This is a thread to share your latest 2D work. Past threads:
- 1 embed maximum (1 image, or 1 video, etc.)
- Anim GIFs must be less than 2 mb
- Externally-hosted images must be less than 500 kb
- Uploaded images must not exceed 1000 pixels in any dimension
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- Breaking these rules may cause merciless editing by a Moderator
- Why these rules? See WAYWO Usage.
Mech pilot concept
Full Version
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Really need to get this done so I can release it haha. (have to add in the other scripts for animation that I have as well )
(1.02 MB)
Awesome work in here as usual everyone.
Here's a fire knight dude that I started a while ago and just finished up.
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I thought I'd share my latest Lovecraft inspired piece.
@ErikNilsson Cool! Are you working from a particular tutorial/method from Barontieri? I remember checking out his brushes almost 10 years ago now, but I don't recall specific tutorials or workflow breakdowns. I'd definitely be interested in checking out that workflow.
For funzies character styling:
The Outer Edge is full of weirdos
Here's something from a bit earlier in the year that I can finally post. Part of the You Belong Here charity zine
Finished up a ghost in the shell fan art I've been messing around with in between larger projects.
@danipanteez Thanks! kickass work!