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  • Mark Dygert
    Humm maybe I should have started a thread instead.

    - okkun, good idea, added.
    - adam crockett, great feedback. At first I thought you where smoking crack but decided to put those suggestions in and it worked out pretty good, so I expanded on them a bit.
    - MoP, shh... you. My characters feet never skate... Damn planted keys heh, fixed. Good eye, thanks.

    - Literally stuck the fist in the ground, and added a few keys of the mech trying to free it. I used the freed momentum to step the mech back and get it back into the root position.
    - Added a pause to the pull back, as well as a forward step.
    - smoothed out the torso twisting and set the torso to lead the arm, slightly.
    - Offset the keys for the fingers opening. I left the fist closing before the pull back because it shows premeditation and when I closed the fist during the pull back the fingers where hidden behind the body.

    Still a little drunk from a Halloween party, so I'm sure there is something I'll need to fix... in the morning.
  • jaalto
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    jaalto polycounter lvl 13
    Diffa: Hahaha, great one. Adolf also has nice net pantyhoses x)

    Vig: I love the latest version smile.gif. I cant really see anything to fix.
  • SyaPed
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    SyaPed polycounter lvl 18
    Latest one looks much better Vig. I think you could get some more weight into it by having the foot lead the torso, torso lead the shoulder and the shoulder lead the fist. Kinda like a whip. Right now the fist, foot and body almost strike at the same time, which looks a bit off to me.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    Enix : Make him smile ! i never saw a pichu that wasnt smiling ! MEANIE !
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    cool start Xeno. Could be fun for a UT3 DM map.
  • jibowski
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    jibowski polycounter lvl 11
    i'll try to make a normal mapped version of this one.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    hehe vig i was actually referring to diffa's animation but i did notice the foot sliding on your initial one too smile.gif
    the new anim is very cool!
  • Renaud Galand
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    Renaud Galand polycounter lvl 19
    Cool 3D translation jibowski ! I really like this little guy. You should post the initial concept (which is Uber cool tongue.gif )you made for it.
  • jibowski
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    jibowski polycounter lvl 11
    hey thaks renaud!
    here is the old painting i used as ref:

    and here is a little turntable (rendered in modo)
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    hey vig, that's looking great!

    the only thing that I can pick out is that his left foot stays in the same exactly position through it all, and it looks a bit odd. perhaps he could shift/rotate it a bit as his weight is shifted around, or take a little balancing step with it at the end? the rest of him is so animated, it sort of looks like you forgot to touch it. no sliding, though! crazy.gif
  • Mark Dygert
    SyaPed, good idea, I see what you mean. That shouldn't be too hard to work in. Although there are only 2 frames between the top of the pull back pose and the fist hitting the ground so it could get tricky, I might have to get creative...

    Sectaurs, No SLIDING!crazy.gif heh. Quite a few positional keys are based off that foot being locked down so I'm a little worried about moving it around. I have some room to work with and you bring up a good point so I'll try to work something in. I'm also not entirely happy with the recoil step forward and I think that might be because of the foot that never moves.

    MoP, Opps... What do you mean the universe doesn't revolve around me, I'm shocked =P

    jibowski, that looks awesome, I really like the style and the concept is top notch! Nice work so far!

    Didn't feel like cluttering up the thread with another post. I'm calling the animation done, its time to get cracking on the mini-environment while I still have some free.
  • spitty
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    spitty polycounter lvl 18
    great model jibowski! i love all your 2d art on your website, so i'm really looking forward to seeing you texture this guy.
  • Super
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    Super polycounter lvl 18
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    This is some Wip's from my first level project on psq. We are supposed to create a character with some sort of prop/weapon, a enemy and a level,

  • adam crockett
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    adam crockett polycounter lvl 19
    Nice work, vig! Looks soooo much better now. There are other things I could suggest, but you sound ready to move on.
  • Mark Dygert
    I would love to hear them, I'm not bored with the animation its just that we're starting to go into crunch mode at work and I see my free time shriveling up. I kind of want to bust out a small environment for the mech as well as knock out a few meshes to toss out of the particle emitters. If the changes are easy, like most of the suggestions have been I'll put them in =)
  • demoncage
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    demoncage polycounter lvl 18
    jibowski, loving this little guy. really like the concept too, great style in your work. only real crits on the model would be that it would be cool to see a bit of an arc on the teeth rows, more like your concept, and som irregularity in the teeth angles and size. i like the thicker hands in your concept too. cool work.
  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    Awesome gorrilla! Model is looking good so far. That facial expression cracked me up.
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 14
    Helmet and gloves left...
  • Pedro Amorim
    thats very cool sama.van smile.gif
    i tottaly like your work smile.gif
    very cool smile.gif
  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    The work here continues to be outstanding...RobG, I lokve your design style...Spitty and Obson, your TF2-like stuff is awesome...Thanks to everyone for sharing...guess I should get something up.
  • jgarland

    I could really use some crits on this. I'm having trouble getting the head to look realistic, so some help is appreciated. smile.gif
  • Enix
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    Enix polycounter lvl 18
    Well I got that pichu ingame faster than expected, but with no animations yet. The scale is a bit off laugh.gif.


    It was easier than I expected.
  • MAUL0r
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    MAUL0r polycounter lvl 18
    I must see a pichu-headed zombie!
  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    bellybutton is way too low.
  • Loren Broach
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    Loren Broach polycounter lvl 10
    Enix, that is such a neat project you got going there. You definitely need to get a youtube video of that guy in action when your done!

    I was wondering though, why is he so shiny?
  • jgarland
    [ QUOTE ]
    bellybutton is way too low.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Geez, thanks. How did I miss that? confused.gif I'll move it up to between the abs just above it.

    Enix: That's quite possibly one of the best replacements I've ever seen. laugh.gif The specular definitely needs tweaking, but I know you're still working on it, so I won't harp. Good work. smile.gif
  • Enix
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    Enix polycounter lvl 18
    @Maulor: I've gotta do that man, brain sucking pichu XD.

    @Keen & jgarland: Thanks laugh.gif. I have no idea, I guess that's just the shader it gave me by default, I will try and change it to a softer shader later. After I'm done I'm going to upload the model pack to HL2-files or something, and since I finally tried fraps out I will capture some video of some pichu killing in action.

    I also have an idea for a bullet hole decal just for him.


    I think I scaled him down enough, and even though you really can't tell from lack of animation...they are attacking :P

  • Laheen
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    Laheen polycounter lvl 18
    Sweeeet piccchhhuuuu!
  • Loren Broach
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    Loren Broach polycounter lvl 10
    Hopefully you can change the sounds they make too haha. laugh.gif
  • adam crockett
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    adam crockett polycounter lvl 19

    Allright, but remember, you asked for it.

    <ul type="square">
    Pose at the top of his "wind up" could be better. Pay attention to the silhouette, try to make it more dyanmic: fist up, cannon arm out for counterbalance.

    Break up timing of hand and foot on the wind up, make them hit their "beats" on different frames.

    Torso could settle into the punch more, instead of doing a little jerk (between frames 17-22) and then coming to a stop, let his weight follow through and settle down lower. (kind of a "moving hold")

    fist raises straight up off the ground. Instead, "peel" it off the ground with a bit of rotation as it lifts

    frames 78-82, body lurches to left then stops quickly

    When he "shakes his hand out" the wrist is really stiff. Give it some bend as he jerks his arm around trying to open up. I think of how you might shake your hand out if it fell asleep or you whacked it on a table corner.

    first hand shake is the same intensity as the second. It would be cool if he shook it harder the second time.

    inbetween the handshakes a double take would be funny. Right now he just cocks his head over. What if he put his whole body into it, like, "hey,... wha...?" lean him to the right while holding his hand up on the left so he can look at it better. (not totally necessary, I just think it would be cute)

    Overall, I think the cannon arm is pretty stiff. Thats a heavy looking piece of machinery, it should act as a counterbalance for most of the other moves, and react to his main body motion, bobing and weaving and lagging behind when neccessary.

    The dangly bit of armor between his legs is pretty static. that could use some more motion. Flops and bounces, and settling into place when he's standing still.

    when hes down on the ground, the knee behind the fist makes some motion all by itself that doesn't make sense to me.

    When he jerks his fist up out of the ground, I'd leave his foot on the ground a couple frames longer.Hard to tell when exactly it takes off with the fist in the way, but I think it would look cooler if it was still there for a frame or two after the fist goes by.
    Nice animation Vig. I wouldn't bother commenting if I didn't think it was almost there. I love watching them evolve and improve.

    Its hard to crit animations without being there in person, gesticulating wildly, and illustraing my points with verbal sound effects. ; )

  • Flynny
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    Flynny polycounter lvl 9
    "The dangly bit of armor between his legs is pretty static. that could use some more motion. Flops and bounces, and settling into place when he's standing still. " Damn you Adam you beat me to the 1 thing that was annoying me most laugh.gif

    Enix, good job on the replacement, I cant believe how hard and confused I am at getting stuff into source I can get everything in + animations, but the textures never work lol, damn vmts bugger up ^^
  • Mark Dygert
    awesome crits thanks a bunch! I really like the idea about the double take on the stuck hand and getting the body more involved. The dangly armor bit is linked to the pelvis so it gets very little motion. I thought about adding a bone in the beginning but I wasn't sure how the DoW engines would handle it and I wanted to keep the rig geared toward easy import. I'm starting to think I won't import it and might just add the bone and make it a custom rig, for my portfolio only. My AD suggested that I play up the recoil when he pulls his fist out which lead me to do this yesterday (before reading your crits). I almost think the recoil now is too exaggerated.
    I have a few other crits from other forums I want to add in, plus what you suggested. The main one that everyone seems to be hitting on is the pose at the top of the pull back. People want to see less of haymaker punch and more of a fist over head ground pound like an ape. I went with the haymaker because of the armor on top of the shoulder doesn't let me raise the fist in that way with out clipping into it, but I might be able to disguise it. I'll have to play with it.

    Thanks for all the help guys, it's gone from a simple rig test to something I'm going to add to my portfolio.

  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    DoW allows for extra bones. Our characters have biped + bones all over the place.

    hope you do end up importing it
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    Vig thats cool. nice to see some anims for a change.

    jibowski - thats scarily nice - stylish concept

    Enix - lookng good, is that roboblitz unreal editor?

    jgarland - i like the look. Head from the side is odd. The brow of the nose/nose area should be set further back.

    ear needs more detail. Overall looking nice though
  • Enix
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    Enix polycounter lvl 18
    laheen: <3<3<3

    Flynny: Yea, it's a bit more cofusing this time around, I'm just glad that we don't have to deal with indexed 256 images and 512x512 texture limits from HL1 anymore. I would recommend reading the source dev wiki: http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SDK_Docs. That's were I learned it from.

    @Ruz: I have no idea what that is XD.

    This has been a very interesting project so far. I have had to learn how to use the max bone system, rigging, and animation along the way XD. I'm still not done but I did manage to get a basic idle animation done and compiled. I recorded this from HL2 model viewer:

  • Mark Dygert
    I Worked on the texture, its not final but its getting there I need to work out the spec map and a decent bump. I fine tooned the animation. I say tooned because I added some "humor" to the hand stuck animation. I might not keep the humor. I also started the environment, which is just blocked out as is the lighting.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    nice work vig. it's come a long way! It would be especially neat if he fell backward on his ass when he pulled his hand out :P
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 16
    would also be cool for him to actually smash something, or make a crack in the ice on which he's standing, and then break through it laugh.gif
    great stuff!
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah I think the part where he finally pulls it out and staggers backwards is too slow - if he staggered back more rapidly it'd give a better feeling of being caught off guard. At the moment that section looks like it's in slow-motion compared to the rest of the anim.
    Turning out well though!
  • thefatladysings
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    thefatladysings polycounter lvl 17

    some more work on this one, still lots of detailing to do before I can start building the lowpoly frown.gif
    btw MoP, can you tell me how the moving treads in QW are handled? from looking at the vehicles ingame I think it's some sort of moving texture, is that correct?
  • Lord McMutton
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    Lord McMutton polycounter lvl 17
    I decided to model a unique version of Nightmare. Going with a sort of samurai-esque type of design. I still need to bulk him up.
  • NeoShroomish
    Awesome Enix, looking forward to using it laugh.gif
  • demoncage
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    demoncage polycounter lvl 18
    vig, this is looking pretty kickass. especially the model and texture. animation is looking really nice and can tell you've put a ton of work into it, but still not sitting right with me. do you have an avi file or .mov? would be easier to dissect. off the bat, i kind of prefered your logic with the haymaker and it seems you could still get a more powerful vertical arc with that if you played with the tilt of the torso a bit. also, i think the best part of the animation is him pulling his hand out of the ground and the ensuing off-balance momentum when he steps back. what bugs me is right after that when he steps back into position, seems like that imbalance ends too quickly and he loses that sense of weight. just my 2. looking sweet all around.
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    Wow vig! Texture and render make it look much better!
  • Enix
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    Enix polycounter lvl 18
    @Vig: The updated texture looks so much better.

    I messed around with pichu some more tonight and figured out how to use spec maps in HL2, and set up his ragdoll limits. I also sized him down some more because I read on some pichu info wiki that he is exactly 1 foot tall, and he was about half the size of the zombie before. Here is what he looks like ingame now:

  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Enix, that is the greatest thing ever. Considering replacing anything else with pokemon skins?
  • Enix
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    Enix polycounter lvl 18
    I have so many ideas now that I know how to get shit into hl2 I don't know where to begin. I definitely want to do a few more replacements, but I'm not sure that they will be pokemon :P. I was planning on making another pokemon to be those bug things that you control later on in the game and the bug bait could be a pokeball or a ricecake or something. Just seeing a pokemon killing a combine soldier would make me happy XD.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Enix... you could always replace those electro-ball things that pop outta the ground with Coffings (or however they're spelled).
  • Laheen
This discussion has been closed.