Home Quixel Megascans

Quixel releases Megascans!

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Synaesthesia polycounter

Hey guys!
Today is finally here! We've launched Megascans! :D Plus Megascans Studio and Megascans Bridge for Windows and OSX, a standalone toolset for customizing, blending and exporting scans. From all of us at Quixel, a HUGE thank you for your support. As you guys know, we've got deep roots here at Polycount - this is a fantastic community that's helped push our toolset to the next level. That said, we present you with...



Megascans is a massive online library of standardized and physically based surface, vegetation and 3D scans. The first beta wave unlocks a substantial part of the Megascans natural library (as recently showcased in Disney’s The Jungle Book), with more waves coming during the course of the beta, including organic and hard-surface scans.
For more on the new tools, jump over to: https://megascans.se/megascans-is-released

Please let us know what you think! We're thrilled to have the opportunity to share these tools with you.


  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator


    - Atlases: Plants built with Megascans atlases can not be sold on marketplace sites other than the Megascans Community Marketplace.
    What if for example you use an atlas with a bunch of different leaves map those to geometry and place them on custom branch geometry and bake that down to create my own custom atlas?

    Similar to this workflow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZJxaj_nnME
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    @gnoop - this is what I've been asked to pass along:

    Q: What modifications must be made to a Megascans asset to permit reselling?

    A: Is the target customer an isolated client, or an online marketplace?

    Isolated client:

    - Surfaces: Can create a new mix in the Studio and sell to a client as long as it is used as part of a product delivered to client, not for the client to resell. 

    - Atlases: Plants built with Megascans atlases can be given to clients as long as they do not resell them.

    - 3D Assets: Redistribution is disallowed.
    My client is a game studio and wouldn't re-sell an asset as a separate good.  it would be a part of their game.  So basicaly isolated client.    Right?    

    Still on Quixel site it's mentioned I can't sell a texture from Megascan Studio , only a preset.   You say I can  That what makes the confusion.      
    Could you make it more clear please 
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    I've been told that you should be fine since you're not selling anything on a public marketplace. Hope that helps! :)
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    I've been told that you should be fine since you're not selling anything on a public marketplace. Hope that helps! :)
    cool. thank you
  • Mikademius
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    Mikademius polycounter lvl 4
    I am still waiting for a reply on how much it costs to top up points. To be honest I think it sounds really bad to subscribe to something and then pay more to be able to access the material.
  • Mikademius
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    Mikademius polycounter lvl 4
    never mind, I figured it out. $25 for 50 points.
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    I do apologize for the delay in response time. The cost to top-up points is based on the subscription tier you've purchased.

    10 points = $9
    30 points = $15
    50 points = $25

    Freelancer (4K)
    10 points = $9
    30 points = $19
    50 points = $25

    Freelancer (8K)
    10 points = $19
    30 points = $29
    50 points = $35
  • Maximum-Dev
    @Synaesthesia, Are those terms you mentioned applied equally to all subscription models?
    Because your post says that non of the subscription models allow the user to redistribute a surface as on an online marketplace as part of a bigger project. This below is causing confusion.

    The Indie Team terms says:
    ...create and release a commercial project such as a game, film or other commercial media...
    Meaning that if you are entitled to an Indie Team subscription you are allowed to redistribute the assets as part of a bigger commercial project.
    Which is it? or, is there a middle ground here? like up to 5 surfaces can be redistributed per project or something?
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    We're currently refining the licensing information. I'll get you a definitive answer as soon as I can.
  • Maximum-Dev
    Thanks man!
    Also nice to see the drop in the top-up prices. :)
  • Tekoppar
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    Tekoppar polycounter lvl 10
    @Synaesthesia Is there any license issue with using a hobby subscription for a personal game project and upgrading to an indie subscription later when/or it becomes serious? I'm just asking to cover all bases.
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    I can't imagine that would be a problem at all. :)
  • Mikademius
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    Mikademius polycounter lvl 4
    I'm really not all too happy about the subscription model. It is like buying a bus pass for a month and then suddenly at day x they charge you because you have taken the bus too many times that month on your bus pass... The studio packs are expensive on its own and on top of that you have to top up... The subscription is annual anyways (?) so what do you really have to lose? Good product, but a not so customer friendly license model.
  • thatworm
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    thatworm null
    Is there a way to convert the specular f0 map into a ior map for use in vray. As it stands the specular f0 map is unused. Though I understand why I'd quite like the extra realism.

    There is a LUT file in the megascans bridge download folder, its name suggests it does exactly this, but I can't find any explanation on its use. Can you help me out?

  • dubcat
    thatworm said:
    There is a LUT file in the megascans bridge download folder, its name suggests it does exactly this, but I can't find any explanation on its use. Can you help me out?
    Hey man, that's my special little LUT.

    #1 Open specular map in Photoshop
    #2 Convert it to 16bit
    #3 Apply the LUT and save
    #4 Open the IOR map with gamma 1.0
    #5 ???
    #6 Profit :)
  • thatworm
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    thatworm null
    dubcat said:
    thatworm said:
    There is a LUT file in the megascans bridge download folder, its name suggests it does exactly this, but I can't find any explanation on its use. Can you help me out?
    Hey man, that's my special little LUT.

    #1 Open specular map in Photoshop
    #2 Convert it to 16bit
    #3 Apply the LUT and save
    #4 Open the IOR map with gamma 1.0
    #5 ???
    #6 Profit :)
    cheers man, very helpful little tool to have :smiley:
  • Maximum-Dev
    @Synaesthesia, Are those terms you mentioned applied equally to all subscription models?
    Because your post says that non of the subscription models allow the user to redistribute a surface as on an online marketplace as part of a bigger project. This below is causing confusion.

    The Indie Team terms says:
    ...create and release a commercial project such as a game, film or other commercial media...
    Meaning that if you are entitled to an Indie Team subscription you are allowed to redistribute the assets as part of a bigger commercial project.
    Which is it? or, is there a middle ground here? like up to 5 surfaces can be redistributed per project or something?
    Any updates? =)
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    If the intention is not to resell the source materials/textures but is actually just to release a product that happens to use source materials/textures in their purest form (manipulation or custom UVs weren't needed), that should definitely be fine.
  • Maximum-Dev
    If the intention is not to resell the source materials/textures but is actually just to release a product that happens to use source materials/textures in their purest form (manipulation or custom UVs weren't needed), that should definitely be fine.
    Hey man! Thanks for the reply. Then I can actually sell a product that has some megascans materials in it? So to be more clear, I'm working on an environment for UE4 marketplace:

    The end product is an environment and not a material pack. For that, according to you reply, I allowed to use a few megascans then? maybe 4-5? or less? (If yes I will credit Quixel as well for sure!)  :)
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Yep, this looks fine. You're not directly reselling the materials themselves, which is primarily what we're guarding against.

    Fantastic work BTW!
  • Maximum-Dev
    That's incredible!
    I'm so thrilled to see what I can do with Megascans for that pack!
    Thank you!
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    I'd love it if you tagged Megascans in the tools you used to create that piece - if you're okay with that! :)
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    "3.9     Licensee agrees that it may not share unmodified source Megascans assets with external parties including but not limited to outsourcers, freelancers, clients and online resources. Licensee may only share assets made with Megascans to external parties provided that Licensee has been granted full commercial usage rights of the Service and that the data is in a reasonably modified state and that the external party 1) works on the same project, or 2) holds an active License to Megascans."

    It still looks like, 
    being a contractor /outsourcer,  I can't send pure megascan textures applied to a scene.       Only after I "resonably modifiy" them.        It should be  "resonably modified" even in case  we  (me and my client )  work on same project,  even  if they have their own subscribtion too?           
    I have to inform a company I am outsourcing for  with every 3d party piece of work I use and it should be cristal clear and understandable EULA.  I don't care  much about price   or subscribtion model since my client  would cover my  expenses probably,   but  sorry,  there's no chance  we would use it without  written   EULA   where  usage rights within such relationship ( outsourcing)  would be clearly  explained.    

    For now I see only option to use Studio software with my own photoscanned materials. 

  • Martijn
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    Martijn vertex
    the only question is; is it gameready?
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    @gnoop - I'm working toward clarifying the TOS. Stay tuned!

    @Martijn - I don't see why not! Here's some reading on that subject: https://80.lv/articles/getting-the-best-of-megascans-in-ue4/
  • Maximum-Dev

    I'm curious what sort of a light is used when scanning the surface for Albedo?
    There is a slight yellow hue to every Albedo texture that I manually counter to get more realistic colors. But I'm not sure if this is something with the scanner casting some yellow-ish light on the surface or my eyes think that way.

    For example here is a Grass and Moss Albedo before after comparisons.
    (512x512 cropping from 4046x4096)

  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    I'm curious what sort of a light is used when scanning the surface for Albedo?

        I am not 100% sure, but think it's a way some grey cards work .    In real environment there is always a little bit of blue cast from sky, cloudy or not.   Some grey cards tend to erase it.     I am routingly makeing things  a little bit colder too,  closer to what is percived as ambient light under cloudy sky.  I mean  from my own raw photos.     
  • Oskarsson
    Great work, guys! I am interested in a one month indie subscription. However, there seems to be no clear way to cancel the subscription after one month. Don't want to be billed for more than one month.
  • oglu
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    oglu polycount lvl 666
    is there a timframe for surfaces like plastic or metal..?
    think there are enough stone and mud for now...

  • Mant1k0re
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    Mant1k0re polycounter lvl 8
    I think Jon already answered wave 2 and wave 3 for new type of surfaces and that Quixel won't commit to any ETA at this time. I'd like to see it sooner rather than later too, though :)
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    I can't comment on specifics - but there are some neat things coming pretty soon! :)
  • oglu
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    oglu polycount lvl 666
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    We're waiting on compilers for metals. Shouldn't be more than another month or two. In the meantime, the new compiler for stone just spit out a bunch of great scans: https://megascans.se/library/types/everything

    In addition, there's been 3D plants added to the library, and other assets too. Check it out! :)
  • nbac
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    nbac polycounter lvl 9
    those new 3d plants look great! hopefully there will be trees in the future. still 3,75 3d plants for 1 month points hobby license is ... where are the packs !? can i buy extra points within this time span?
  • atlasindustrial
    Is there a tutorial for importing megascans materials with the displacement enabled into unreal engine? displacement doesn't seem to show up in the imported textures when bringing it in.
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Please don't bump three year old threads @atlasindustrial - if you'd like assistance with Displacement, you can check into the UE documentation: https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Resources/ContentExamples/MaterialNodes/1_11/index.html
This discussion has been closed.