This is a thread to share your latest 2D work. Past threads:
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Trying to stay simple and keep it from competing with the character.
I'm experimenting with iterating and photobashing.. still want to iterate 2 more of these, not 100% happy with the design. HAPPY 2017!
Airbrush practice, I never really tried to paint this way and I find it kinda relaxing.
Work process video
Complete noob here
This is just quite literally the little bit that I have started (Don't make fun pweese)
Just finished a portrait and armor rendering study.
Thought I'd share some of my latest concept work.
Hello, here is my first piece for 2017 and I've got a new website up!
got inspired by shadowrun, so heres a troll character. thinking of doing a couple more, trying other races and classes.
stickadtroja : Very cool style !
Some pieces for my personal project, inspired by The Division
Game concept
Watercolor/color pencil on illustration board.
lots of 3d is this one but still a concept art
more on my artstation
Did some more tweeks on this guy:
They are a part of a larger group for the game.
first experiments using 3d-coat and keyshot as base
more on my Artstation
New stuff for my personal project
Here's an illustration of Ralph and Vanellope from Wreck-It Ralph that took way longer than expected. I tried using a new process for creating the thing, but got really distracted with it, and tried to do multiple parts of the process at once, which made it take a long time. Maybe next time I'll try to control the impulse to work on more than one aspect at a time. Thanks for any C&C!
Details shots can be found here:
shadow run elf
You can find a single lady here~
I did another painting with my new plugin. Back to making tutorials and updating it tomorrow though!
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