I was having friendly debate with a friend awhile back, childish immature stuff but we were both kidding at the end of the day. And thinking back to the insults we threw back and forth, I was slightly amused. Hopefully you guys can add to this list of funny but geeky 3D jokes ...
1) Your mom's so fat, her UVs can't fit in a 0-1 space
2) Your mom's so fat, her edge loops can't reach all the way around
3) Your mom's so fat, she used up all the weight paint.
All I can remember for now. Wondering if anyone's heard anything else =D
aka "A Multi Pass".
The next line EVERYONE around there would say is 'Corbin Dallas Moolti-Pahss'.
There was a horrible horrible art pun thread over at conceptart, many lols were had.
"i need Monet, to buy DeGas to make my Van Gogh. i tried to Hale a cab but my Whistler didnt Turner 'round."
i can entertain myself for a very long time
You momas so fat, photoshop runs out of ink when you draw her.
yo momma so dumb she thought 3d studio max was a type of apple computer
yo momma so ugly she gave my computer the blue screen of death
yo momma so dumb she thought '3d' was a bad report card.
yo momma so fat that when modeling her in 3d I created a sphere and said, "all done!"
yo momma so dumb she thought photoshop was an actual place.
yo momma so dumb she thought vertices only went up and down
yo momma so ugly when I modeled her face in 3d, there was no point using symmetry.
Your mum's so fat that when imported into Max all the viewports turn white (or black XD)
Your mum's so dense that she makes Max lag.
I failed. Lol.
oh snap!
Your mothers so fat the view port clipping planes couldn't be set high enough.
Your mothers so fat I tried to bake her normals and she ate them instead.
Your moms so ugly, not even Turbosmooth with 20 iterations will fix her.
Your moms so ugly, she makes Maxs script look like Angelina Jolee
What about Tim Sweeny?
. . . wait, am I doing this right?
Your momma's so fat not even Team Ico would use her in their game.
shes so ugly she looks like my first normal bake
shes so fayt i had to outsource her body
yo momma so fat she had a jiggle deformer by default
yo momma so ugly her pivot ran away and never came back
Yo momma is so fat, she needs a megatexture all for herself.
Yo momma is so fat, even her UVs have depth.
Yo momma sat on a polygon once. They're flat ever since.
Yo momma is so dense, even her wireframe fills up every pixel on the screen.
Yo momma is so dumb, she's the one who came up with the ViewCube.
Yo momma is so fat, when she does a turnaround, she's mistaken for a planet.
Yo momma is so ugly, all the normals flip away from her in disgust.
Yo momma is so big, even Polycount's Search function could find her.
Yo momma is so fat, the lasso tool won't fit around a picture of her.
Yo momma is so fat, her vertex weights exceed 1.
yo momma so fat she used up all the Mud in the Box
yo momma so ugly not even nurgle wants her (lol kinda off topic)
yo momma so fat her t-page is so big 3D Realms has been texturing her since 1997
Yo momma so fat the animator was done with her and it still looked like the t-pose
Yo momma so fat her top row image on cg talk is a banner ad
Yo momma so fat her first Apple computer was a big mac
The colossus play Shadow of Yo Momma
Yo momma so fat people thought her turntable animation was a jpeg
Your mom's so fat, she thought "History Stacks" were pancakes.
I try.
the highest reading on the richter scale is yo momma playing wii fit
yo momma so fat her skin overlay is apple sauce
yo momma so fat the kids mistook her 3d print for a bowl of jello
Maybe a slight dig at autodesk
Yo momma so fat, the lazy mouse is athletic by comparison.
Can't think of any more. Awesome thread.
Alright that deserved a lol