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bonus points if you know what movie this is from.
C&C is still encouraged, it helps me better think future projects
It's my interpretation of a Charles Bukowski poem about my favorite vice: comparing myself to other people.
Another snappy exercise for me, inspired by Andrew Tan animations !
Keep it up! Would love to see more!
I'm not really too concerned about this issue as it's a personnal exercise. I'm progressing so much doing so.
Thanks for sharing your concerns with me though as i didn't put any thought on how people would percieve the fact it is heavy inspired by the video you posted a link to.
This will end in my demoreel for sure, mentioning it's source and purpose of course.
I would love to get some feed back from you guys
Some more tinkering in Unity
Thank you.
Also liking the walk. The attack feels it could be faster to the upper swing, hold it then swing down quicker into the end pose.
I ran out of time for the settle at the end, but there's still so much more to do. Finally feeling really good about posting this around now.
Got it on Vimeo with a side view as well:
Here is just a walk cycle to test the new rig from Truong before doing something more cinematic
Walk to Run transition with the Nico rig, I'd like to get some turns in there next