Hey guys!
Today is finally here! We've launched Megascans!
Plus Megascans Studio and Megascans Bridge for Windows and OSX, a standalone toolset for customizing, blending and exporting scans. From all of us at Quixel, a HUGE thank you for your support. As you guys know, we've got deep roots here at Polycount - this is a fantastic community that's helped push our toolset to the next level. That said, we present you with...
Today is finally here! We've launched Megascans!

So when you download a scan such as mud that is a certain point value, but you can mix this with your other downloads to make as many different tile styles you wish?
Is it the case on the regular files with the plan ?
Is there a better place to ask that question ?
3DCGIMODELS: Yep, pretty much! An active Megascans subscription is currently required to use the Megascans Studio for mixing together scans, but you can basically mix anything together!
Well done guys !!!
But you can improve it even more. Here's some problems/questions I've encountered:
1. No clear comparison between subcription plans.
• Does Hobby/Freelancer/Indie provide 32 bit displacement?
I can find info only for Freelancer.
• Does Hobby/Freelancer/Indie provide EXR support or just JPG?
• Difference between Hobby/Freelancer: amount of points + 2K vs. 4K or something else missed?
2. Re-downloads & context/workflow/microsurface.
Not the best implementation right now. Or just simply lack of clear explanation.
Let's say I'm freelancer. I do things for Unity/UE4 and sometimes for offline rendering.
Right now it looks like I need to download any given texture 4 times to have a complete pack:
2 times for realtime [metalness/roughness, specular/gloss], 2 times for offline.
Maybe it will be better to pack everything in groups just by realtime/offline, include all options in archive and later give an option to choose your workflow via Megascans Bridge.
3. Asset naming on website.
It's hard to name them. Let's say I want to tell my friend to use some texture. Right now the only option is to give him a link.
Please add something to description. For example «Asset #B24547» so it will be easier to refer to.
4. Would be nice to have an option to get Megascans Studio without subscription.
Just leave it as is for subscribers and add it as another part to Quixel Suite or as standalone tool.
Give me an option to buy it without using your assets.
Also, would be nice to see some tutorials about using Studio with your own scans.
At least some technical details, what software expects for input.
But the overall megascan looks quiet sweet
Any estimate time between each wave of new scan materials ?
Justo - check these out!
There's more coming, I assure you!
the image does have undercuts... and even with an vector dispmap it wont be possible to get that image...
i have no clue what to think about that...
Very nice work getting this out there though! Like I said the scans look awesome.
@Oglu - Which free sample did you try? The surfaces are rendered with the SUITE (3DO) and the 3D assets are rendered in Marmoset Toolbag. What did you render in?
and do you use the same assets in ue4 as for vray? just decimated or what? or is there a lowpoly version of all assets?
edt: okay got it now - 50 points/per month 29 $ this is pricy
I was wondering where to get 2x2 m surfaces and up. The surfaces I have downloaded from the website so far are 1x1 m.
Edit: This is where I come from: https://megascans.se/faq#Are all surface scans tileable?
Edit2: By looking at this video seems like by increasing the Ground Size in Megascans Studio it's supposed to do what's mentioned in the link above but it doesn't do anything on my end other than simply repeating the same texture over. Picture
Still didn't report this as a bug because I'm unsure about it.
I pre-ordered the Quixel Suite 1.0 , Since the beginning you tell that we will have access to megascan when it will be released. And now you ask to pay at least 19$/month for it ?
We do plan to offer something special for existing SUITE customers in the next couple of days, though. With that and the free upgrade to SUITE 2 that all SUITE customers received, we hope you'll enjoy what we're producing!
I started using Quixel more this year and absolutely love it. I'll be checking this out on the weekend!
(almost read the FAQ now)
and i request a nice birch scan! thanks ;D
For instance, if I download a surface but leave everything out except the Albedo, and then go back a day later to download all maps, is that going to be another point or is it just going to count as one download?
Have been waiting for this for ages but now its finally here.
Hopefully the ground textures are not 2 x 2 m and everything bigger is done by tiling! That would be hilarious.
Also, good to see Quixel being prepared and putting some effort into a few demo/tut vids. I'm sure you lost a lot of potential customers to Allegorithmic simply by not being anywhere even close on training material.
Look forward to seeing where this goes. Great job.
Which program are you attempting to recreate it with at the moment ?
i will do more testing tomorrow...
I would suggest something like a buy-and-it's-yours-forever option based on the currently available scans (thinking in packs of content) that can be extended by addon-packs and a subscription model alongside. Still would leave people like lospri and me unsatisfied as we expected (by advertisement) something else for our money (if due to a communication/marketing error or whatever is really not important to me, it simply leaves an overall bad feeling).
If this remains a subscription model I probably got to switch over to Allegorithmic Substances as it's about as expensive and still offers me (that's a personal preference) more freedom and performs way better on my system (even though the learning curve appears much steeper).
For the points system since I subscribe you have the option to buy more points at any time and you can download again the same asset with a limitation based on your subscription ( i think it s 5 times as Freelance)
Here is an example:
"Hundreds of specimens curated into a set of 60+ Dry grassland assets". What does that mean ? Is a rock a "specimen" ? How do hundreds of specimen fit into 60+ assets ? And why "60+" rather than an exact number ?
As mentioned in my previous comment, the ten24 store page is a fantastic example of clarity:
I hope this makes sense.
You guys are really going to have to create a complete A to B workflow guide and show the end results in the engine (just like what Tor Frick did for QS2). I really am finding it hard to imagine creating environment textures like this without the use of masking or even something like the patch tool in PS would solve this. The quality of the textures are imo superior to what I have seen to date so it would be a real shame if one has no true control over repetition/tiling (other than the current tool set) and having to bring PS into the workflow kind of defeats the purpose.