If a key can open any broken lock it does not make it a master key. Trust me when I say anyone who could be clasified as a master key has only been opening the broken locks.
theres always forced entry LOL. jk...not really, but yea.
it's funny how my gf and i both joked about how the Na'vi probably had hair sex when we were talking about the movie recently. lol that video is a hilarious depiction of it for sure.
it's 'awesome' in it's own way. at least that's my opinion
it's got some very inspiring posts on there, and in more ways than one, it's already made me rethink the way i do / perceive certain things.
because of its depressive nature, i left a warning
you click and read as your own decision
sorry if the warning wasn't clear.
also sorry if im misreading a heavy amount of sarcasm in your reply, breakneck
Now THAT was brilliant.
glynn, that was fantastic!
theres always forced entry LOL. jk...not really, but yea.
Travel Sick.
ok, death metal rooster was hardcore... that dog is just scary o_O
note to self do not buy flesh colored bicycle seats
edit - Ha! on second thoughts, a flesh colored seat - could be taken otherwise though....
warning: some of these are downright depressing
hope its not been posted before, sorry if it has
No kidding, I couldnt even finish the first page...
what an awesome website! thanks for sharing.
it's got some very inspiring posts on there, and in more ways than one, it's already made me rethink the way i do / perceive certain things.
because of its depressive nature, i left a warning
you click and read as your own decision
sorry if the warning wasn't clear.
also sorry if im misreading a heavy amount of sarcasm in your reply, breakneck
or am i missing something
I didn't feel anything when I read those, looks like I'm heartless.
First bit:
Second bit:
The second one's better but i couldn't bring myself to link right to it, considering it's all still to be continued.
"have you fallen alseep on the couch, wishing you were in your own bed?"
Yes, so I get up AND GO TO FUCKING BED! FFS. If your dumbass stood up to get the fucking DREAMIE, you could have walked your ass to the BEDROOM.
oh my god I want one of these so badly now.