According to the GA forums
FredH wrote:
gavku --> Yes, it's 100% definite that there will be no teams allowed for this one. On the plus side, a little more time will be given to the duration of this event because of this.
[/ QUOTE ]
FredH wrote:
...theme is..... a secret It will be announced when the comp starts.
[/ QUOTE ]
So... more time, but not sure how much, and definitely no teams of any kind, someone wants to cobble the MoP/Tully team heh. It also looks like forum specific themes might be a thing of the past, replaced by one fairly strict theme, at least that is the rumor.
You forgot the time honored Polycount tradition of being the last person to take the moral high ground before the thread locks. How dare you!
i don't see how no teams make much difference for me anyhow (sucks for the actual collaborators like mop and tully, however). none of the dingbats i did concepts for the first year really stayed faithful to the designs i gave them anyhow; and i don't think a no-team rule could stop me from helping people with paintover crits (that they'll also ignore )
my goal is to complete more concepts than i did for the first Dom War. they better allow more than one entry per person for the concept category. i'ma be like starbucks franchises on this motherfucker, you won't be able to navigate a page without hitting one my concepts
he's only the sweetest dick i've ever encountered.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh the things i could do with this statement Cory..
Welcome to the green Steve!
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks Bobo! Sorry we haven't got a game of poker going yet. I've been sick with a nasty cold since the holidays and just getting over it finally.
without teams doesn't really reflect the way things are done in the real world... awsome concept / modeller / teturererers in one human being are sparse, and often soo busy being awesome they rarely have time to enter things like this.
I may even give the logo a little bit of love this year, never was entirely happy with it - drawn on a broken computer running 640x480 rez stretched out onto a widescreen monitor, hands covered in broken glass etc.
i always thought the rules of polycount were..
1. act like a 12 year old and post your favorite interweb fad of the month pics in every single thread, not just the "i am a dumb 12 year old" thread made just for such dumb things as..dancing babies, dancing jesus, dancing baby jesus chuck norris, l33tastic speaking, kittens speaking l33tastic lolerz, or anything else found on something awful that is indeed something awful, or any run of the mill middle schooler would find absolutely hilarious.
2. be a total noob, but critique pros as if they had never made a game model in their life. example "looks cool and all but i would make the toenail up where the head is not down there on the foot, you cant see it where its at now" or " looks like person, but not a super model or fantasy warrior, make it look more like a super model or fantasy warrior pleeze.... or you could make it look more like a space marine, those are cool too"
3.hate everything, even each other, especially each other.
4. Its all fine and good for 2 people to have a disagreement but its strongly advisable for everyone and their mom get involved, start crying like little girls and taking sides until its all vs one and eventually post pictures from rule 1 until the thread is closed.
5.cry like little girls whenever possible, and when the tears are all gone get some rest so you can make new tears and cry more tomorrow.
this dom war should be fun, since whatever team i am on seems to win no matter if i finish or not, i have not decided who i am going to bless with the winners crown this year.
good luck to all.
[/ QUOTE ]
On that note, I thought you were leaving and never posting here again? Whatever happened to that?
I'm pretty certain I'm going to enter this year. I think I'm at the point where I can finally make a presentable model. I just have to TAKE the criticism that's offered to me and not huddle up in the corner in the fetal position when someone's actually trying to HELP me with my work (not insulting it ... well ... :-P)
edit: to which you all reply? who the fuck is animeboyz? ... I need to change this account name ... I haven't been called animeboy in like ... 5 years .. I don't even like anime any more
Only found out about DW a couple of months back and love the quality of work, blew me away man. Will hopefully get something done for this, can't wait for the brief.
Last year I never got off the ground because I was starting my 1st game job...the job I got because of these boards. If my blood must be spilled, it will be for the Green and Black!
Since Cgchat isnt really alive anymore (It never really recovered after being hacked and off the air for a few weeks) I'll join the green side as well. Let the war begin!
What happened to cgchat to cause such an exodus?
I used to lurk periodically but stopped about a year ago.
[/ QUOTE ]Never really seem to make it back from that nasty hack that happened a few years ago.. shame coz I liked lurking there.. very much a laid back place like PC.[EDIT]beaten to it above. bleh
According to the DW3 web site the winner will be Chinese! How many potential entires!?!
This is going to be epic, there's so much talent around here these next few months should be very inspiring and helpful to everyone. I plan to enter the comp, and hopefully participate more as well (I am more of a reader than a poster). I have lots of questions bouncing around in my head but I guess we just have to wait till they drop the info. Lets just hope the themes are cool.
I'd like to enter on the PC team, as well. I don't know if I have the skill, though. Maybe it there's some mechanical stuff like a weapons, robots, vehicles category I'll have a chance. I'm not very familiar with the competition beyond the last year's winner Bigun (a thing of beauty).
I'm in and this will be my first attempt.
Any advice for noobs to the war? How long does it generally last?
[/ QUOTE ]
the war generally lasts about 6-8 weeks. Then judging takes up a few weeks more. As for advice--ask questions, post comments of the various forums, and just do your best!
I'd like to enter on the PC team, as well. I don't know if I have the skill, though. Maybe it there's some mechanical stuff like a weapons, robots, vehicles category I'll have a chance. I'm not very familiar with the competition beyond the last year's winner Bigun (a thing of beauty).
[/ QUOTE ]
doesn't matter how good you are now, it matters how much you improve over the course of the competition
In all seriousness guys, were really going to have to pull together if were going to have a shot at winning this year. It really hit me when there was only about 14 registered users on polycount last night, thats 14 in the entire world, and there is over a million registered users across the dom war 3 forums.
Pooling of resources and giving really good crits will be critical.
tru... and im being as nice as i can here, but the main problem our boards suffer is that only certain artists are critted... hell.. i got quite a few crits last year tbh.. and lots of crits this year for standard pieces... and my current 2d thread... makes me real proud and happy that ppl are payin attention....and more crits only gets the artist more interested in his own piece... like 'yea ppl are payin attention.. i gotta show em!'.... even if its just a positive comment... that can fuel a n00bish artist... hell, i hope that u guys will rip me quite a few new holes, cuz thats the tru way to being an artist....
i hope all you 'counters out there are willing to take and give beatings... i know i am... ill do my best to help the community, though my crits arent always the best... i still try...
lets do this... i cant wait... ill be all relieved from the exam stress, and ready to be all artsy... mwahahaa...
imma go crazy.... been practicing sculptin in secret.. mwaha... death to the enemies...
I got a good bit of crits in Dom War I, but many of them were rather vague. Dom War II real life happened and I couldn't finish, but I'm definitely gonna be pushing to compete in this one.
I may not be able to give much critique to the "pros", besides obvious stuff, but I'll do what I can on that end.
I'd loved to join the last time but unfortunatly work kept me busy. So I'm more eager than anything to participiate in htis one! Good look everyone here.
In all seriousness guys, were really going to have to pull together if were going to have a shot at winning this year. It really hit me when there was only about 14 registered users on polycount last night, thats 14 in the entire world, and there is over a million registered users across the dom war 3 forums.
Pooling of resources and giving really good crits will be critical.
[/ QUOTE ]
The problem with polycount is that most of the registered members are too close. It isnt a problem for the members themselves, but when youre new on these boards you feel like youre interrupting someones party you dont even know.
Members calling eachother with their reallife names, members only giving critique/props to other members they know(the 'what are you working on' thread is a good example). Having a bazillion 'happy birthday XXX' topics etc.
i dont think I understand dominance wars. I see that indivuals enter but under a site? Im no were close to talented/experienced enough to even think of entering but just a bit lost on the concept of the contest
It isnt a problem for the members themselves, but when youre new on these boards you feel like youre interrupting someones party you dont even know.
[/ QUOTE ]
So, what, the problem is that PC weeds out shy, socially inept people? This is the internet, it's anonymous, what are you afraid of? Don't act like you deserve respect you haven't earned yet (or, alternatively, do with a *lot* of confidence) and people will get to know who you are just fine.
i dont think I understand dominance wars. I see that indivuals enter but under a site? Im no were close to talented/experienced enough to even think of entering but just a bit lost on the concept of the contest
[/ QUOTE ]
Well it's war and your character is a soldier from polycount army. So if your piece kicks ass you bring home the bacon for your team...or something like that.
So, what, the problem is that PC weeds out shy, socially inept people? This is the internet, it's anonymous, what are you afraid of? Don't act like you deserve respect you haven't earned yet (or, alternatively, do with a *lot* of confidence) and people will get to know who you are just fine.
[/ QUOTE ]
When you're outside looking in, polycount is a pretty tightknit community and the fact that people tend to give harsh crits (WHICH IS GOOD) doesn't make it look as friendly as it is. So when you're posting your first piece of art here and it gets ripped into, some people might get scared away. Personally, I don't care much about them, but you don't need to grief this guy. Which is about all I see you do on PC anyways
i dont think I understand dominance wars. I see that indivuals enter but under a site? Im no were close to talented/experienced enough to even think of entering but just a bit lost on the concept of the contest
[/ QUOTE ]
Basically each person that joins the contest joins up under a specific forum - the idea is to create some friendly competition and build the communities. It doesn't matter your skill level - join up anyways if you're interested in improving your character skills and you'll definitely improve. If you post work and follow through a bunch of polycounters will provide some crit for you.
According to the GA forums
FredH wrote:
gavku --> Yes, it's 100% definite that there will be no teams allowed for this one. On the plus side, a little more time will be given to the duration of this event because of this.
[/ QUOTE ]
FredH wrote:
...theme is..... a secret It will be announced when the comp starts.
[/ QUOTE ]
So... more time, but not sure how much, and definitely no teams of any kind, someone wants to cobble the MoP/Tully team heh. It also looks like forum specific themes might be a thing of the past, replaced by one fairly strict theme, at least that is the rumor.
You forgot the time honored Polycount tradition of being the last person to take the moral high ground before the thread locks. How dare you!
my goal is to complete more concepts than i did for the first Dom War. they better allow more than one entry per person for the concept category. i'ma be like starbucks franchises on this motherfucker, you won't be able to navigate a page without hitting one my concepts
Count me in the War...
Been a while since I last visited this forum (2001).
Is Rouge13 still here?
Greetings to all fellow fighters!
he's only the sweetest dick i've ever encountered.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh the things i could do with this statement Cory..
Welcome to the green Steve!
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks Bobo! Sorry we haven't got a game of poker going yet. I've been sick with a nasty cold since the holidays and just getting over it finally.
I may even give the logo a little bit of love this year, never was entirely happy with it - drawn on a broken computer running 640x480 rez stretched out onto a widescreen monitor, hands covered in broken glass etc.
I haven't been blessed by teh gauss paintovers the past 2 wars
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm pretty sure frenchies arent allowed in the midwest.
i always thought the rules of polycount were..
1. act like a 12 year old and post your favorite interweb fad of the month pics in every single thread, not just the "i am a dumb 12 year old" thread made just for such dumb things as..dancing babies, dancing jesus, dancing baby jesus chuck norris, l33tastic speaking, kittens speaking l33tastic lolerz, or anything else found on something awful that is indeed something awful, or any run of the mill middle schooler would find absolutely hilarious.
2. be a total noob, but critique pros as if they had never made a game model in their life. example "looks cool and all but i would make the toenail up where the head is not down there on the foot, you cant see it where its at now" or " looks like person, but not a super model or fantasy warrior, make it look more like a super model or fantasy warrior pleeze.... or you could make it look more like a space marine, those are cool too"
3.hate everything, even each other, especially each other.
4. Its all fine and good for 2 people to have a disagreement but its strongly advisable for everyone and their mom get involved, start crying like little girls and taking sides until its all vs one and eventually post pictures from rule 1 until the thread is closed.
5.cry like little girls whenever possible, and when the tears are all gone get some rest so you can make new tears and cry more tomorrow.
this dom war should be fun, since whatever team i am on seems to win no matter if i finish or not, i have not decided who i am going to bless with the winners crown this year.
good luck to all.
[/ QUOTE ]
On that note, I thought you were leaving and never posting here again? Whatever happened to that?
happened that way each year so far, so why break tradition :P
edit: to which you all reply? who the fuck is animeboyz? ... I need to change this account name ... I haven't been called animeboy in like ... 5 years .. I don't even like anime any more
Lets do this shit!
What happened to cgchat to cause such an exodus?
I used to lurk periodically but stopped about a year ago.
[/ QUOTE ]Never really seem to make it back from that nasty hack that happened a few years ago.. shame coz I liked lurking there.. very much a laid back place like PC.[EDIT]beaten to it above. bleh
According to the DW3 web site the winner will be Chinese! How many potential entires!?!
That makes me happy.
Any advice for noobs to the war? How long does it generally last?
For those that haven't checked it out, CGSociety has just put up a lil article about DW here.
I'm in and this will be my first attempt.
Any advice for noobs to the war? How long does it generally last?
[/ QUOTE ]
the war generally lasts about 6-8 weeks. Then judging takes up a few weeks more. As for advice--ask questions, post comments of the various forums, and just do your best!
I'd like to enter on the PC team, as well. I don't know if I have the skill, though. Maybe it there's some mechanical stuff like a weapons, robots, vehicles category I'll have a chance. I'm not very familiar with the competition beyond the last year's winner Bigun (a thing of beauty).
[/ QUOTE ]
doesn't matter how good you are now, it matters how much you improve over the course of the competition
just figured that id put it up here instead make a pimp thread... right?
we need new avatars for the new war.. and im not the best, but hey, i try my best
Black and Green Rises!
Pooling of resources and giving really good crits will be critical.
i hope all you 'counters out there are willing to take and give beatings... i know i am... ill do my best to help the community, though my crits arent always the best... i still try...
lets do this... i cant wait... ill be all relieved from the exam stress, and ready to be all artsy... mwahahaa...
imma go crazy.... been practicing sculptin in secret.. mwaha... death to the enemies...
I may not be able to give much critique to the "pros", besides obvious stuff, but I'll do what I can on that end.
Lets disqualify arshlevon for letting people use his basemesh, and thereby breaking the rules by being in a team.
[/ QUOTE ]
not like i am going to finish anyway
In all seriousness guys, were really going to have to pull together if were going to have a shot at winning this year. It really hit me when there was only about 14 registered users on polycount last night, thats 14 in the entire world, and there is over a million registered users across the dom war 3 forums.
Pooling of resources and giving really good crits will be critical.
[/ QUOTE ]
The problem with polycount is that most of the registered members are too close. It isnt a problem for the members themselves, but when youre new on these boards you feel like youre interrupting someones party you dont even know.
Members calling eachother with their reallife names, members only giving critique/props to other members they know(the 'what are you working on' thread is a good example). Having a bazillion 'happy birthday XXX' topics etc.
It isnt a problem for the members themselves, but when youre new on these boards you feel like youre interrupting someones party you dont even know.
[/ QUOTE ]
So, what, the problem is that PC weeds out shy, socially inept people? This is the internet, it's anonymous, what are you afraid of? Don't act like you deserve respect you haven't earned yet (or, alternatively, do with a *lot* of confidence) and people will get to know who you are just fine.
i dont think I understand dominance wars. I see that indivuals enter but under a site? Im no were close to talented/experienced enough to even think of entering but just a bit lost on the concept of the contest
[/ QUOTE ]
Well it's war and your character is a soldier from polycount army. So if your piece kicks ass you bring home the bacon for your team...or something like that.
So, what, the problem is that PC weeds out shy, socially inept people? This is the internet, it's anonymous, what are you afraid of? Don't act like you deserve respect you haven't earned yet (or, alternatively, do with a *lot* of confidence) and people will get to know who you are just fine.
[/ QUOTE ]
When you're outside looking in, polycount is a pretty tightknit community and the fact that people tend to give harsh crits (WHICH IS GOOD) doesn't make it look as friendly as it is. So when you're posting your first piece of art here and it gets ripped into, some people might get scared away. Personally, I don't care much about them, but you don't need to grief this guy. Which is about all I see you do on PC anyways
i dont think I understand dominance wars. I see that indivuals enter but under a site? Im no were close to talented/experienced enough to even think of entering but just a bit lost on the concept of the contest
[/ QUOTE ]
Basically each person that joins the contest joins up under a specific forum - the idea is to create some friendly competition and build the communities. It doesn't matter your skill level - join up anyways if you're interested in improving your character skills and you'll definitely improve. If you post work and follow through a bunch of polycounters will provide some crit for you.
DEATH TO CGCHAT... oh wait they died