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And yes, i realize it doesn't look too great atm, but that's because i just put it in unity, and that's not my job, that's another guy in the teams job, but i was testing it and looking for problems. :P
Any feedback greatly appreciated.
(rendered in 3dsmax SSS + mental ray)
heres a better look at the sculpt
Calling this scene done for now...
More shots, breakdowns and marmoset viewer on my website and artstation. WIP thread here.
My last work:
Check out more images on my Artstation Here!
I've been mostly doing low poly stuff, so I decided to get out of my comfort zone and remake a game character I had, based on the dumbest pun I could think of. Learned a lot, can learn more.
Keep up the amazing work guys. I'm always blown out of the water when I see these works!
You can find the marmoset viewer version on my artstation https://www.artstation.com/artist/fongoose
Toolbag 2:
More here:
Inspired by the F14 Tomcat Jet.
Id be very grateful if you check out the page and vote for me ; )
Good vibes for all the polycounters around there, and Good luck on all of your works bros!
Disclaimer: I don't own the rights of all the content shown here, the VideoGame Engine, the scenario, holo sight and the Characters Models were made by Bohemia Interactive Studios. For more information please visit: https://www.bistudio.com/
nice textures!
Polycount Thread
More shots and Marmoset Viewer on my ArtStation
I finally had some time working on this guy again. Link --> THREAD
Im also trying my best to document the creation of this guy, so feel free to drop by my youtube if your interested, Im posting a new VIDEO every week.
Spent today playing with the lighting trying to get the best result possible, need to do some more reading on lighting
All the progress is on my sketchbook - http://polycount.com/discussion/165757/sketchbook-kat-unsworth
You can also see him on my artstation
I am currently working on a model of my favourite X-Men character, Psylocke! Here are a few shots.
Comments and crits are welcome, and you can see more of the development and project scope over here.
And on my social media pages.
Keep on keep'in on!
working on this russian guy from BF4.
so many things to make :0...
sorry for png...
Here is my latest personal work.
Radiation suit