That's pretty damn cool Polygoblin. Too bad it appears to have some bugs, which caused me to lose my composition (I didn't record 10 bars, which I didn't know was a requirement, and it lost my settings). I've tried all the sounds, and still can't get 2 to unlock
I watched this a few days ago, and lost it at the part where the guys gets set on fire and they both start rolling on the floor. It was so touching, not even the Titanic made me feel so fuzzy.
LOL! A comma or two wouldn't go amiss. How the fuck to these journalists and copywriters stay employed?
That's fucking brilliant :poly142:
You don't really get the full impact unless you run the site through Google Translate and get the accompanying bad teenage poetry with each image.
dude that is gold! my face is hurting!
Those edge loops are crap.
I remember hearing this on the radio one morning, was pretty funny.
I love love love love loving it! looking forward for it
Funny and sad at the same time . Very good watch though.
I never encountered any pussy in my journey ;P
Jokes aside, now that is a testament if being a nerd, I mean not many people will get where it's from, nor why it fits the cat so appropriately.
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