Definitely Pitt in Snatch, it's close enough to tell that (and the hat gives it away too, heh!).
Martin Henriksson is right though, the jaw is too broad, chin too square and head generally slightly too wide. He was definitely leaner in that movie...
Great stuff, guys! adamlewis - that's looking really sweet. I particularly like the gnarly toes.
Here's something a bit different for me. A vehicle of my own design. I painted over a 3d model a la Hawkprey. Was really good fun. Think I'm going to try some kind of ostrich/bike machine thing next.
Here's something a bit different for me. A vehicle of my own design. I painted over a 3d model a la Hawkprey. Was really good fun. Think I'm going to try some kind of ostrich/bike machine thing next.
Ta, Nick.
[/ QUOTE ]
thats great nick - i was wondering - how detailed was the '3d geo' that you painted over?
Tumerboy: It was supposed to be for the ID of the week challenge at, but I missed the deadline... Ah well, it was a great learning excercise.
Ruz: That's a really good start. Good treatment of the overall forms.
Geezus: That's a nice barrier. The surfaces look good and the rebar's a nice touch.
achmedthesnake: The model was pretty damn detailed. I would have liked to have done more painting, but my perspective drawing skills are sorely lacking. Plus, duplicating 20 rivets around a circle in Maya is much less laborious than painting them all in Photoshop. I used to be a bit snobbish about concepts that used 3d heavily, but when you can't argue with the results that people like El Coro and Hawkprey achieve.
Here's a little animated gif of the photoshop bit:
And the original thumbs:
Hopefully I'll have some stuff on the ostrich/bike(I think it's going to be a police pursuit vehicle) soon. If I can get a handle on my current addiction to The Wire...
Still very wip, from a cube. I'm definitely looking for feedback. i dont know how you guys do this, it's a lot harder than I thought :P
[/ QUOTE ]
you pushed quite a bit there, judging that you started from a cube !
1. The whole hair thing and the hair line going to the sideburns look kinda goofy, really takes away from the model.
2. The ears are too small.
3. The eyes & sockets generally sink deeper in a human face while the eyebrows and cheeks stick out a bit, yours are flat. (ye you can't hide it, even from that angle :P)
I'd suggest to practice on bold heads, and generally the more work you do, the more you'll want to refine your base, up to the point your base will resemble the shape of a head yet be simple enough to open for a lot of possibilites. (look at zb3 forums and you can see what sort of bases the top artists work with)
Slum, might be worth working on those base forms a couple of levels down.If you sculpt on the higher levels too soon its hard to get good clean strokes.
you could try masking the larger muscle forms also.
I stroke and then smooth out as required and occasionally inflate around masked forms.
Geezus, looking solid. I think you've bought and watched the Eat 3D Old Pillar DVD, right? I did the same the other day, and I'm working on something similar Giving environment work a try since I've never tried it before. I might like it better than character work.
This is something I've been working TONS on lately. I'm now working on the low-res mesh for it. The only thing I changed was the criss cross grip which I didn't like too much.
messing around with a bit of rendering in max which has always been my weakest point.
I am calling this finished for now only cause i can't think what else to do with it:)
time for some new female characters i think
Nice ruz. The face turned out great. I would recommend a better lighting setup, and something other than that evil white background. A nice medium gray gradient background works really well. Mix that with a cool 3point light setup and you'd be rocking. here's an awesome example by Bryan Cavett
Martin Henriksson is right though, the jaw is too broad, chin too square and head generally slightly too wide. He was definitely leaner in that movie...
Here's something a bit different for me. A vehicle of my own design. I painted over a 3d model a la Hawkprey. Was really good fun. Think I'm going to try some kind of ostrich/bike machine thing next.
Ta, Nick.
Kickass design!!! I really like the cockpit/elevator! Wouldnt it drive backwards if it was to start digging?
[/ QUOTE ]
Depends on what it's harvesting
What's it for?
started this yestaaarday. same base mesh as the male I posted last week
Here's something a bit different for me. A vehicle of my own design. I painted over a 3d model a la Hawkprey. Was really good fun. Think I'm going to try some kind of ostrich/bike machine thing next.
Ta, Nick.
[/ QUOTE ]
thats great nick - i was wondering - how detailed was the '3d geo' that you painted over?
Still a WIP, 1k tri low poly:
Tumerboy: It was supposed to be for the ID of the week challenge at, but I missed the deadline... Ah well, it was a great learning excercise.
Ruz: That's a really good start. Good treatment of the overall forms.
Geezus: That's a nice barrier. The surfaces look good and the rebar's a nice touch.
achmedthesnake: The model was pretty damn detailed. I would have liked to have done more painting, but my perspective drawing skills are sorely lacking. Plus, duplicating 20 rivets around a circle in Maya is much less laborious than painting them all in Photoshop. I used to be a bit snobbish about concepts that used 3d heavily, but when you can't argue with the results that people like El Coro and Hawkprey achieve.
Here's a little animated gif of the photoshop bit:
And the original thumbs:
Hopefully I'll have some stuff on the ostrich/bike(I think it's going to be a police pursuit vehicle) soon. If I can get a handle on my current addiction to The Wire...
Cheers, Nick.
Some sculpt practice tonight:
Nick Carver: That progression was pretty sweet, the model looks hot too
anyway, here's some assets from an upcoming short
There is some more things to refine, the foots i supose, some detail on shoulders armor and the magical stick of course;)
Hope you like it:)
and a face closeup:
Rens,j_bradford, Nick Carver - cheers, will try and finish it next week
Levus - looking nice
here's my first real attempt at sculpting ever. also, the first head i've done in 3d.
Still very wip, from a cube. I'm definitely looking for feedback. i dont know how you guys do this, it's a lot harder than I thought :P
edit:updated the image a bit.
Still very wip, from a cube. I'm definitely looking for feedback. i dont know how you guys do this, it's a lot harder than I thought :P
[/ QUOTE ]
you pushed quite a bit there, judging that you started from a cube !
1. The whole hair thing and the hair line going to the sideburns look kinda goofy, really takes away from the model.
2. The ears are too small.
3. The eyes & sockets generally sink deeper in a human face while the eyebrows and cheeks stick out a bit, yours are flat. (ye you can't hide it, even from that angle :P)
I'd suggest to practice on bold heads, and generally the more work you do, the more you'll want to refine your base, up to the point your base will resemble the shape of a head yet be simple enough to open for a lot of possibilites. (look at zb3 forums and you can see what sort of bases the top artists work with)
All very good points chai, thanks!
Made some minor changes, most notably the eye socket. Why the hell didn't I see that before?? :P
2 adamlewis
it's FANTASTIC!!!!
you could try masking the larger muscle forms also.
I stroke and then smooth out as required and occasionally inflate around masked forms.
Seriously though, cool design and functional-looking.
Joan of Arc continued:
Some sugestions, you have a lot of details here, realy need all of these?
For example:
What's the polycount of the sword?
lots of zbrush stuff of late. might be nice to have a dedicated zbrush/mudbox section ;0
messing around with a bit of rendering in max which has always been my weakest point.
I am calling this finished for now only cause i can't think what else to do with it:)
time for some new female characters i think
a gold star to the first person who can guess what this is going to be (WIP)