This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
- Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
- Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce;
Crocotile3D &
BlockbenchHere's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software:
Low-Poly Art Style Guide
I wonder how well that concept works - rigg with swappable parts. Show me a demo.
Ajax: don't you want the little deformation triangle on the inside of the elbow instead? It will make a deformation zone, the outside of the elbow will go pointy when bent but that's pretty natural for elbows after all.
This is coming from someone pretty new at rigging though
quick cake i made for my friends birthday. 238 tri's.
yeah i realised but was like, meh i don't care about my friend enough to bother reopening photoshop. after all i did say he was worse than hitler.
My iphone app konjos world
my youtube page
i will post videos of gameplay on my youtube page tomorrow...
HEy d2king10--- what game engine are you using for your project?
This is a hk mp5 navy i did for fun.
It's grammar!
I was wondering if anyone could give some advice, I have to create low poly modules for a project, I'm pretty new to 3D - I am currently using Maya.
I'm having some topology issues...
I have an object combined into another object but I know this is not correct - how do I go about fixing this? My pipe/bolt that has been merged in with the bar of the vehicle is still sticking inside - I don't know what to do! Sorry if this is really noobish - here;s a screen cap to give a better idea of what I am doing wrong:
I had this with my char. but I posted that in a separate thread
Here's my char - bit silly as the topology has gone to hell and the texture is weird, when I mirror'd the other half over I had to join all the vertices by hand and now there's weird lines...
And to fix the line in the model, select the edge and go to normals > soften edge
I know right? But it's strict requirements
To put 2 elements together, sometimes it is easier to delete the face that the cylinder intersects, and reconnect it by bridging polys between the edges. Or you can leave it floating.
i spent a long time studying/trialing how all of you do your folds and joining of shapes... and this is my contribution to the thread! it took me atleast 6 hours over 2 days! but i stuck at it. i'm trying to keep him under 500 tri's?
i'm looking for crit. and pointers please
thanks for your time!
it's a good start gogojuddo, go ahead
my ultra low poly pixel art tribute to a musical genius.
538tri with weapons!
Still in the process of texturing... makes me miss my tablet...
CactusFantastico; your model reminds me of the blockheads! are you going to rig him? as for the hands on my character, they are probably abit thin. im going to beef them up abit. thanks.
Jarvgrimr; great shaped viking and initial texturing layout.
i dont have alot of detail on the head of my character but he's supposed tobe a mafio goon... sorry if it seems like im spamming with pictures, im just happy to have my first complete character!
i guess i haveto setup the uv map for him now... been fiddling with it but not having much luck. zbrush's uvmaster messes up the foot area so i may have todo the whole uv map manually... was hoping i could cheat a little :poly124:
thanks for your time.
now im getting carried away... back to learning uv mapping!
I made it mostly for a girl I like who also loves radiohead. She thinks it's cute yaay
Generally just have 2 rings and you'll be safe, the only thing is you can merge them on the sides of the knee, as long as the back and front has 2 edges and a deformable poly between them. I hope I am making sense! But that's why I said triangles
For the back you could do a triangle, a quad and a triangle in a row.
I concur w/ kirs and other comments made- you'll need atleast a lopp or two to help with correct deformation, i''ll post an example:
nice mobster
haha yeah proberlly but im just not sure how to do it hmmm
Not a square² but you get the point.
107x106 pixels, no data lost. Though tbh, the collar would now be 2 pixels in the center instead of 1.
Feel like I'm trolling this thread without posting stuff... here's something I was making last summer, don't think I ever posted it anywhere besides maybe #md. Should finish.
Stay a while and listen!
I sense a soul in search of answers!
also epic little scene there.
Bleibt ein Weilchen und hört zu.
Good old Decard stuck in my brain forever.
Ill be mumbling that in some retirement home one day whilst being looked after
by robots.
I hear mysterious oboe melodies