@SeeingTriangles, Looking good, add some light variation to the pink petals. It shouldn't be a consistent color throughout the petals. Add some white to the base or the edge of the petal.
@GhostDetector: thanks I will try your suggestion after I'm done with the rigging. The petals' colors are bugging me too. Will try adding some more white to them.
Really excited to see this Windranger ingame! The only thing I find a bit weird on it is the blue on the bow, since it's not present anywhere else on the set, so either adding some extra blue tint on some other slots or changing it to another color that does appear on the rest of the set would help making it look like everything belongs together.
I should have posted this here a bit earlier, but I'm still in some early stages, so I guess it's fine. Since everyone can do two projects, as long as they change up partners, I'm also going to be participating with a set for Naga Siren along FudgieWudgie. Here's the sculpt so far:
I'm going to mirror the head, so I'm not too worried about working on the front. Just need to block out some extra frills, and then start refining everything.
@cosmicsugar: haha I know that feel. More saturation in the colors makes them look brighter, flashy and catchier, but they would look extremely bright, unrealistic and out of place in game. Nice Mirana concept, I like the shades of purple in your concepts. I like the one with the blue outlines better than the yellow outlines. I still think Mirana is too serious-looking for a nose ring though.
Thanks man! I like the blue one as well, although I think more prefer the purple!
Too serious for a nose ring? BLASPHEMY. haha jk, but I always thought if windranger could wear one why can't Mirana gaahhhh
I like the pink in your WR set! Her hair is so cute too
For the bow - I think since your set is mostly petals that peek out from crevices, which is more subtle, so the big flower on the bow is like quite loud, like demanding attention. Throughout the set you do not have the flower as whole, (exception being the hair but like, it's a flower in the hair, not so dramatic) so it's too different when you have a giant flower suddenly for the bow (also the flower is a different size from the one in her hair, difference in scale could suggest different flower) I think you need to continue the idea of the petals peeking out from somewhere. Maybe include the brown + swirly patterns that you have in the armour to the bow? Will be more consistent
(I'm having tons of trouble making a bow for my set too, stupid flower weapons >_>)
@SeeingTriangles The WR looks great! The short hair works much better then the long in my opinion. Might be the angle but the cape top and bottom dont match up, where the bow quiver divides. But this could be intentional for the design.
@shock, that's a very cool design. The weapon came out great.
@Dilanka: thanks for the feedback I like the short hair better too, I love doing short curly hair, but the community seems to like long hair more than short ones. The long one is covering up the quiver too, so I'm not quite fond of it. I'm not sure what you meant about the cloak though. @Belkun: thanks I tweaked the colors a bit so it's more greenish and less blueish. That Naga set is looking nice, I can't wait to see the weapons. I think it would look better if you add something around her wrists. The set looks quite bulky so her bare hands looks quite lacking I think. @Cosmicsugar: thank you the idea for the bow is Flower-Leaves-Branches, with the brown parts of the bow being the branches and leaves come out from those branches. But if I have to explain the idea then I guess the execution of the idea isn't good enough haha.
The flower is exactly what you said, I want it to be the center of attention, something to draw the eyes to, a big red spot in the middle of the green area. I've considered using petals at the end of the bow instead of leaves, but there seemed to be too much red so I kept the leaves. I wanted to do more to the bow too, but its texture size is only 128x256, so I can't really add more details to it without ruining the quality.
Here's my current progress. I'm done with the rigging, I'll have to adjust the hair, quiver and shoulder a bit more to remove the clipping issues. I'm not satisfied with the masks, so I'll have to tweak them even more after this. Will tweak the colors a bit more too.
making a witch hunting lad with nikey. dunno about the hat, it works with the style of the armour but that's already edging away from standard antimage aesthetic.
@Rocket_science: great sculpt as always can't wait to see that set in game.
I'm done with adjusting the masks and colors. Tried adding more white to the petals but they turned out really bad, so I only keep the white on the edges of the petals. Personally I think the colors are fine now, but I really like saturated colors so I might be wrong. Should I turn down the saturation on the cloak and petals a bit more?
@ Seeing Triangles, Looks great! One of my Fav sets for Windranger so. I would be very surprized to not see this in game soon once finished!
I think the petals and cloak colours are looking good. Maybe instead use the mask textures to add/increase variation of the spec across the surfaces. Ie. flower middle zone tends to be less shiny the the actual petals. Could be a good way to separate the petals and gold on the cloak/quiver also.
@ike interessting am mate i just dont know about the heads.
the first one seems to be a bit random while the second also bites me a bit shapewise
@seeingtriangles wow u rly got this smooth sharp style ingame. great job!
in the texture are 4 little points that might be improved:
1. on the bow the brown wooden part is rly monochrome and very satured.
this creates a very hard color border to the outer green leafes.
maybe it could be improved by adding a gradient to it, letting it become a
littlebit brighter.
2. it might be my personal refence so im not sure about it but those green
leafes at the ending of ur bow as well as those pink blossoms in all the other
slots are very simular to each other. i think i would prefer it if u would
make them a bit more different to each other. brightness, gradients, saturation,
maybe event dirt. especialy on the quiver.
3. the allover green u use in ur concept as well as wr has on her base is a lime green. but on the bows middle part u use a green that might go a littlebit more into the blue direction instead of yellow. so this one color looks a bit strange to me since it is not anywhere other too. basicly using another green tone is not a bad thing, but i think if uwant to do it it might be more harmonic if it would appear again on another slot.
4 and the last point is the allover light-darkness value:
at the moment its all very close to each other and because of that some parts
are a littlebit hard to read. maybe it would be also a littlebit more readable
if u let the golden ornament be a littlebit brighter. my picture is a bit overcontrasted
- i just made it as example so u know better what i mean^^.
Nice set, but the white outline on the bow flower looks like... well and outline. Can you blend it in some more? It's not as noticeable on the other petals but they are much smaller.
@Kite, Nice clean sculpt.Planning on adding any wear and tear?
Thought my Scimitar was just too plain shaped so I gave it a new hilt/blade (rough sculpt sketch here).
Need some advice though...
At the moment with the shield I have about 50 tris to use still.
I really like the shape of the blades, but the shield hides them, and since they are only off the back during his ulti...
I'm thinking about ditching the shield, then I have 175 tris to put into the swords.
I could add a little bracket sheath but..
There is one set of swords in game that has no sheath or shield and it looks fine IMO. One has a little bracket and honestly I don't think that does anything for the set anyway. One set just has a big metal ring.
What are your opinions? Does a sheath/shield item really matter?
@Baddcog, Shock, Konras, Toasty: thank you guys for the feedback I will definitely try out your suggestions right now, especially Shock's. Initially I wanted the bigger shoulder pad to be green and leaf-colored (which explains why it has that shape), but I chose brown instead because there was too much green. But I never thought about using brown on the bow parts, and I gotta say brown really looks much much better. Thank you Shock for the suggestion on that part of the bow, that part has been bugging me since forever I will adjust the colors on the petals and the leaves again too. Brb gotta do this now when I'm still hyped Thanks again guys.
@kite212: the sculpt is looking great is the rock on his hands done? it looks kinda unfinished.
@Baddcog: personally I would get rid of the shield, mostly because I'm not a fan of round shape. It eats up polys and personally I find its shape uninteresting most of the times, so I say if you can make the swords look great without sheath/shield, then just ditch the sheath/shield. If it's bothering you that there is nothing to hold the swords at his back, then you can do something that is smaller and eats up less poly, something similar to the metal ring in the other alchemist set.
If it's not too late, I'd like to take part in this thing
I'm a concept artist, can also make loadingscreens and other 2d promo-stuff. http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=135040 - here's my thread. Haven't updated it in a while, as I've been working in collab
@seeingtriangles ur welcome i wantd to work on slark set yesterday but after 4hours of not finding good shapes i was so demotivated that i could not go on anymore. and well then i used my magix for ur great wr
@baddcog whats the use of a shield if he doesnt use it?
another 2 important points:
1. out of those 93 artists that signed already for the event
(what is a fucking amazing number^^) 65 artists already found/formed up teams.
but about 28 i have not yet any final information. so i did restructure the
spreadsheet to make it a bit more easy for everyone to check who is still
looking and stuff.
plz folks contact each other & go find a teammate and give me feedback! or if u are a friend of one
of those listed plz drop them a message about this
2. also plz do not forget to post ur wips. remember this one of the view rules of this event.
the first month is soon over and i dont wana annoy u with this..
but if u are starting to post ur stuff close to the deadline, we might reject ur submission. i think i will create an extra raw for this
on page 2 of the spreadsheet
ps i have seen that alot of teams are looking for animators.
vayne told me earlier that he got a professional animation artist friend who would love to get into dota.
i have spoken with him already and he would be very interessted in this event. so if u still need an animator ur welcome to contact vayne http://steamcommunity.com/id/Vayne4800/ he will create the connection.
another option: bisho bola just told me the exact thing 2weeks ago. he also has an animation buddy on the hand that is looking for couriers and wards.
i have dropped him already a message in skype.
@Rocket_Science that sculp looks goood! I want to sculpt like that one day!
@SeeingTriangles The wind ranger is looking good! Keep going. I have to agree with Shock about the gradation from top to bottom, it will definitely help. I am sure you can play around with that! The cape I mentioned on the last post was about the wrinkles, they dont seem to match up. although it might be in an angle so it might not be a big deal. Also you can try to variate your greens a bit like in nature. Would be nice to see younger lighter leafs and older darker larger leafs in your design keeping it subtle.
@shock, nice update. The common icons could be cool to help tie it all together. A little greentooth in the corner maybe?
Maybe we could have a border for anyone who wants to use it but they don't have to. Then again it's being done as an event, why would anyone not want to use it?
@bounchfx, looking tight, and sharp
Thanks for the input guys. I am going to ditch the shield, just not enough visual interest for sure. I'm not too concerned about a sheath personally either. In a perfect world we have unlimited tri count
But I've noticed most of the alchemist slot counts are even less than the stock items
I really wasn't happy with the hilt either. Like some of it but it felt bulky and i couldn't get the flow across the top like I wanted.
So I did some concepting and came up with this...
I think it has better flow and I have enough tris left for a ding or two in the blade (the gem is placeholder hence the high polycount on it)
@Baddcog - Thanks! I think that I am going to leave this one clean, I do not think that wear will add much to this piece, but if you guys think I should add some wear I will give it a go!
@SeeingTriangles - Thanks! The rocks on the arms are more or less done, the little rock on the hand however is not done. I will finish that little rock tonight, and do the crest for empty back space.
Keep up the amazing work guys! This polycount submission is going to be out of control awesome!
@Shock. Sorry my team and I haven't posted in the thread yet. We have a been working on some freelance work for TV series and are due to finish up in the next couple weeks. We have concepts underway and are will be modelling on weekends until the freelance ends. I'll see about having the concepts posted very shortly!
We have a team of 3, and will be working on Nature's Prophet!
Awesome work allready guys! Some very solid designs.
I did some concept work on a courier, still not sure if I be able to find people for it or if I will do it myself. Would love to hear what u ppl think of it.
The problem about the design is that u should be able to spot that's a ward directly so when place the eye will be pointed upwards. Sorry for the bad quality picture, i made a photo of it because I drew it on a diff computer.. Still needs some more work.
okay so here's another update ! I still need to do the head piece baking and texturing, and then I need to do some polish and maybe play with the colors a bit after talking to CiDDi. I sure wish the effect would work while testing in game since it makes a pretty substantial difference.
Wow, great stuff all around ! It's so nice to see how the event is already achieving its goal of getting people motivated to work on great personal designs. Loving it !
On my end I could only get started just a few days ago therefore I am still in the early design stages but I thought I'd share, if anything in order to keep up with the rules and the spirit of the event. I am also relieved now that I know for sure that what I am doing is very different from what SeingTriangles is doing with his own (great looking !) WR - there won't be any overlap.
The idea is to expand on some of the hints given by the base model of WR, with her forearm coverings and her default cape looking like something between leaves and insect armor. So I thought I'd go fully in that direction, basically dressing her up in bug-like armor plating. Nothing is locked design-wise for now, this is basically mere vocabulary exploration before moving on to the final design using a template with screenshots of the actual model.
This is something that I have been looking forward to do for a while, therefore I am really glad that the event is pushing me to actually do it. I am giving myself up to Feb. 30th for concept work, and then up to March 15th for sculpting, aiming for a working ingame model ready for final tweaks around the 25th. Crossing fingers !
Also, something about event participation just occurred to me : With this event being such a great occasion to get familiar with Dota2 item creation, I think it would be wise for people looking to join teams to clearly mention to their teammates whether or not they are familiar with the export process (this of course mostly applies to modelers and animators, and to a lesser extent texture artists). It sounds obvious to those of us already knowledgeable about it, but to newcomers the creation and export process can be very much overwhelming and result in items not being finished on time. Now of course I would think that this kind of stuff would be discussed privately anyways, but I just thought I'd mention it still - don't be ashamed to talk to your teammates about what you don't know, so that technical hurdles can be taken care of as early as possible. And good luck !
Yeah, coming up with the final design is going to be fun. Thanks for the input ! I also have to check to which extent I can actually make things blend with her skin without a bad seam showing, so this will impact the final design as well. I am excited
i was poking through some old concepts and found jack the ripper pudge. borrowed some shapes from his flick knife for some giant switch blade action. very bloodborne. not planning on having it animated, probably gonna have his offhand folded, or have styles for each hand
colours are slowly approaching antimage territory, purple is not a creative colour
Hey guys, this is the sniper idea that I will do with Vikko. I was researching alot of Moebius e Amano arts, and wanted to give Sniper a fresh look. I will give some beard variations but the rest I think it's final. I would love to see come critiques to check if I'm on the right path!
i was poking through some old concepts and found jack the ripper pudge. borrowed some shapes from his flick knife for some giant switch blade action. very bloodborne. not planning on having it animated, probably gonna have his offhand folded, or have styles for each hand
great designe of set. looks some casual and brutal) you will add details to this concept?
Guys! I would be very pleased to receive this topic specific information about the use of the brand "polycount" in concepts of couriers, wards, huds and the like!
many people know that in this polycount chest we want to add the appropriate polycount courier, which in its concept uses the brand of polycount. But we dont know opinions of founders of the forum aboute our idea. For this reason, I would like to know what thinks the administration on this issue? Does it allow us to use their brand in the concept of a courier?
Pior: I'm really loving all the exploration with this one and its a very fresh design. I like pretty much all the heads other than the ones you chose to do the color variations of. Maybe make a WR portrait pack like Lina's with all the leftover ones Can't wait to see more!
Ike: Another fresh original design. I like the hair more than the hat you had, but I still feel like it doesn't fit the set.
Mango: Cool looking gun!
I hope to post some WIPs soon, just waiting on the final concept
i apologise for my absence in the last week and a half. I made some trips here and there and had little time for any progress. However i managed to power some render to textures today and i plan on starting texture works for my set tomorrow. wish me luck.
as for what has been going on here in the last few days... i am speechless as usual. ike`s set looks really fitting for an "non magic wielder" such as andymage, and magnohusein`s sniper set looks like it`s straight from a medieval themed futuristic movie. great works as usual.
@pior, cool idea, very unique and I think it could work well. Probably just the colors you used but it might also be the helmets. She's morphing a bit too much towards PA I think. Less helmet and more red hair is better imo.
@ike, looking really good. The brown is a nice change from his standard sets (2 in store do have brown). You've lost a lot of his orange skin tone covering the arms though. Maybe you can pull some of that into the coat for the variety you want. Possibly some patches/badges/stripes or buttons?
@Magno, don't know what Moebius e Amano means but he's looking pretty cool.
I know I know, not many crits there but you guys are good.
I should have posted this here a bit earlier, but I'm still in some early stages, so I guess it's fine. Since everyone can do two projects, as long as they change up partners, I'm also going to be participating with a set for Naga Siren along FudgieWudgie. Here's the sculpt so far:
I'm going to mirror the head, so I'm not too worried about working on the front. Just need to block out some extra frills, and then start refining everything.
Thanks man! I like the blue one as well, although I think more prefer the purple!
Too serious for a nose ring? BLASPHEMY. haha jk, but I always thought if windranger could wear one why can't Mirana gaahhhh
I like the pink in your WR set! Her hair is so cute too
For the bow - I think since your set is mostly petals that peek out from crevices, which is more subtle, so the big flower on the bow is like quite loud, like demanding attention. Throughout the set you do not have the flower as whole, (exception being the hair but like, it's a flower in the hair, not so dramatic) so it's too different when you have a giant flower suddenly for the bow (also the flower is a different size from the one in her hair, difference in scale could suggest different flower) I think you need to continue the idea of the petals peeking out from somewhere. Maybe include the brown + swirly patterns that you have in the armour to the bow? Will be more consistent
(I'm having tons of trouble making a bow for my set too, stupid flower weapons >_>)
2,5 weeks of hard work.. now the concept is done. im already excited how things will like on sculpt.
hopefully we wont need too many adjustments^^
edit: yay! sticky thread
Nice! :thumbup:
@shock, that's a very cool design. The weapon came out great.
@Belkun: thanks
@Cosmicsugar: thank you
The flower is exactly what you said, I want it to be the center of attention, something to draw the eyes to, a big red spot in the middle of the green area. I've considered using petals at the end of the bow instead of leaves, but there seemed to be too much red so I kept the leaves. I wanted to do more to the bow too, but its texture size is only 128x256, so I can't really add more details to it without ruining the quality.
Here's my current progress. I'm done with the rigging, I'll have to adjust the hair, quiver and shoulder a bit more to remove the clipping issues. I'm not satisfied with the masks, so I'll have to tweak them even more after this. Will tweak the colors a bit more too.
making a witch hunting lad with nikey. dunno about the hat, it works with the style of the armour but that's already edging away from standard antimage aesthetic.
I'm done with adjusting the masks and colors. Tried adding more white to the petals but they turned out really bad, so I only keep the white on the edges of the petals. Personally I think the colors are fine now, but I really like saturated colors so I might be wrong. Should I turn down the saturation on the cloak and petals a bit more?
I think the petals and cloak colours are looking good. Maybe instead use the mask textures to add/increase variation of the spec across the surfaces. Ie. flower middle zone tends to be less shiny the the actual petals. Could be a good way to separate the petals and gold on the cloak/quiver also.
@ike interessting am mate
the first one seems to be a bit random while the second also bites me a bit
@seeingtriangles wow u rly got this smooth sharp style ingame. great job!
in the texture are 4 little points that might be improved:
1. on the bow the brown wooden part is rly monochrome and very satured.
this creates a very hard color border to the outer green leafes.
maybe it could be improved by adding a gradient to it, letting it become a
littlebit brighter.
2. it might be my personal refence so im not sure about it but those green
leafes at the ending of ur bow as well as those pink blossoms in all the other
slots are very simular to each other. i think i would prefer it if u would
make them a bit more different to each other. brightness, gradients, saturation,
maybe event dirt. especialy on the quiver.
3. the allover green u use in ur concept as well as wr has on her base is a lime green. but on the bows middle part u use a green that might go a littlebit more into the blue direction instead of yellow. so this one color looks a bit strange to me since it is not anywhere other too. basicly using another green tone is not a bad thing, but i think if uwant to do it it might be more harmonic if it would appear again on another slot.
4 and the last point is the allover light-darkness value:
at the moment its all very close to each other and because of that some parts
are a littlebit hard to read. maybe it would be also a littlebit more readable
if u let the golden ornament be a littlebit brighter. my picture is a bit overcontrasted
- i just made it as example so u know better what i mean^^.
hope this helps maybe a little
Nice set, but the white outline on the bow flower looks like... well and outline. Can you blend it in some more? It's not as noticeable on the other petals but they are much smaller.
@Kite, Nice clean sculpt.Planning on adding any wear and tear?
Thought my Scimitar was just too plain shaped so I gave it a new hilt/blade (rough sculpt sketch here).
Need some advice though...
At the moment with the shield I have about 50 tris to use still.
I really like the shape of the blades, but the shield hides them, and since they are only off the back during his ulti...
I'm thinking about ditching the shield, then I have 175 tris to put into the swords.
I could add a little bracket sheath but..
There is one set of swords in game that has no sheath or shield and it looks fine IMO. One has a little bracket and honestly I don't think that does anything for the set anyway. One set just has a big metal ring.
What are your opinions? Does a sheath/shield item really matter?
@kite212: the sculpt is looking great
@Baddcog: personally I would get rid of the shield, mostly because I'm not a fan of round shape. It eats up polys and personally I find its shape uninteresting most of the times, so I say if you can make the swords look great without sheath/shield, then just ditch the sheath/shield. If it's bothering you that there is nothing to hold the swords at his back, then you can do something that is smaller and eats up less poly, something similar to the metal ring in the other alchemist set.
I'm a concept artist, can also make loadingscreens and other 2d promo-stuff.
http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=135040 - here's my thread. Haven't updated it in a while, as I've been working in collab
@jlem sure, ur welcome
@baddcog whats the use of a shield if he doesnt use it?
another 2 important points:
1. out of those 93 artists that signed already for the event
(what is a fucking amazing number^^) 65 artists already found/formed up teams.
but about 28 i have not yet any final information. so i did restructure the
spreadsheet to make it a bit more easy for everyone to check who is still
looking and stuff.
here again the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11SCQ16Gkn3gnAiwlixbSpMeHh0D16xU_RrcpcPFQo6Q/pubhtml
plz folks contact each other & go find a teammate and give me feedback! or if u are a friend of one
of those listed plz drop them a message about this
2. also plz do not forget to post ur wips. remember this one of the view rules of this event.
the first month is soon over and i dont wana annoy u with this..
but if u are starting to post ur stuff close to the deadline, we might reject ur submission. i think i will create an extra raw for this
on page 2 of the spreadsheet
edit: also a 3. not so important point, do u guys think we should
publish all the stuff in a common thumbnail layout? like used here:
or would u prefer to use individuals?
vayne told me earlier that he got a professional animation artist friend who would love to get into dota.
i have spoken with him already and he would be very interessted in this event. so if u still need an animator ur welcome to contact vayne http://steamcommunity.com/id/Vayne4800/ he will create the connection.
another option: bisho bola just told me the exact thing 2weeks ago. he also has an animation buddy on the hand that is looking for couriers and wards.
i have dropped him already a message in skype.
I'm in (my workshop) and I work with Dilanka!
@SeeingTriangles The wind ranger is looking good! Keep going. I have to agree with Shock about the gradation from top to bottom, it will definitely help. I am sure you can play around with that! The cape I mentioned on the last post was about the wrinkles, they dont seem to match up. although it might be in an angle so it might not be a big deal. Also you can try to variate your greens a bit like in nature. Would be nice to see younger lighter leafs and older darker larger leafs in your design keeping it subtle.
Maybe we could have a border for anyone who wants to use it but they don't have to. Then again it's being done as an event, why would anyone not want to use it?
@bounchfx, looking tight, and sharp
Thanks for the input guys. I am going to ditch the shield, just not enough visual interest for sure. I'm not too concerned about a sheath personally either. In a perfect world we have unlimited tri count
But I've noticed most of the alchemist slot counts are even less than the stock items
I really wasn't happy with the hilt either. Like some of it but it felt bulky and i couldn't get the flow across the top like I wanted.
So I did some concepting and came up with this...
I think it has better flow and I have enough tris left for a ding or two in the blade (the gem is placeholder hence the high polycount on it)
@SeeingTriangles - Thanks! The rocks on the arms are more or less done, the little rock on the hand however is not done. I will finish that little rock tonight, and do the crest for empty back space.
Keep up the amazing work guys! This polycount submission is going to be out of control awesome!
We have a team of 3, and will be working on Nature's Prophet!
Toasty - Texturing, Animation, loadingscreens
WillyPup - Modelling, baking, texturing
Pancreas - Concept, texturing, loadingscreens
some progress, decided to add a hip blade based on Shadow Blade
going to recoulor it so it's not just a straight up purple shadow blade
I think at most there should just be a common symbol or a border used for each submission.
Hoping to finish the textures tonight. I better get to work !
I did some concept work on a courier, still not sure if I be able to find people for it or if I will do it myself. Would love to hear what u ppl think of it.
The problem about the design is that u should be able to spot that's a ward directly so when place the eye will be pointed upwards. Sorry for the bad quality picture, i made a photo of it because I drew it on a diff computer.. Still needs some more work.
On my end I could only get started just a few days ago therefore I am still in the early design stages but I thought I'd share, if anything in order to keep up with the rules and the spirit of the event. I am also relieved now that I know for sure that what I am doing is very different from what SeingTriangles is doing with his own (great looking !) WR - there won't be any overlap.
The idea is to expand on some of the hints given by the base model of WR, with her forearm coverings and her default cape looking like something between leaves and insect armor. So I thought I'd go fully in that direction, basically dressing her up in bug-like armor plating. Nothing is locked design-wise for now, this is basically mere vocabulary exploration before moving on to the final design using a template with screenshots of the actual model.
This is something that I have been looking forward to do for a while, therefore I am really glad that the event is pushing me to actually do it. I am giving myself up to Feb. 30th for concept work, and then up to March 15th for sculpting, aiming for a working ingame model ready for final tweaks around the 25th. Crossing fingers !
Also, something about event participation just occurred to me : With this event being such a great occasion to get familiar with Dota2 item creation, I think it would be wise for people looking to join teams to clearly mention to their teammates whether or not they are familiar with the export process (this of course mostly applies to modelers and animators, and to a lesser extent texture artists). It sounds obvious to those of us already knowledgeable about it, but to newcomers the creation and export process can be very much overwhelming and result in items not being finished on time. Now of course I would think that this kind of stuff would be discussed privately anyways, but I just thought I'd mention it still - don't be ashamed to talk to your teammates about what you don't know, so that technical hurdles can be taken care of as early as possible. And good luck !
@Pior, I like the idea, but make sure that you don't get too caught up on WR being a bug.
I like these ones the best
i was poking through some old concepts and found jack the ripper pudge. borrowed some shapes from his flick knife for some giant switch blade action. very bloodborne. not planning on having it animated, probably gonna have his offhand folded, or have styles for each hand
colours are slowly approaching antimage territory, purple is not a creative colour
Hey guys, this is the sniper idea that I will do with Vikko. I was researching alot of Moebius e Amano arts, and wanted to give Sniper a fresh look. I will give some beard variations but the rest I think it's final. I would love to see come critiques to check if I'm on the right path!
great designe of set. looks some casual and brutal) you will add details to this concept?
many people know that in this polycount chest we want to add the appropriate polycount courier, which in its concept uses the brand of polycount. But we dont know opinions of founders of the forum aboute our idea. For this reason, I would like to know what thinks the administration on this issue? Does it allow us to use their brand in the concept of a courier?
Ike: Another fresh original design. I like the hair more than the hat you had, but I still feel like it doesn't fit the set.
Mango: Cool looking gun!
I hope to post some WIPs soon, just waiting on the final concept
as for what has been going on here in the last few days... i am speechless as usual. ike`s set looks really fitting for an "non magic wielder" such as andymage, and magnohusein`s sniper set looks like it`s straight from a medieval themed futuristic movie. great works as usual.
i feel..... jealous to say the least.
@ike, looking really good. The brown is a nice change from his standard sets (2 in store do have brown). You've lost a lot of his orange skin tone covering the arms though. Maybe you can pull some of that into the coat for the variety you want. Possibly some patches/badges/stripes or buttons?
@Magno, don't know what Moebius e Amano means but he's looking pretty cool.
I know I know, not many crits there but you guys are good.
Quick bake and in game rig test on the scimitar: