Here's a thing I made. Was doing a concept for a sci fi syringe (I'm doing an art test), and decided to have a bit of fun with colors and style. It's a bit out of my comfort zone, but I'm kind of happy with it. Now on to make it (a bit toned down) in 3D.
monkeyed around with the composition to throw the ship closer to center. can't stare at this thing any longer, gonna go outside or something. value issues abound but it's starting to be something
I posted this is the pixel art thread but I want to wish everyone here a happy holiday as well! So keep up the good work of being the best art-community ever folks! =D Me and team Sportmatchen wishes you all a happy 2106!!
Wow, so much talent here! I just finished my fall semester at LCAD. Don't want to get rusty over break so i painted this. I'm a newbie when it comes to painting backgrounds and lighting. Would love any feedback if you have it!
Inspired by the satyrs in the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion
I'm a big fan of the Night Elves in WoW and hope that one day we'll get more Night Elf themed (and in general, more racial) armor sets in the game. Decided to draw an armor set design of my own.
I was thinking about a story where a commando was sent to a maximum security prison on Mars, and was forced to engage in bare-knuckle fights for survival. Cheerio!
Holy crap, Premium. That's amazing. Johannes, you're killing it! Your output with these paintings is unheard of, you have more stamina than a toddler on heroine. Eric and Lutzbot, killer environment work.
I got a tutorial that covered going from black and white to color using gradient maps, and I don't think I'll ever paint the same again.
I've been working on a League of Legends skin idea I had for a bit now, and just recently finished! A skin for Shyvana based off of the hellkite drake in Dark Souls.
hey guys! i'm new here, this is what I've been working on, it's an artwork for an indie cards game app, that will be released soon, what do you think? cheers to everyone
Lionelle, is this a page background or an individual card? If it is an individual card, you might want a much larger main point of interest, since it will be small.
Here is something I was noodling with before the holiday, and will get back to finishing soon.
Wonderful work everyone! Moof - Fkin killingt as usuall. Daymn. Wow everyone is so awesome gotta step up my game for 2016
Heres a little salamander dude!
Also finished my daily art 2015 woooooo finally. 2016 will be all about chillin out and painting for fun with nice breaks inbetween it´s probably a lot more healthy. Everyday scribbles was fun but I think il learn more by just drawing for fun without the pressure.
Just like everyone around the world, I am right now addicted to Overwatch, so I tried to make a genderbend Slodier 76 design. I am still an absolute beginner, So I know it's not perfect, But I am really happy how it came out. Opinions ?
Pew Puff Down!
I've been working on environments with characters
Tried channeling my inner Ding Daxue:
Here's a thing I made. Was doing a concept for a sci fi syringe (I'm doing an art test), and decided to have a bit of fun with colors and style. It's a bit out of my comfort zone, but I'm kind of happy with it. Now on to make it (a bit toned down) in 3D.
Edit: Posted in my sketchbook thread where there are some WIP's as well:
Daven, rock'n the undertale. Sweet stuff!
Kaktuzlime, awesome as always!
Here's another study from public domain footage
guys, this page is
also way cool stuff yall
Lutzbot, looking forward to seeing that develop!
Virtual Plein Air:
monkeyed around with the composition to throw the ship closer to center. can't stare at this thing any longer, gonna go outside or something. value issues abound but it's starting to be something
So keep up the good work of being the best art-community ever folks! =D Me and team Sportmatchen wishes you all a happy 2106!!
Here is one before christmas. Had some free time:
I'm a big fan of the Night Elves in WoW and hope that one day we'll get more Night Elf themed (and in general, more racial) armor sets in the game. Decided to draw an armor set design of my own.
been a while since i tried painting something
Johannes, you're killing it! Your output with these paintings is unheard of, you have more stamina than a toddler on heroine.
Eric and Lutzbot, killer environment work.
I got a tutorial that covered going from black and white to color using gradient maps, and I don't think I'll ever paint the same again.
hey guys! i'm new here, this is what I've been working on, it's an artwork for an indie cards game app, that will be released soon, what do you think? cheers to everyone
Lionelle, is this a page background or an individual card? If it is an individual card, you might want a much larger main point of interest, since it will be small.
Here is something I was noodling with before the holiday, and will get back to finishing soon.
Heres a little salamander dude!
Also finished my daily art 2015 woooooo finally. 2016 will be all about chillin out and painting for fun with nice breaks inbetween it´s probably a lot more healthy. Everyday scribbles was fun but I think il learn more by just drawing for fun without the pressure.
edit: im a dumb and accidentally went to the wrong thread