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I also modeled, rigged, and animated all the characters.
<iframe src="" width="640" height="340" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
Amazing! SO nice to see another Blender user doing this well int software! Did oyu rig the character too?
Combo 1 :
Combo 2 :
Looks good so far! Just be careful with how your combos end so abruptly. Try adding some slow in and slow out (or ease) to those motions toward the end. The quick stops are a bit jarring, so by easing those out, it'll help show inertia and weight, and overall make the movements feel more natural. Overall, I like where this is going!
My latest animation with Kayla/Kyle rig. Hope you enjoy.
@antonny08, really need to liven up the feet, at the moment they are attached to rails, moving only forward. Check out Ric Lico or Heron Prior's attack combos on Vimeo and study how the feet shift and adjust often.
I'm having domestic dispute with MotionBuilder
Follow Icuzo LLC on Facebook for updates!
<iframe src="" width="640" height="340" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="">Zippy the Squirrel(C)</a> from <a href="">Terrence Williamson</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>
@ConnyN - Thank you
This is one of my latest Animation work of 2017, soon i will update me showreel in a week or two.
Please do watch my previous Animation Showreel aswell Thanks :-)
rig by Truong
The last 2 guys before me! Great job!
I'm currently working on this for my reel:
When she brushes off her enthusiasm, I'm having trouble choosing between these 2 versions,
looking left.
Looking right
I prefer the right one but what do you think?
Mmm, fair point..that's a ton of editing work though..I could maybe just remove it?
I'm glad to know the intent of the acting is clear though
I'm kinda in the middle of transitioning from blocking into a spline pass, so let me know if you have any pointers.
King combo WIP from Terrence Williamson on Vimeo.
Something that i am working! just for study...