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How The F*#% Do I Model This? - Reply for help with specific shapes - (Post attempt before asking)


    okidoki said:
    Like extruding the lower half cylinder and spinning along the greater radius and adding some control loop ? Like so:

  • hanabirano
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    hanabirano polycounter lvl 5
    Justo said:
    It's based on a very stylized concept I cant share - it isn't meant to go for a realistic look for sure. I think the Target example that's provided gives an accurate idea of the goal here though. Just getting the general loop flow to be accurate would be enough, no need to start modeling things.
    Understood. Here’s my attempt at it so far. I tried to keep it as procedural as possible. Hopefully it will inspire someone to find a simpler method, but it should be workable as is. Unfortunately, I’m a 3ds Max user, but I hope this provides some ideas on how to apply it in Blender.
  • Justo
    Offline / Send Message
    Justo polycounter
    @hanabirano That looks clean! I think it's similar to my attempt though, albeit with a cleaner finish. How easy is it to alter the angle of the spirals if you wished for it? I wonder how it'd match with the reference spirals.

    @okidoki "A triangle extruded, tappered, vertical sub divided, rotatedvia proportional editing, subdivided in edit mode, "edges" beveled:" The end result looks like a better approach than the last one you showed, thank you for sharing. It's a bit hard to follow the initial steps though, could you maybe elaborate with pics or a short vid of the initial steps you describe?
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