This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
- Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
- Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce;
Crocotile3D &
BlockbenchHere's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software:
Low-Poly Art Style Guide
Loving those gifs guys!
I'll take your raise and see you for a blinking plant!
haha i love this, it really reminds me of Medievil:
that's by the guys at, love their style! It's looking good I'd say, though I'd take another look at the upper arm I'm sure you could shave some triangles there, and to be honest the pelvis looks a little strange. otherwise looking good! can't wait for the texture
It's the fella from Journey!
I need to reduce the polys on some other stuff before posting :]
@mifflefish Yeah Creaturebox! Their stuff is amazing. I think the upper arm is more detailed than it needs to be. I could probably add some of the intricate machinery of it on an alpha plane. But really wanted to keep the whole thing 3D. So close to below 1000 tris so will simplify something.
i think you should add eyes and light bulb on the head as extra geo.. as you can see in the concept these are clearly visible in the shiluette.. otherwise it would look very strange from certain angles
i like your model and think it is quite optimized yet.
It just seems a littlebit strange to me that you put that much detail into the arms (especially that pneumatic stuff) but left out modeling the "eyes" and that emergency light thingy...
Yeah I probably should have made it clear that I'm not following the concept exactly. I plan to use the main body section as a kind of blank canvas and come up with a variety of my own texture designs (and my 2D colleague next to me is going to have a go). So I wanted lots of detail in the arms and leave the rest for the texturing to interpret.
Wow now that is really nice! But the angle of the ends (or perhaps the middle section) look off by a little
Thats cool! been playing with maxscript myself a little recently. Can I ask what sort of uses this script you have made are? also fancy sharing ?
I am working on a mole character , but the fur doesn't look very good ,could anyone give me any hints or tips how to improve it ? Thanks
Fomori: That model looks sick!
1 px brush and a custom brush (basically mutiple 2px points to make more strands faster), use desaturated blues/purples for base layer, then move up to mid tone brown and orange/yellow for the final layer. Tweak colours if needed with colour balance and then add a smart sharpen filter to finish off.
Tiled it over the UV map so you can see how it looks, but i wouldn't suggest tiling, just paint the whole creature ;p
This is to make flywires on planes. Sharing wouldnt be a great idea, it's very narrow in its uses atm... But once i get it integrated to the GUI with other tools it'll be ready to release with the game
Some good advise from giles to add more contrast.
I would also significantly darken down the areas under his arm, under his head (at the front) and where his tail starts to give a greater sense of volume.
Study This Image.
But basically looks like It's a layered approach, create one layer of fur, add new layer over previous layer leaving some "show through".
I had something a video or something I think about how bobo made this fur, but give It a shot, if I find It in my HD I will send you a PM link.
Here my first lowpoly model ever
C&C welcome!
This looks really cool! I think adding a glow on the lamps via a camera-facing plane would really sell the lighting. Also, it doesn't look like the lower lamps are illuminating the ground below them? In general the lighting from them could look warmer, looks more like electric light than fire light right now.
How did you work out texturing your terrains? Are the stone/dirt paths separate polygons?
@Endzeit: A book is basically a rectangle so 92 triangles is pretty high! As for the design of the book, some text on the cover and spine would really sell it. You could also accentuate certain areas of the pages, make some of the pages stand out more.
First low poly, 12 tris (haha) 32x64 texture w/ alpha.
The boots seem to be lacking in seams/detail compared to the rest.
im gonna fix the lighting im just having trouble in unity with point lights colliding and canceling each other out, im hoping to fix it by baking lightmaps in layers
@Endzeit The textures are probably too big for such a small model - and perhaps you have mipmaps on, it looks a little blurry. You should consider modelling the metal bits too. Oh, and post the wires
@edoran89 The one thing that annoys me is that the ground in the middle is so flat. Every time I look at it I think "Such a pretty picture, but what is with the ground, it looks unnatural, especially with the stones from the path!". Use a little more polys working on the terrain please
You could do with a much smaller texture for this ammount of detail:
The covers are identical, so just texture one and unwrap both faces to the same area. Also, any flat colored areas can just be packet to a small area of that color and be done with it. For example, there are some flat orange faces I presume are trims from the cover insides, you could just scale them down to the orange on the cover. On the example I made there's a gradient on the left, you could map polys there to fake shadows or something.
For the pages since it looks the same throughout it all - except for where it connects to the binding - you could have just a thin small area with the page pattern and scale down the poly to fit it, with this particular pattern it would look exactly the same.
Depending on the effects you wish to achieve you need to unwrap smart so you can save a lot of texture space.
minor edits on the face using gilesruscoe's tips. Still wip
gilesruscoe , thanks a lot for the sweeet paint over , it defently helps a lot ! I see what you did there and I am going to try to to the same.
Fomori , yess that's one of the thing I was looking for to give more volume to the model. Thanks a bunch.
$!nz , Thanks for the refence image this is kind of fure I was going for ! I also found that video you are talking about on Bobo's home page. That one is just the key.
Gorman , ahhh yes I saw that topic before very useful. But I was hoping to hand paint the fur. Thanks for the link , I will use for my HP work.
I am defenlty going back no the rat/mole creature ,it could use a lot of work , thanks again people.
In meanwhile I made this bird ,with two texture vartions.
Polycount is 98 texture size is 128.
Time to unwrap.
hi people )
i liked this post very much,
i need some low poly models for 3d iphone game, ( like zombies )
can anybody help me with it ? :thumbup:
@vvheris Awesome model, but his neck muscles seem like they shouldn't be that noticeable as it gets to his head, and his nose is a bit wide. That's just my thoughts but again, Awesome model
@jimmy94 Man Those are awesome. I cant wait to see them textured, and someday even the game they could be in. Is it possible we could see a turn of them from below? I can see that the nose of the second ship is not just a block, but in fact hollow of some sort.