This video is so ridiculous I'm just warning you all right now you have to watch this. Graphic language. It's about Ugandan's views on homosexuality. Lots of reenacting.
Yay for fear mongering, He's actually trying to get a law passed in Uganda that " if enacted, broaden the criminalisation of homosexuality by introducing the death penalty for people who have previous convictions" it also makes it illegal not to report homosexuals.
I'm so torn. On the one hand he's an inhumane monster using scare tactics to pass legislation to execute and imprison GLBTs and GLBT activists like ZacD said.
On the other hand, he's clearly a fan of fecal-oral-felia. And well my user name and all...
I think this is suitably awesome. A mate of mine has just launched his latest webcomic, Kranburn. It features some great art, gratuitous violence and is very, very Aussie.
If you don't watch it all you won't understand!
wow. this is brillant.
Drummer is aweseome!
I won't pass the opportunity to watch it a second, awesome time, though
You lefties are so good at wild eyed hyperbole
How long I wonder till one of those shows up on CSI:NY with someone folded in half into one of those beds?
This video is so ridiculous I'm just warning you all right now you have to watch this. Graphic language. It's about Ugandan's views on homosexuality. Lots of reenacting.
On the other hand, he's clearly a fan of fecal-oral-felia. And well my user name and all...
He even says at some point "in the privacy of their own home" as if that is a problem too.
ah well...
Ice-Ice Cream...
a true classic.
louis ck is the best
i love him
I think this is suitably awesome. A mate of mine has just launched his latest webcomic, Kranburn. It features some great art, gratuitous violence and is very, very Aussie.
The first 30 or so pages are there for a start.
OMG that was fantastic! LOL
tell your friend to hurry up!
Thanks for the positive words chaps!
Now to bugger off again for a year or so...
Gotta love Robot Chicken...