That music video is awesome, though I can't help but think that if somebody were to do a version of it for any other language the reactionary people of the world would be quick to jump to claims of "that's racist".
So, this documentary makes me wish there were spoiler tags on this forum so I could post all 11 parts without exploding the vertical scroll. It's a really interesting look at a guy who figured out the systems in play behind Press Your Luck, but more interestingly how people react to and vilify those who out-smart them.
Ha! I actually was working on modeling that not too long ago during a lunch break. I loved that movie as a kid. Saw it a few weeks ago and all the nostalgia came rushing back. It actually holds up pretty well.
I'd rather peel off my skin and bathe my weeping raw flesh in a bath of vinegar than spend any time with you. But that's just my opinion. Don't take it personally.
It's CHICKEN and you LIKE IT. Lentil-loving, bean burger-shitting wanker.
Do you like what you see? No? Well, bloody look harder. Strain your eyes!
We still fire this up at the office on lunchtimes. Though this video puts me to shame - been fed too many modern titles to ever be that good at twitch gaming again.
i remember how a few video game journalists got blasted by giving quake 3 a higher review score than UT.. the argument being that UT had a lot more gameplay types, etc, and more depth because of it. 10 years later, people are still playing quake 3.
i remember how a few video game journalists got blasted by giving quake 3 a higher review score than UT.. the argument being that UT had a lot more gameplay types, etc, and more depth because of it. 10 years later, people are still playing quake 3.
I still play UT1 :P And not because there's a browser based version now
Draughtsmanship smarshsmanship.
Make sure both are playing, and that you use headphones (not speakers if your at work, unless you want contagious LOLz)
thanks, you just changed my life.
So, this documentary makes me wish there were spoiler tags on this forum so I could post all 11 parts without exploding the vertical scroll. It's a really interesting look at a guy who figured out the systems in play behind Press Your Luck, but more interestingly how people react to and vilify those who out-smart them.
Ha! I actually was working on modeling that not too long ago during a lunch break. I loved that movie as a kid. Saw it a few weeks ago and all the nostalgia came rushing back. It actually holds up pretty well.
Flight of the navigator
"I mean if theyre not listening to Typhoons they must be pretty damned dedicated to their craft."
now joe
intresting joe
Pretty much awesome.
I think it could use its own thread, I just would like feedback with a controller device.
We still fire this up at the office on lunchtimes. Though this video puts me to shame - been fed too many modern titles to ever be that good at twitch gaming again.
Watch at 1.30
theres another avatar for you
I still play UT1 :P And not because there's a browser based version now
Imagine the fun you could have with those three!
Don't know if this is some known phenomena, but I just saw it...