This is a thread to share your latest 2D work. Past threads:
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@ErikNilsson makes me think of the smoke monster from Lost.
for funzies mech from last night:
@ifuxedup I have not played Hawken, but have heard good things. So thanks!
update with a tiny little Beyond Human sketch:
Lessons learned: Study faces, and learn to leave non focal areas rougher instead of going over everything endlessly and buffing the life out of it
I love the spooky design, especially the red ribbons! Although I'd like to see him in a more dynamic pose since it looks like a mood piece. As he is now the straight on shot makes him look just a little flat.
Your mechs look awesome! Especially the tall, lanky guy on the right
Insisting on 2D art, followed a painting tutorial of painting a bust and ended up with this. If you guys know any cool tutorial that you think could be helpful, please let me know. Can be through Inbox.
For example, I painted it today from my mind, guessing how things should be, and I'd like to have a better foundation for that (well, it isn't human though, and probably is a bad example).
@Daven awesome character! Really fits in the world of Gigantic.
@ifuxedup Cool Treeant! Nice grand sense of scale.
Here is a recent creature sketch.
Red Knight, Any suggestions as to improve him?
Artstation link :
I'm still kinda slow, this probably took over 20 hours. Right now I'm just eye balling the perspective, seeing if I can rely on my eye to nail it. I should really just draw some guidelines for myself.
check out other D&D sketches below..
Thanks, keep up the awesome arts people!
Inspired by dark country music. All project on my artstation page
@eazy love this sharp shark boy
@danipanteez love that cat!
An Art trade with a friend, Quinnred, I animated they’re dream beast,Grunnheild! the original design is here
[mod edit: fixed quote]
I think he just knocked back a strength potion er something. Hoping to add details over the week and tweak some things.
How do you post your works here?
I wanna say hello to the Polycount Society
Megapack - Environments, Vehicles, Props & More:
With over 5000 images of props, vehicles, animals, skies, and environments from recent trips in UK, Rome, Paris and Thailand ( ).
Skies and Cloud Pack:
314 images of skies and clouds ( ).