Meh, I can't believe nobody posted this yet; Konami's conference was the best thing to come out of this E3...or the most awkward. Most of you had to see it (or hear about how crazy it was) but if you didn't, here are the best parts.
Meh, I can't believe nobody posted this yet; Konami's conference was the best thing to come out of this E3...or the most awkward. Most of you had to see it (or hear about how crazy it was) but if you didn't, here are the best parts.
You should check out the first video with transcribe audio on in youtube. It's really funny!
mmmmmmmmmmmm delicious BIG MAC-10
Shit! Nick cages looks like Nick from L4D2!
It gets better. Here he is on Springer. Its all Gold.
Pants were shat.
I knew Silent Hill developers could not be sane.
I can't believe he could talk about this game while keeping a straight face.
That synchonized crab-hop is algebraic!
On an unrelated note, this Derek Roddy drum performance is sick:
(there's already better versions of your links
and yeah, I might have to check out that Ninety Nine Nights game; just to see if there actually is ONE MIRRION TROOPS