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Syncsketch here :
Preview here :
I hope this made sense, and it's not necessarily critiquing the animation per se, but critiquing the composition.
I realy enjoyed this somehow. The sounds are cliché and reminds me of the old DMC games on ps2.
I really like the sword plunge!
Not convinced it was ready for a render but I want to move onto something else.
"Happy Walk"
"The Descent"
If anybody has any tips on how I can avoid this looking extremely messy during the splining phase, I would really appreciate it, I ALWAYS get stuck there.
@Green_Cheek_Conure Thanks! Unfortunately I've just been going ahead from what I came up with in my head. Combining that with various sources of reference (Such as video tutorials on how to do Air Flares) However, I have been watching a lot of Stephen Vyas' animations for inspiration. One of the poses for the kicks came from Naruto of all things!
Syncsketch :
High quality gif here :
You guys are the best
here's an audio version-- I would appreciate some feedback
Not yet done. You can tell from my last upload that I haven't put a ton of time into this yet, but I have given the amount of time between the two. A lot soon after my last post and then unfortunately it trailed off =/. Anyway, really, please let me know what you think.
better gif quality
Great suggestion! I will rig it up
btw.. I would really like to see that current animation without changes, expect switching frames on the run and make it on 2's. and then render it in good NPR. I know it's probably not gonna happen, but damn, I think that the current spacing would work great in imitating anime style.
currently working on a run cycle!
apparently i suck at gifs.. it's coming out in slow-mo so here's a direct link:
Regarding the smears - I learnt this from Warren Goff (one of jason shums animbreak interviews) He draws examples in the interview so my words wont do it justice. But in short its geometry shapes with the visibility turnt on and off.
Also nice run. I like the tracker at the bottom to maintain a uniform speed. Its hard to see, but a subtle arc on the foot swing would be nice as it goes back and forth and the Gun Hand has a noticeable IK movement as it comes forward (the wrist bends up?) it might be a shape thing with the elbow.
I actually animated the arm in FK, but I think I made her gun hand drag motion too subtle so I tried pushing it just a little bit more.
here's a front view:
Side view:
The legs always have a bend in them.This might have been in your ref. If not, try stretching them so we get a straight leg before the contacts. It will add some squash and stretch to the leg and will help with weight.
The gun arm hits a wall as it travels back.
Head seems to be popping back and forth. This might be fine if you translate the run across screen. Worth checking out to see if you can reduce the back and forth action.
Front view:
Character's left arm feel like it has a pause as it travels back. It's at the passing pose where the characters left leg is travelling forward.
Hip tilt feels a bit distracting. Save the most extreme tilt for when the leg takes the weight. Before the contact, have the tilt more or less even or even favour the trailing leg. Just feels a bit out of sync.
Everything else feels great. Nice work.
side view: