Just in case someone hasn't seen this yet. Mortal Kombat short/extended trailer/teaser something/no one really knows. The has got to be the best videogame based movie ever, reminds me of what was done to Batman with Begins and Dark Knight.
i approve of this vid altho i have seen it a while ago.
heres abit of funness for any tool fan. i posted that vid on Adam Jones' facebook (tools guitarist) and he replied:
i ve never seen this b4 & i am completely floored...
thank you sam . . . *gush gush"
I've always been pretty interested in how they (artists, scientists etc) draw up the "design" of the dinosaur.
Hay gaiz, I have a skull here! (or a claw, penisbone, whatever) and then they have a whole dinosaur sketched up the very next day. Not saying that this is the case here but hasn't there been a shitload of talk about dinosaurs being colorful / having feathers lately?
There was a skeleton were they had placed the bone wrong and thought for a really long time that that's how the thing looked. Someone should go jurassic park this shit
I've always been pretty interested in how they (artists, scientists etc) draw up the "design" of the dinosaur.
Hay gaiz, I have a skull here! (or a claw, penisbone, whatever) and then they have a whole dinosaur sketched up the very next day. Not saying that this is the case here but hasn't there been a shitload of talk about dinosaurs being colorful / having feathers lately?
There was a skeleton were they had placed the bone wrong and thought for a really long time that that's how the thing looked. Someone should go jurassic park this shit
Eh just some thoughts.
actually when the first were discovering dinosaurs, they put the together "wrong" and made them look more like massive lizards and crocs, they were bending the knees and really messing them up.
Double fail for making it a TLA.
mo' cap erreyday.
Technology man..
Say Hello to obsoletion of google. Seems somewhat questionable though.
This Ad inparticular is mint!
So many kinds of wrong ...
this thing actually existed..
i approve of this vid altho i have seen it a while ago.
heres abit of funness for any tool fan. i posted that vid on Adam Jones' facebook (tools guitarist) and he replied:
i ve never seen this b4 & i am completely floored...
thank you sam . . . *gush gush"
Hay gaiz, I have a skull here! (or a claw, penisbone, whatever) and then they have a whole dinosaur sketched up the very next day. Not saying that this is the case here but hasn't there been a shitload of talk about dinosaurs being colorful / having feathers lately?
There was a skeleton were they had placed the bone wrong and thought for a really long time that that's how the thing looked. Someone should go jurassic park this shit
Eh just some thoughts.
Shiiiiiat, that's scary. I'd love to see one of you crazy gun modelers take a shot at something like this though:
actually when the first were discovering dinosaurs, they put the together "wrong" and made them look more like massive lizards and crocs, they were bending the knees and really messing them up.
It's true what they say, "It's not easy being green."