Auto-Arrange in Win7 makes sorting textures/ref a lot more annoying imo, and been looking for a way to turn it off in folders sense making the switch from xp64. Well today I came across this reg hack that does just that:
run disablefullrowselect.reg to install, undo.reg to revert back to Win7 defaults. Now you can turn off auto-arrange in folders rmb menu. Yea I know its not an app or website, but it's free and might help some people
Its primary function is to view models of various formats mostly used by japanese games, though to me the secondary function of exporting is more important because it can output Quake MDL/MD2/MD3, MD5 and PSK. This tool can be very useful in an exchange pipeline towards one of those formats, at least it was useful for me to get around blindly written blender exporters so your mileage may vary
Software: nDo
It's the best normal map maker I've use on Photoshop. It's a script that makes normal map from diffuse and you can control a lot of stuffs. Highly recommend! Price: FREE!!! Web:
No need to ctrl+alt+del, select process and close it. Just press a combination of keys of your choice (I use ctrl+alt+f4) and it will kill the process in a instant of a second even if the process is using all your mem.
OpenCanvas for $75 is fun to paint in, and has useful brush blending. What it has for me over PS is that brushes retain a good crispness even when small. It can't use layer masks and some things I will consider necessary for texture painting but it supports PSD! so you can have a workflow switching between the two apps. I personally prefer version 3.
FREE opencanvas 1.1 - while I will not recommend doing large projects in this - it's a little bit unstable - it has a network drawing function that lets you work and sketch with other people. Very useful... and fun :P (you'll need a network tunnel if you do it over the internet).
For people who are up at odd hours like myself. Tones down your monitor at specific times to be easier on your eyes, pretty awesome (not good for making optimal art as it affects colors so disable it when working)
Crazyfingers: More importantly, it doesn't mess with your sleepcycle as much as un-adjusted colours do. It will change the colour-temperature to fit your surroundings.
I've been using it for a while and loving it!
If you're into splinecaging with Max, then you might have run into the fact that you can't fuse lots of vertex groups within a range just like you can with the weld function.
In that case the script below comes in handy (not to confuse with the Threshold function in the Surface modifier).
But beware: in some cases in might screw up a few bezier handle positions. And also: if too many vertices become fused, then you should lower the '0.04' number.
rollout rfuser "Fuser++"
fn fuser lim:1=
--local lim = float 1
local sel = #()
local bits = #{}
local col = #()
local avg = float 0
local vals,dist,knot,ov,iv
for s in 1 to numSplines $ where (getKnotSelection $ s).count > 0 do
for k in getKnotSelection $ s do append sel #(s,k)
vals = for k in sel collect getKnotPoint $ k[1] k[2]
bits = #{1..sel.count}
for n in 1 to sel.count where bits[n] do
bits[n] = off
col=for i in 1 to sel.count collect
if sel==sel[n] or distance vals[n] vals < lim then
bits = off
else dontCollect
if col.count > 1 then
for o in col do avg+=getKnotPoint $ o[1] o[2]
--avg=[aprox avg.x,aprox avg.y,aprox avg.z]
for o in col do
knot = getKnotPoint $ o[1] o[2]
ov = getOutVec $ o[1] o[2] - knot
iv = getInVec $ o[1] o[2] - knot
setKnotPoint $ o[1] o[2] avg
setOutVec $ o[1] o[2] (ov+avg)
setInVec $ o[1] o[2] (iv+avg)
--format "processed: spline % vertex %\n" o[1] o[2]
updateShape $
button run "RUN" width:70 height:40 across:2 offset:[-10,0]
spinner rad"radius" range:[0,100,0.04] offset:[5,12]
on run pressed do fuser lim:rad.value
createDialog rfuser
Pretty awesome for anatomy study. Goes ways beyond muscular and skeletal as well. Reasonably priced. If you're a student try asking your school or teacher to get it for free:
Similar to
3D body reference inside your browser (as long as it supports openGL)
Both male and female models. They used to have a cow version on aprils fool, not sure what happened to it though.
Also something I found today: (Photoshop CS4 and CS5 only!)
You know how you sometimes want something to be in the middle of your canvas but can't find the middle easily? This tool lets you easily place guides to find the middle or at any other location you want really.
So what exactly should someone like me use? I've never done anything like this before and I used to be handy with a paper/canvas and pencil/paintbrush and I've always wanted to do stuff like this. All I really have for a computer though is a raggedy ass old desktop that probably can't do a whole lot but I really wanna get into this!
So what exactly should someone like me use? I've never done anything like this before and I used to be handy with a paper/canvas and pencil/paintbrush and I've always wanted to do stuff like this. All I really have for a computer though is a raggedy ass old desktop that probably can't do a whole lot but I really wanna get into this!
I feel ya. It's hard when you don't have a starting point as a newbie or see how exactly an app will help you.
I think that would be a great place to start on this site. A thread dedicated to how to organize what a newbie might like to use. 3CH Color Analyzer is a very simple and unique tool for color visualisation : Hue (nothing else !), Saturation (in grayscale) and Color Intensity (compound : Lightness/Saturation).
It's basically using a timer to split your day up into 25 minute chunks of focused work followed by 5 minute breaks in between and a 15 minute break every 2 hours. Focused work means no checking email, IMing, fiddling with your playlist or even chatting with coworkers - that's what those 5 minute breaks are for.
I've just started today, I didn't create a task list yet, but I will tomorrow, I'm using this program as a timer: Tomighty
Not only should it help me focus better but the list helps track time without obsessively worrying about it - just place a check next to your task after every 25 minute ding. I predict in a few months I'll be able to look at a task and say "this will take me about 6 hours to finish" rather than the usual "ummm, maybe a day or two?"
Truecrypt. Fast encoding and decoding. I have all my laptops encrypted along with my external hard drives. It allows hidden partition in a truecrypt volume. Basically you have an outer encrypted volume as a dummy which house a 2nd "true volume." Both are located in 1 single truecrypt file (or the entire drive if you encrypt the entire drive) and mounted the same way. What determines which volume you use is the password. Predator. Lock down your computer with a single USB drive disconnection. If you have to go out for a coffee break and need/want to leave your computer on, but want to make sure no-one mess with it, predator is perfect for that situation. All it does is lock down the keyboard and mouse, and if you choose the screen. It does not close any program, so you don't have to worry about restarting your program. The file created on your USB is consistently changing so no one can copy the file and access your computer. The only performance decrease I saw with these 2 programs are in startup, but outside of that, computer run as normal.
Small Chrome extension that I love -
As most of us here I have a folder called Inspiration where I put all my favorite art. But the problem is - it saves all this stuff on one pc. So this little extension will save any image to a website you've specified. For example, flickr, picasa etc.
And it does it quickly, there are no pop ups asking where and do you really want to save it. Just point it to the website, name it and done.
Now all my stuff is on my picasa server accessible from anywhere (job, home, friends place).
Absolutely one of the must have tools if you have to rename, sort tons of files in a click, especially the preview setting is great before you make any mistakes.
for fucking eons, and seeing as my Firefox has decided to be incredibly laggy and tedious to use lately im switching to Chrome.
Is there a save file to addon or just file saving management/folder system for chrome? I save so many images it feels like a ballache not having it T_T
this is great, what would make it better for me personally was if it locked you to a window for the 25 minutes or only let you look at certain windows for that time (basically to stop me from getting distracted by youtube or facebook)
I tried this and absolutely love it! Must have tool as i'm making my degree work home..
Here's couple of good thingies (i try to post more later..):
Productivity starts from suitable wallpaper. This is the best wallpaper site i've ever seen. You can actually get addicted browsing there!
This isn't free but..
"Oloneo® PhotoEngine is the only HDR and Raw processing software offering digital photographers full control over light and exposure in real-time, as if they were still behind the lens."
Just check it out, it's freaky stuff!
For me I have it backing up my UDK maps folder to my work folder, then my work folder to a second hard drive and then as a fail safe I have my second hard drive workfolder backed up to an external hard drive.
run disablefullrowselect.reg to install, undo.reg to revert back to Win7 defaults. Now you can turn off auto-arrange in folders rmb menu. Yea I know its not an app or website, but it's free and might help some people
It'll turn your ipad into a second wireless monitor, works on Mac and PC. Very useful to have reference images or maxscript debug window on.
Its primary function is to view models of various formats mostly used by japanese games, though to me the secondary function of exporting is more important because it can output Quake MDL/MD2/MD3, MD5 and PSK. This tool can be very useful in an exchange pipeline towards one of those formats, at least it was useful for me to get around blindly written blender exporters so your mileage may vary
awsome rick......just awsome
It's the best normal map maker I've use on Photoshop. It's a script that makes normal map from diffuse and you can control a lot of stuffs. Highly recommend!
Price: FREE!!!
No need to ctrl+alt+del, select process and close it. Just press a combination of keys of your choice (I use ctrl+alt+f4) and it will kill the process in a instant of a second even if the process is using all your mem.
Lets you snap windows to an invisible grid that you can resize, there's also an option for window transparency.
Maratis is a Free and Open-source game engine that has been tested on Windows, Mac and iPhone, and can be virtually used on every platform.
Uses Lua as a scripting language and allows full access to the Engine with C++.
It looks a little rough around the edges at this time but might be a good option for some developers.
Blender 2.56 is only way to export content to it for now.
FREE opencanvas 1.1 - while I will not recommend doing large projects in this - it's a little bit unstable - it has a network drawing function that lets you work and sketch with other people. Very useful... and fun :P (you'll need a network tunnel if you do it over the internet).
The site won't really do anything for color but it can help you get your brightness, contrast, and other more obscure settings in order.
It sure helped me get my fonts nice and sharp.
Today were excited to launch support for 12 new file types:
- Microsoft Excel (.XLS and .XLSX)
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 / 2010 (.PPTX)
- Apple Pages (.PAGES)
- Adobe Illustrator (.AI)
- Adobe Photoshop (.PSD)
- Autodesk AutoCad (.DXF)
- Scalable Vector Graphics (.SVG)
- PostScript (.EPS, .PS)
- TrueType (.TTF)
- XML Paper Specification (.XPS) people who are up at odd hours like myself. Tones down your monitor at specific times to be easier on your eyes, pretty awesome (not good for making optimal art as it affects colors so disable it when working)
I've been using it for a while and loving it!
In that case the script below comes in handy (not to confuse with the Threshold function in the Surface modifier).
But beware: in some cases in might screw up a few bezier handle positions. And also: if too many vertices become fused, then you should lower the '0.04' number.
rollout rfuser "Fuser++"
fn fuser lim:1=
--local lim = float 1
local sel = #()
local bits = #{}
local col = #()
local avg = float 0
local vals,dist,knot,ov,iv
for s in 1 to numSplines $ where (getKnotSelection $ s).count > 0 do
for k in getKnotSelection $ s do append sel #(s,k)
vals = for k in sel collect getKnotPoint $ k[1] k[2]
bits = #{1..sel.count}
for n in 1 to sel.count where bits[n] do
bits[n] = off
col=for i in 1 to sel.count collect
if sel==sel[n] or distance vals[n] vals < lim then
bits = off
else dontCollect
if col.count > 1 then
for o in col do avg+=getKnotPoint $ o[1] o[2]
--avg=[aprox avg.x,aprox avg.y,aprox avg.z]
for o in col do
knot = getKnotPoint $ o[1] o[2]
ov = getOutVec $ o[1] o[2] - knot
iv = getInVec $ o[1] o[2] - knot
setKnotPoint $ o[1] o[2] avg
setOutVec $ o[1] o[2] (ov+avg)
setInVec $ o[1] o[2] (iv+avg)
--format "processed: spline % vertex %\n" o[1] o[2]
updateShape $
button run "RUN" width:70 height:40 across:2 offset:[-10,0]
spinner rad"radius" range:[0,100,0.04] offset:[5,12]
on run pressed do fuser lim:rad.value
createDialog rfuser
Lots and lots and lots of vehicle, plane and ship reference.
Seems a bit like Sculptris + mashing meshes together.
Related thread here.
Similar to
3D body reference inside your browser (as long as it supports openGL)
Both male and female models. They used to have a cow version on aprils fool, not sure what happened to it though.
Also something I found today: (Photoshop CS4 and CS5 only!)
You know how you sometimes want something to be in the middle of your canvas but can't find the middle easily? This tool lets you easily place guides to find the middle or at any other location you want really.
I feel ya. It's hard when you don't have a starting point as a newbie or see how exactly an app will help you.
I think that would be a great place to start on this site. A thread dedicated to how to organize what a newbie might like to use.
It looks like you can upload your own textures (leaves, flowers, bark) for custom trees.
Saves output as PNG with transparency.
3CH Color Analyzer is a very simple and unique tool for color visualisation : Hue (nothing else !), Saturation (in grayscale) and Color Intensity (compound : Lightness/Saturation).
It's basically using a timer to split your day up into 25 minute chunks of focused work followed by 5 minute breaks in between and a 15 minute break every 2 hours. Focused work means no checking email, IMing, fiddling with your playlist or even chatting with coworkers - that's what those 5 minute breaks are for.
I've just started today, I didn't create a task list yet, but I will tomorrow, I'm using this program as a timer: Tomighty
Not only should it help me focus better but the list helps track time without obsessively worrying about it - just place a check next to your task after every 25 minute ding. I predict in a few months I'll be able to look at a task and say "this will take me about 6 hours to finish" rather than the usual "ummm, maybe a day or two?"
As an example something like this would take 16 images and merge them into one 1024 image placed in 4x4 columns/rows
montage *.tga -tile 4x4 -geometry 1024x1024 -background none output.tga
Free to use
Jump Desktop is a multi-protocol remote desktop client (RDP, VNC) that lets you control your computer from your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch.
Starts off with the usual suspects, then delivers so really good tools I've never heard about.
Evernote makes it easy to remember things big and small from your notable life using your computer, phone, and the web.
build lego without mess, good for messing around and possibly blockig out levels.
Good for mind maps and recordig ideas
As most of us here I have a folder called Inspiration where I put all my favorite art. But the problem is - it saves all this stuff on one pc. So this little extension will save any image to a website you've specified. For example, flickr, picasa etc.
And it does it quickly, there are no pop ups asking where and do you really want to save it. Just point it to the website, name it and done.
Now all my stuff is on my picasa server accessible from anywhere (job, home, friends place).
Absolutely one of the must have tools if you have to rename, sort tons of files in a click, especially the preview setting is great before you make any mistakes.
for fucking eons, and seeing as my Firefox has decided to be incredibly laggy and tedious to use lately im switching to Chrome.
Is there a save file to addon or just file saving management/folder system for chrome? I save so many images it feels like a ballache not having it T_T
this is great, what would make it better for me personally was if it locked you to a window for the 25 minutes or only let you look at certain windows for that time (basically to stop me from getting distracted by youtube or facebook)
Feature List:
* Ninja Mesh
* Ninja UV
* Ninja Fracture
* Ninja Light
* Ninja Rename
* Ninja Assest
* 3 Custom Shelfs which you can have each as a floating window.
* A Mel manager which will automatically create a button for each mel script. (Buttons are created just by placing the script in a sub folder in the Ninja Dojo directory.)
Creative Crash Link:
Ninja dojo Web Page:
I tried this and absolutely love it! Must have tool as i'm making my degree work home..
Here's couple of good thingies (i try to post more later..):
Productivity starts from suitable wallpaper. This is the best wallpaper site i've ever seen. You can actually get addicted browsing there!
More textures (was this mentioned yet?):
Webtreats, icons, textures, photoshop resources:
HDRI, textures, panorama stuff:
This isn't free but..
"Oloneo® PhotoEngine is the only HDR and Raw processing software offering digital photographers full control over light and exposure in real-time, as if they were still behind the lens."
Just check it out, it's freaky stuff!
Flash game creation software, looks kinda awesome, also there's iStencyl (you probably can guess what's that for):
NOX Renderer. Free.
Game Design Document Template:
The link is huge. Just write "baldwin game design document" in google..
Depth of Field Calculator:
Synctoy is a free folder synchronisation tool, it links two folders together and duplicates the contents. On its own its limited but if you use windows scheduler
you can make it auto run backups.
For me I have it backing up my UDK maps folder to my work folder, then my work folder to a second hard drive and then as a fail safe I have my second hard drive workfolder backed up to an external hard drive.
makesometime - Another task list and time tracking website - with invoicing as well.