Hello, guys, my first question here ever, so I'm a bit shy, but anyway I have to ask, 'cause I'm stuck. So, I've been making my first game ready model for a contest and there is a rule to have two texture sets, which comfused me, I don't know the pipeline, I guess. I've baked all the objects(separately) and now, I guess, I need to have all uvs in 2 uv sets to be able to texture a guy and to stick to the rules of the contest. But how should I make this 2 texture sets? Can you help me?

Attached a rough screen of baked model from marmoset. (again it was baked with separate parts, but moved together in marmoset, so, every one of them have their uv and texture set)
What 3d modeling tool are you using? Most will allow you to create a second UV then bake the textures from the original UV to your new UV.
I'm not a character modeler, I'm not up on current character pipelines.
I would suggest searching for character model tutorial gumroad
For example: https://origin.80.lv/articles/courses-for-character-artists-on-gumroad/
Then check the artist's portfolio, look for professional experience, and high quality models. Usually Gumroad tutorials are very affordable, and worth it since you are able to check the author to make sure they know what they're teaching.