Two of my ex-coworkers are making some cool looking game
"Everything you see in the trailer is straight from the in-game engine, no up-ressed textures, geometry or effects. What you see is what you will get."
there are the interesting videos but can you tell me that which software i will use for making this type of the videos.i want to make this type of videos.
Wow, somehow the "don't be afraid" made me realy nervous, but I guess the music helped a lot with that too. Looks like a great concept for a small indie title.
video is not for everyone, its an outcome of the riots/striking in Montreal - a cab driver's car is being attacked so in an attempt to flee for safety he runs over one of the attackers, have a look if you like, not here to cause a debate over his innocence or not :P
video is not for everyone, its an outcome of the riots/striking in Montreal - a cab driver's car is being attacked so in an attempt to flee for safety he runs over one of the attackers, have a look if you like, not here to cause a debate over his innocence or not :P
if it helps, from what i hear the guy is perfectly fine now
but what i find odd is how the camera man never looks away from the action, you would think if your buddy got run over you would run to help him out and no longer pay attention to where your camera is aimed
...then again maybe he didn't know the guy, but it still bugs me that he just walks right up to the guy constantly filming it without care
Random twitter posts arranged into iambic pentameter. Because they can.
Superman fetish!
"Everything you see in the trailer is straight from the in-game engine, no up-ressed textures, geometry or effects. What you see is what you will get."
Zombie Ass Another NSFW: [ame="
lol, ew, OMG, and WTF all in one.
Edit: in reference to zombie ass.
I wish Carpenters actual films were that good...
Proof positive that you can get the uncanny valley from a real life person.
It's like it was meant to be!
It really is. The Guillermo del Toro is fantastic, for all the rage in it.
Polar Bear Caf
Thank you! Now, I can finally fullfill my dream of watching Working Lama's get it on with Rich Penguins.
EDIT: Go right
I'm pretty sure I played a tech demo of it years ago, but it doesn't look like they've got it available any more.
This is awesome.
Wow, somehow the "don't be afraid" made me realy nervous, but I guess the music helped a lot with that too. Looks like a great concept for a small indie title.
he deserve it, 100%
Dude, I know it's on me, but I highly regret watching that...
Who would upload such a video to the internet...
Now I don't feel terrible.
but what i find odd is how the camera man never looks away from the action, you would think if your buddy got run over you would run to help him out and no longer pay attention to where your camera is aimed
...then again maybe he didn't know the guy, but it still bugs me that he just walks right up to the guy constantly filming it without care