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[P&P] - What are you working on? 2008 Edition



  • Indecom
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    Indecom polycounter lvl 16
    Another shot, another 2 res levels higher

  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    HOLY MOTHER OF PERAL COMMANDKEEN. JEEEEZAZ a reason why im envious of maya now in max??!?! OMFG
    this WILL be sweeeeeet.
    OOO OOO how about having a maya-like outliner..not like the schematic vew

    @ harry: meh. its teh same thing i guess as saying " i dont know why theres a layer manager when i have everything out in the opening" layers make everything easier and efficient. Remember, tools are incorporated to improve YOUR workflow, not to just add "tools " into a software to make it more attractive i guess
  • demoncage
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    demoncage polycounter lvl 18
    In my limited experience w/ Maya it became necessary to start thinking in nodes the more complex a scene got. That's all a scene is in Maya is a bunch of nodes. They think they're so cool those fucking nodes.

    Paint job on a stylized head:

  • System
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    System admin
    _Shimmer - Zangief's chest has a huge vein in the middle that kind of spoils the flow but otherwise it's shaping up nicely :)
    commander_keen - perhaps you could start with materials? That's the only part I hear anybody complaining of when switching to max from maya :/
    Slipstream - Nice Kali model, where are you studying?
  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    need to see more dudes from you! XD
    also, those are great looking breasts, they are so hard to get down right :) so good job on that!
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    butt_sahib: you mean like this?
    GCMP: like this or this?

    Max has many of mayas features via plugins already.
  • Harryscary276
    In a Sci Fi mood so working on some starship environments

    A maintanince access
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    demoncage wrote: »
    In my limited experience w/ Maya it became necessary to start thinking in nodes the more complex a scene got. That's all a scene is in Maya is a bunch of nodes. They think they're so cool those fucking nodes.

    Paint job on a stylized head:

    Reminds me a lot of John Locke.
  • commander_keen
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    commander_keen polycounter lvl 18
    @Harry/GCMP: The goal of it is to make everything in max editable and linkable through visual connections. Maya does this through expressions and the connection editor/material editor but max doesnt have that by default. Technically as it stands right now it does work with materials although i would like to make special ui nodes for materials with previews and stuff. The nice thing about not just making a material editor is you can link between materials and anything else in max.
  • Funky Bunnies
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    Funky Bunnies polycounter lvl 17
    that's totally badass, commander keen
    So is this based off of kees' Helium?
  • commander_keen
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    commander_keen polycounter lvl 18
    yep, but im only using it for the UI, everything else is my own code in a more OOP style system.
  • EvilPixills
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    EvilPixills polygon
    I am resurrecting an old project from my old demo reel. I had a lot of optimizing/cleaning up to do and I still have quite a bit left. I'm at 7.5k tris now and I hope to finish up with about 16k-20k tris in the end. Any thoughts or crits?
  • Harryscary276
    Looking good Evil, I've gone back and tried to clean up old work before, it aint fun XP

    If I may I see a lot of round shapes that seem to be made from 20 sided base shape, 10 is good when you soften the edges, its not much but every little bit helps. Also I would use a normal map for the roof, it looks like you loose a lot there, but that is just me
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    Mucking about with the Mudbox 2009 generic dude:

  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    quick floor...

  • Slipstream
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    Slipstream polycounter lvl 19
    @GCMP: Art Institute of Atlanta, Georgia :)
    @Butt_sahib: Ha, thanks! And I'll try . . . at some point in the future that's hopefully soon >_>
    @demoncage: Nice! I'm thinking he's really shiny, so I can't wait to see the finished version
    @Eraserhead: I like it; its well presented and executed. Only thing I think could improve it, is highlighting the edges of the tiles in your specular map, to further pop them out of the grout
  • EarthQuake
    Eraserhead wrote: »
    quick floor...


    You made a bit of a mistake here dude, you want 6x6 tiles.... 5x5 alternating tiles would not actually work as a tiling texture =D
  • commander_keen
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    commander_keen polycounter lvl 18
    A little more progress, this example uses a modified color to define the size of a box and then set the height of the sphere to the height of the box


    Socket ordering on the dynamic object nodes needs to be fixed
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    A little more progress, this example uses a modified color to define the size of a box and then set the height of the sphere to the height of the box


    Socket ordering on the dynamic object nodes needs to be fixed

  • karera
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    karera polygon
    Eraserhead: I don't know what your references are on the floor, but usually the shit u put in between the tiles is sunk down, and not up like in your mesh
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    karera, it is sunken down on his model.
    although EQ makes a good point, that texture doesn't tile, heh!
  • e-freak
    where do you see it coming up? The normal is fully correct.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    The normals are correct, I dunno what karera is seeing, lol...

    As for it not "tiling", it will. Of course it will.

    The problem you should be saying is that because it isn't divided equally, it won’t be as easy to use in a game environment because of the average scales of brushes. So I would of gone with 4, or 6 tiles wide/high.

    But it will tile over any surface, of course it will.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    odium, no, look at the texture. it ends on a blue tile on the right and has a blue tile on the same row on the left. nothing to do with scale, it's just that if you wanted a checkerboard pattern it'd need the other colour on the opposite side.
    obviously since it's a division of 5 it'll be harder to use in a lot of games since they're powers of two for object sizes, i'd probably do a division of 8.
  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    EQ is right, it won't tile, correctly. Originally I didn't intend to make it a checker pattern, I added that after everything was baked. It was just something that did not occur to me at the time. :(

    And yes, karera, the grout is sunken.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    I´m now heading to the lowpoly.. ahhh .. i hate this part..

    as-good-as-finished, I´ll do the rest of the normalstuff on the flats

  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    MoP wrote: »
    odium, no, look at the texture. it ends on a blue tile on the right and has a blue tile on the same row on the left. nothing to do with scale, it's just that if you wanted a checkerboard pattern it'd need the other colour on the opposite side.
    obviously since it's a division of 5 it'll be harder to use in a lot of games since they're powers of two for object sizes, i'd probably do a division of 8.

    You know, I never even thought about that :p
  • Razorb
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    Razorb polycounter lvl 15
    rollin: sweet work ... buuuut what is it with these jedi/light saber wielding characters ppl are making lately ? is there a competition somewhere or something ? but yea allways liked ur style and it transferred nicely into this one also!
  • karera
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    karera polygon
    MoP wrote: »
    karera, it is sunken down on his model.
    although EQ makes a good point, that texture doesn't tile, heh!

    And hmm i just looked over it again. maybe you're right, sorry, i made a fool out of myself ;D but at first glance it looked like it was sunken down, and then up again. like just sunken down on the sides of the mass u put inbetween, how to explain.. hm. None the less, nice textures on it and such!

    And the tiling issue is probably not so much problem to fix
  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    karera, yea sometimes these things play tricks on the eyes, I should have taken a clearer render to show the grout action more clearly.

    Anyway, I went ahead and fixed the floor, made it 6x6 as opposed to the incorrect 5x5.

  • maltuna
    Eraserhead: The floor looks nice. Ah, you fixed it. Is it for an environment your making?
  • penrod
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    penrod polycounter lvl 14
    rollin - the high poly looks awesome...cant wait to see the texture. great work!
  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    maltuna wrote: »
    Eraserhead: The floor looks nice. Ah, you fixed it. Is it for an environment your making?

    Nah, it's just a stand-alone floor.

    @rollin: sexy model :)

    EDIT: noticed you edited your post maltuna.
  • System
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    commander_keen - looking forward to the results, great that the materials already work. This could actually end some maya vs max wars!
    EvilPixills - the factory looks nice but the chimney could be longer and the front entrance doesn't look right, I would delete it and put a bay door at the back of the building.
    rollin - nice model, his lightsaber looks a bit too phallic/organic though.
  • HAL
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    HAL polycounter lvl 13
    Woahhh rollin, eraserhead looking nice :D

    Here's a little something I'm working on...

    Space marine orbital drop pod highpoly wip

  • Harry
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    Harry polycounter lvl 13
  • HAL
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    HAL polycounter lvl 13
    Gives better results for the normal maps than xnormal at least from my view...
  • Slipstream
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    Slipstream polycounter lvl 19
    another quick sculpt for school.
  • Michael Knubben
    Slipstream: I quite like some of the shapes you've got going on, but without fail, your silhouettes are always much less interesting, and quite blobby as a whole.
    Take the scythe for instance. You can see some bold and angular strokes on the blade, whereas the blade itself is a bland and blobby.
  • GoSsS
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    GoSsS polycounter lvl 14
    Beginning of the armor in Low Poly. Diffuse needs to be finished and specular needs to be done.

    wow neat stuff Gosss looks great! Kinda looks like he has cataracts though :P

    I'll try to work on that !
    btw Goss, show the model with better lighting :P

    I'll probably set up the lighting when the chest armor will be finished.
    These gunshot impacts are too planed placed.. the distance between each of them is very similar and there is no spot where more than one hit is and they look like clones too

    I've added some impact and dispatch them between the two shoulder pads.
  • System
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    System admin
    Diffuse first boyo!
  • Michael Knubben
  • System
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    System admin
    What do you mean MightyPea? Without diffuse we are at a loss no?
  • EarthQuake
    Eraserhead wrote: »
    karera, yea sometimes these things play tricks on the eyes, I should have taken a clearer render to show the grout action more clearly.

    Anyway, I went ahead and fixed the floor, made it 6x6 as opposed to the incorrect 5x5.


    This just goes to show, whenever you're texturing a tileable texture, preview it tiled! =D
  • EarthQuake
    GCMP wrote: »
    What do you mean MightyPea? Without diffuse we are at a loss no?

    If you're suggesting you should finish your diffuse before moving on to the spec, no, this is in fact *terrible* advice. For most materials you want to work concurently on both your diffuse and spec, perhaps working up your main details in the diffuse first, and then going on to tweak both at once. Its pretty simple really, they need to work together to create a readable material, so you need to work as whole, not focus on singular parts and ignore the other half(or 3rd =P) of the equation. Usually i'll do maybe, half or so of the diffuse work, or even less, before i start working up the spec.
  • EarthQuake
    HAL wrote: »
    Woahhh rollin, eraserhead looking nice :D

    Here's a little something I'm working on...

    Space marine orbital drop pod highpoly wip


    As this is now, a lot of your detail will get lost when trying to bake a normals map from this, you shouldn't have super hard edges like this in your highpoly, and heres a little image to explain why:

  • okkun
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    okkun polycounter lvl 18
    Eraserhead wrote: »
    karera, yea sometimes these things play tricks on the eyes, I should have taken a clearer render to show the grout action more clearly.

    Anyway, I went ahead and fixed the floor, made it 6x6 as opposed to the incorrect 5x5.


    You're spec map is jacked. Why would the blue tiles be less shiny than the yellow tiles? Also ditch or change the spec color, spec using the same color as diffuse should really only be used for soda cans..

    I would also recommend boosting your normal, it's not really reading very well. A couple off blurred at different width overlays should do it( keep a selection of the grout so you can nuke that out of the overlays).
  • _Shimmer
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    _Shimmer polycounter lvl 18
    still missing some trademarks, but I want to have the base done first, then add asymetry and probably a pose in zbrush and sculpt accordingly later.

    I gonna make a slight redesign but it will stay pure for the most parts :)

  • JGunnDesign
    This looks awesome. It really reminds me of Aughra from the Dark Crystal. I don't know why though, I guess it's just me.
    kite wrote: »
    thatnumpty - that's a sweet mecha! that gun looks a bit boltery though, maybe something more attenuated would suit the design?

    been slacking off a bit on personal stuff, here is a quicky of wayne barlowe's decurion demon. it's not really a 100% likeness of the painting, I think i might make him a different rank entirely so i can play around with costume and distortion of the limbs

  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    A bit more of work for this character, almost finished with the modelling and mapping " phase" :D

    Here's a screen capture with some details and the uv. Almost all mapped with UV peeler! in some clicks. I did a tutorial for some friends with the peeler tool http://blog.whiteblaizer.com/?p=906 , but it's in spanish, if you are interested let me know it and i will make a version in english.
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