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Right now im digging realistic looking characters but damn its time consuming so i wanted a little distraction from this and practice at animation(cuz its so fun). I did not bothering with render here, just standart render from modo with diffuse textures.
Edit : Some of the choppiness is the gif messing up, plays smoothly in my playblast.
Also, I do not sense any wieght coming from her! Use reference, especially for realistic animation!
Sonny: keep it going!
Hito: Knowing how experienced and good you are, I'm looking forward to the finished version.
Nice bouncing, you need to add a music behind haha
Rmunday: that cmaera moves too much and needs more work
I've finally finished my blocking on this.
Same character I rigged these past months, decied to put her into an assassin/spy context.
Need thoughts and crits (there's a bug where she pulls the dagger and ti's not appearing at 8 second).
Thread of my progress here
RMunday: you can't really tell what's going on with the camera as it is.
Blond: Solid blocking, looking sweet!
Mime: That run cycle's coming along. Good job.
Nice attitude Hito haha
Topic Link
A little tentacle test.
Illustration by my buddy, Eric Buescher
My first post on here - did some sort of stone golem and animated a few rpg`ish animations. Only after rendering I noticed that the foot are not always in contact with the ground, will fix that soon.
Actoon, this looks pretty freaking cool! The timing seems spot on. Good luck for the rest.
Thomas, it looks like it's a monster straight from Wind Waker! Really well done.
Best thing I've seen this year on here. Awesome job!
Lil advice: when he first lands on the far left corner, would be nice to have some ''giggles'' in the head and arms.:)
let's continue it.
I did the Rig and the animation. The smoke and the ground are animated but, I don’t know how to show this on Sketchfab. The modelisation and concept was done by Lary kummer. You can see the 3d modelisation here: https://sketchfab.com/models/4fb6bdca0d544b8faef2c4941f52e64f
Hope you like it !
It's the first time where I really ''broke'' a rig to achieve desired poses (they're kind of extreme). Lip Sync isnt done though..
Loving that pirate Tuna ! And the rendering and camera work are great too.
Cool stiff !
Arrgh, this angle is way better for this shot but oh well...
Probably gonna give a clean up before putting it in the reel. Any critique is super welcomed. Happy animating, folks.
Also, the audio loops twice in the video; not sure why. :S
I'm happy to share this shortfilm called "FLIGHT" in which I worked as a character animator in 2014. It was my first animation done right after school and I'm very proud of it
@Blond, very nice! I'd loosen up her ankles a little as she comes out of the roll, you got some forward/backward already, needs a little side/side sway.
@13Rando, Looking good, I think her left hand needs some variations, for now it's mostly in the same spot through the whole shot.
@Arturo, nice short man, which shots did you animate?
@Svalin, nice action! I think the spine has a little too much overlap? Not that it's bad, just little out of place on a stormtrooper.
@Rmunday, 2nd pass is definitely better. I think the front legs move a little too far in a couple of places, ~5sec the right front leg don't seem to support the torso's weight.
playing with camera sequencer, mounting part still needs some work, rest seems to pull together pretty well.
finally got the ladder climb to work, that I did a thread about.
now I've got all logic done I think... opening doors, ladders, bonfires, navigation and attacks.. might add a slide-down thing for the ladder, and have her climb up faster if you hold the sprint button, just play the anim at 1.5x speed
got some stuff left to do with the ladder anims, but I held it off until I got the logic working!
@Thatanimator looks great man!
OVerall, this looked pretty solid to me! I've always been inspired by your work man, your reel look pretty insane to me (espeically the blonde lady at the beginning)!
Now that's some warrioir run! It reminds me exactly of that segment I watched of a ''Making of'' from the Princess Mononke movie.
Myiazaki was frustrated because one of his animator had wrongly animated a sequence where Ashitaka was running. He thought the running motion looked too hesitant ''as if the hero was about to retreat and pull back at any moment'' he said. He then started scrapping all of the work of the guy and redid the whole seuqnece by himself. ,In the end, he made the hero Ashitaka swiftly run exactly like your animation, full of energy, sure of himself, before mounting onto Yakuru.
Great stuff!
Ever seen that movie?
@Hito - Love the run animations for both characters! The only thing that looked weird to me was her left arm after she mounts seems a little too wobbly but that might be a style choice. Looking great overall
@thatanimator - The ladder transitions look great! Maybe just add a little bit more weight on her climbing, it feels like she needs to make no effort to pull herself up the ladder.
@Svalinn - I like the slide and poses but it feels like the Stormtrooper starts speeding up as he slides, as if he boosts into it and he's sliding on ice. Not sure if this is intended or not?
I've been working on a looping fight for the 'weekly' challenge during my lunch breaks at work. Any feedback would be appreciated before I start adding post effects
thank you, here's a video with the blendtree in it
I'm going for a dark souls kinda style and since their ladders kinda look like this (but worse tbh) I'm kinda happy with what I've got
I don't feel the need to add any animation principles other than the ones I've got, no need for exagerated weight
@Blond, seen the movie for sure, havent seen the "Making Of"; Mononoke is spirit of Lisa whenever I animate her. Mononoke riding the wolf is main feel reference for this one.
@Adam, yea you're right. definitely too rubbery. Tightened it up in the final. Really like your choreography on the fight, just need to speed it up a bit and vary up the timing some.
Started from a base run cycle and I tried out the anim layers to make the character turn.
This one's a dialogue from 11s club:
@Hito, really love that animation. Good job!