers and the subject Zero Trailer, I really don't like the voice work goin on in these vids. Perhaps it's more to do with them purely being handed a cheesey script to begin with.
It happened a couple of times in Mass Effect but overall the voice work was absolutely stellar. With these trailers though it's making me a little worried that it all carries over in this vein.
The delivery feels like a marketting ploy of "hi, I'm a deeply complex character... honest, listen to me exchange simplistic attempts at wit! Oh, and I'm BAD-ASS!"
I think the "badass!" factor in a lot of games in recent years is just a horrid turn-off, especially when delivered in a thick American "like, totally" DUDE accent.
Sorry for the rant, despite that major gripe of mine I'm still positively itching for this game.
Graphics wise the PC version will always look better than the 360 version, But its not a huge difference really it depends how you would like to play the game controller VS. Mouse?
Graphics wise the PC version will always look better than the 360 version, But its not a huge difference really it depends how you would like to play the game controller VS. Mouse?
or you just connect your controller to your PC? :P
I am hammering my way through ME:1 for the 5th time to polish off all the achievements before ME:2 is released! I wish they'd explained you need your save games rather than the character files though to continue on with the same character earlier! I cleared out all my old saves a few months back... 3 characters I won't be able to use if this is so .
Also... anyone any idea what the hell is going on with pre-ordering the Xbox Collectors edition in the UK? As far as I can gather it's not possible to do so! Seems a bit unfair really.
I wouldn't put it past EA to put it out for the PS3 if they can get around the original deal Bioware made with MS for it to be an exclusive. The terms were never revealed publicly, but I think EA said they were trying to find a way to get it done. I bet there will be a PS3 version eventually.
that launch trailer re-sold me on this game to be honest.. i've already got the CE on pre-order.
i hope the game looks that pretty on the xbox 360, and that the gameplay shots aren't just all PC ones. Either way, the game looks fun, and the story looks more grand than ever. I'm really looking forward to this baby.
As for 'premium' content, I think Tycho and Gabe said it best.
My friend thought it would be potentially shit for storytelling and I agreed to some extent, especially if it was put in tactlessly and would break flow, however, I thought that there were some games that could use it fairly well. Like a monster hunter game where you had to buy maps for new zones, only the currency was either a gamer point system or normal money.
The description of that dragon age thing is quite funny though and quite sad at the same time.
however, it is the future, my friend.
You have to complete a majority of the game first, this means side-missions and main missions, as in a majority of all the missions available in the game, not just a majority of the game storyline.
Yeah, I'm pretty much 100% hyped up for this after adoring the first game. Certainly a good era for Bioware right now.
Even though the time-frame was tight Blur did and amazing job and tweaked the shit out of it until it shone like a sparkly thing.
cant wait to see it on store shelves!
Banned in Australia for sure.
Nice "end game" ending.
little off topic, but did anyone notice the whole blue glare lens flare thing that was used in mass effect 1 was totally ripped off in the new star trek...?
These class overviews are also good:
I would like to know the control scheme though. The first game a class like the Adept was a bit awkward due to having to select your powers through the radial menu. I hope you can use the face buttons for powers. In the first game 'A' was run but X and Y did nothing and B was holster weapon.
You wont be disappointed!
... What can I say? I'm a Faaan!
It happened a couple of times in Mass Effect but overall the voice work was absolutely stellar. With these trailers though it's making me a little worried that it all carries over in this vein.
The delivery feels like a marketting ploy of "hi, I'm a deeply complex character... honest, listen to me exchange simplistic attempts at wit! Oh, and I'm BAD-ASS!"
I think the "badass!" factor in a lot of games in recent years is just a horrid turn-off, especially when delivered in a thick American "like, totally" DUDE accent.
Sorry for the rant, despite that major gripe of mine I'm still positively itching for this game.
The game looks great. I'll probably pick it up when I can. Shit, I still need to pick up Batman and Ass Creed 2
or you just connect your controller to your PC? :P
Controller is not supported.
Also... anyone any idea what the hell is going on with pre-ordering the Xbox Collectors edition in the UK? As far as I can gather it's not possible to do so! Seems a bit unfair really.
whatwhat? Ignore me then
i played mass effect during xmas, simply forget it and play it when its cheap(works all the time)
(ducks flames)
omg i wanna cry!
im sold, ..... T_T!
Xbox 360 & PC exclusive
I wouldn't put it past EA to put it out for the PS3 if they can get around the original deal Bioware made with MS for it to be an exclusive. The terms were never revealed publicly, but I think EA said they were trying to find a way to get it done. I bet there will be a PS3 version eventually.
i hope the game looks that pretty on the xbox 360, and that the gameplay shots aren't just all PC ones. Either way, the game looks fun, and the story looks more grand than ever. I'm really looking forward to this baby.
Pre-ordered the PC collectors edition a bit more than a week ago.
approx 30 min long gameplay of the armour system, upgrades, galaxy map, the krogan recruit mission and a QnA to top it off