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Uncharted 4

polycounter lvl 16
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thinkinmonkey polycounter lvl 16
being a great fan of the series, I just watched the E3 trailer of 4th chapter:
But will that really be the graphic quality?!?!
They say they captured it from PS4, if that's right, it's just amazing!
What do you think?


  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    It's all in engine, I'm just not sure if it's real time. The less compressed 60 FPS version looks even better. http://www.naughtydog.com/site/post/uncharted_4_a_thiefs_end_2014_e3_trailer/
  • thinkinmonkey
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    thinkinmonkey polycounter lvl 16
    Just WoW!
    It's amazing: the Nathan closeup looks very realistic.
    Thank you, ZacD.
  • d1ver
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    d1ver polycounter lvl 14
  • tadpole3159
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    tadpole3159 polycounter lvl 12
    the animation really stood out to me. that bit the with rope when he punched the guy was awesome! completely smooth and perfectly framed. I have no idea how they did that.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Dudes.....what the hell. How.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Doesn't bother me. Game of the year of all years.
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    The blue water inside the cave looks a bit dodge, clearly a conveyor belt of alpha textures, but badly blended.

    To be honest, all of the Uncharted series have looked awesome, but it's the storyline that has always been the winning thing. Favourites for me are: 2 then 1, but 1 was the first that I played. Day one buy for me.
  • rogelio
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    rogelio greentooth
    This was an awesome demo to be part of :)

    Ill try to list the Environment Art team here, if I miss some I am so so sorry :)

    So many more people worked on this. These were the ones directly involved with the environment art team.

    As for time from literal start to completion very little.

    Oh and yes this is the graphic quality with more time we could have done way way more. Still very proud of what we put to show :) It will only get better at this point.

    edit: Yes it is realtime

    Leads and Directors

    Tate Mosesian - Texture Lead
    Teagan Morrison - Technical Director
    Vivian Ding - Lighting Lead
    Robh Ruppel - Art Director

    Environment Modelers
    Todd Foster
    Adam Littledale
    Brian Recktenwald
    Andrew Watkins

    Mark Shoaf

    Texture Artists
    Jeremy Matthew Huxley
    Adam Wolfie Marquis
    Chad Russ
    Rogelio Olguin

    Environment art team parings
    Todd Foster - Adam Wolfie Marquis
    Brian Recktenwald - Rogelio Olguin
    Adam Littledale - Jeremy Matthew Huxley

    Foliage Team
    Artem Brizitskiy - The one man army when it came to foliage...
    Andrew Maximov - Technical shader artist
    Christophe Desse - Rigging/Dynamics for plants that Drake Interacts
    Jeremy Matthew Huxley - support
    Rogelio Olguin - support
    Tate Mosesian - - support

    Tools Used: Maya, Zbrush, Photoshop, and others I can not share, but could easily be guessed I am sure.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    These are the best rocks I have seen in any game. Period. Ever. Evar. It's insane
  • Super
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    Super polycounter lvl 18
    Looks so run of the mill. The animation doesn't seem to have moved on at all.
  • [Deleted User]
  • .polygon
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    .polygon polycounter lvl 11
  • Wesley
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    Wesley polycounter lvl 14
    That gameplay reveal was spectacular. I was surprised it even was a gameplay demo initially, I thought it'd just be another teaser. And then it just kept going!
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    holy shit that looks way to awesome, even for naughty dog.
  • [Deleted User]
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  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    M yonly big problem right now is how flat the lightning looks but that<s probably more part of the level than of the game engine.
  • sziada
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    sziada polycounter lvl 12
    sah pretty 0_0
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Woo congrats to the Naughty Dog squad on a solid showing! Looking forward to the breakdowns, seems like a poop ton of art content!
  • Higuy
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    Higuy polycounter lvl 11
  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    For any Naughty Dog staffers here, are all the people who are working on Uncharted 4 veterans of the studio, or are there new recruits working on this on well?

    I ask this because I always wanted to know when and how can artists get started making next gen games.

    This game truly looks phenomenal. I await seeing the art dumps from everything shown here. The environments are highly detailed, it looks like physically based materials is used for everything, the nice particle effects when bullets start grazing at the ground. Great work all!
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    The funnier is that alot of people are complaigning saying it's not pretty as they expected.

    I tihnk alot of the people don't see all the subtle technical and graphical improvemnts here.

    For example, the really soft and diffuse projeciton of light and shadows.

    Volumetric light in creeks and such.

    Quiet but accurate GI.

    Dynamic water movements and waves.

    Lush and dynamic foliage.

    Lots of nice layer of animations here. Drake movements seems alot less choppy than before.

    Also maybe these are just scripted events, if the AI goes on and see if it's partner's okay, that's a nice leap for this kind of game.

    I'll add to that that the rope catch and swing part amazed me. Same goes for the magnificent level design!

    Look at how the gunshoot area is not flat at all,almost looks like a Multiplayer heaven playground, yet it feels solid and coherent art wise.

    Nice move ND.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    JordanN wrote: »
    For any Naughty Dog staffers here, are all the people who are working on Uncharted 4 veterans of the studio, or are there new recruits working on this on well?

    Brian Recktenwald and Andrew Maximov (both fucking awesomely talented dudes!) are the only new additions to the art team who worked on this demo and didn't work on any previous Naughty Dog games.

    Everyone else has worked on previous Uncharted games, The Last of Us or both! Although Brian started here before TLOU was finished so I wouldn't say he is "new".

    Super proud and inspired by the team that made this demo. They fucking killed it :D
  • rogelio
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    rogelio greentooth
    I kind of feel new still even though it has been 2 years :D The Last of us just flew out the window.

    But yeah, all the people who worked on the demo are insane and it is a honor to have been a part of it!

    As for art dumps I would not expect any from artists unless officially released by NaughtyDog. Art dumps are usually reserved for when the game is done so expect them after the release.
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    Yep and generally if you want character art dump, you'd best expect at zbrsuh central, not here.
  • thinkinmonkey
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    thinkinmonkey polycounter lvl 16
    I watched it twice and still impressed by the environment.
    I'm very curious about the rest.
  • SuperFranky
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    SuperFranky polycounter lvl 10
    Graphics are great, but the idea of spending the entire game on a boring green island doesn't excite me at all :( I hope that it's only a small part of the game, otherwise it would be major step back for the franchise. We already have two games based on one island, I don't need any more.
    Still, looks like they finally reworked the gameplay mechanics and it looks pretty awesome with all climbing around and shooting at the same time.
  • weee
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    weee polycounter lvl 3
    i can watch it all day long, loving all the details all around, the animation looks good to me, the facial animation is certainly above the average(if not the best), and the smoke scatters away slower than the average which is a nice little touch to the realism, the only concern is it's gonna be 30fps but that's understandable considering they are squeezing all the graphic power out of PS4.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Graphics are great, but the idea of spending the entire game on a boring green island doesn't excite me at all :( I hope that it's only a small part of the game, otherwise it would be major step back for the franchise. We already have two games based on one island, I don't need any more.
    Still, looks like they finally reworked the gameplay mechanics and it looks pretty awesome with all climbing around and shooting at the same time.

    how do you get to that conclusion? UC always was worldwide :o
  • Envart
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    Envart polycounter lvl 6
    Really impressive stuff in the demo, so many little touches. Amazing work all around.
  • SuperFranky
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    SuperFranky polycounter lvl 10
    Neox wrote: »
    how do you get to that conclusion? UC always was worldwide :o

    Seems entirely too huge of an island to be a minor level. I hope I'm wrong.
  • SuperFranky
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    SuperFranky polycounter lvl 10
    Just learned that they changed the composer for U4. It's now Henry Jackman, and he is super good. He composed X-Men: First Class and my favorite Kick-Ass.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Seems entirely too huge of an island to be a minor level. I hope I'm wrong.

    you said it -seems- wasn't uncharted always about how much bigger the world seemed compared to what was playable? maybe i am too naive, but i doubt they have forgotten what their game has always been, a modern approach on indiana jones, travelling the world.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    looks cool! Im getting a ps4 soon! :D being from south africa I couldnt help but laugh at the south african thugs hehe.
  • SuperFranky
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    SuperFranky polycounter lvl 10
    Neox wrote: »
    you said it -seems- wasn't uncharted always about how much bigger the world seemed compared to what was playable? maybe i am too naive, but i doubt they have forgotten what their game has always been, a modern approach on indiana jones, travelling the world.
    We'll see next year with more gameplay footage, I guess.
  • Noren
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    Noren polycounter lvl 20
    To be honest I don't know much about the franchise, but this looks great!
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    *Thrusts crotch at computer screen*
  • thinkinmonkey
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    thinkinmonkey polycounter lvl 16
    I'm not sure, I played years ago, but the first chapter wasn't just on one island, they traveled as well, as Neox said, the game has Indiana Jones' spirit of traveling the world.

    By the way, it's just a gameplay video, a tiny piece of the game, it's not a teaser or a trailer, that should show us even more characters, environments, vehicles and so on like Star Wars teaser and Jurassic Park trailer did.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    An objective break down of what I saw, mixed with my own opinions:

    To me it does just look like similar, standard movement and combat, separated by very nice segues that are unique from one another. If I had to guess no body puts more in to their single player games as far as custom dialogue and animations or interactions go like Naughty Dog does. They fill what would normally be mundane with so much extra 'cosmetic' content, its a pleasure to experience it. That's why their games often feel like you're 'watching a movie'.

    I don't see much happening here that is really special in terms bringing new gameplay ideas to the table, but I love what they've done with the recipe. ND really seems to have stepped up their efforts for segues between gameplay moments.

    Gameplay aside, what we were shown looks really pretty. Again, nothing entirely ground breaking but the entire package and presentation is top notch. Naught Dog is one of the best developers for when it comes to considerations and polish.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I've been seeing a lot of 'I was expecting more', from a lot of the new games. I'm really curious what people are expecting.
    I'm damn impressed by this game, and the visuals of many 'next-gen' focused games (like Unity).
    I really enjoyed Watch Dogs, and thought it was a great game (with a mildly weak story), but I saw the same complaints about it.

    Maybe my expectations are just lower than others, but honestly, the hardware, on the new consoles, isn't really earth shattering, and I thought everyone understood this going in. I don't think you can expect much more out of these games.
  • SuperFranky
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    SuperFranky polycounter lvl 10
    chiniara wrote: »
    The last two were worldwide but i think the first one was just on one island, wasn't it?
    Uncharted on Vita was also on one island.
    notman wrote: »
    I've been seeing a lot of 'I was expecting more', from a lot of the new games. I'm really curious what people are expecting.
    I think it's just, that the new consoles are out, but we are still playing the same games. One would expect advancements in something besides visuals. Pretty graphics just are not enough today and recent reviews reflect that.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Uncharted on Vita was also on one island.

    I think it's just, that the new consoles are out, but we are still playing the same games. One would expect advancements in something besides visuals. Pretty graphics just are not enough today and recent reviews reflect that.

    That's really all the new consoles offer though. More/improved particles, improved rendering, higher resolutions, and processing to handle more objects. I don't know why people would think new consoles would revolutionize how studios create games.

    And to be honest, while I was watching this gameplay, during the event, I was impressed by things, like the pick scraping down the wall. Swinging by the rope was cool too. I also like Drakes reactions to his environment (even if they are mostly audio cues).
    Not that any of it was groundbreaking, but they were cool editions that I suspect were not possible before, while maintaining the visual depth.
  • rogelio
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    rogelio greentooth
    Updated the list again, so many great people worked on this including Andrew Watkins and Chad Russ are both amazing artists that did the vista wide of these sections and really it is like looking at a painting. So sorry to not include you guys in :)
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    I think it's just, that the new consoles are out, but we are still playing the same games. One would expect advancements in something besides visuals. Pretty graphics just are not enough today and recent reviews reflect that.

    Its the same as PS1 to PS2 and PS2 to PS3. Its all the same games with better graphics. People who say they are clamoring for new ways to play games have that option. Its called the Wii U. And based on how successful that is, its clear people don't actually want that.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Uncharted is a Action/Adventure game and is made for people who enjoy those types of games. If thats not your thing, or if you feel you want a different game there are plenty out there for you.

    The indie scene is the best place for unique gameplay experiences that are different from the big AAA titles.

    If you are looking for different experiences try out Portal, Gone Home, the Stanley Porabila, OctoDad, Journey, Flower, Unfinished Swan. The list goes on and on. There are tons of games out there for you if you are over the AAA style games. We are not making those games though, we are making the best Action/Adventure game we can and the best Uncharted game in the series. So much more awesomeness to come :D
  • WarrenM
    IMO, there's no reason to whine about one or the other. Unique gameplay experiences are great. Polished and well executed games using familiar gameplay mechanics are also great. Complaining that one isn't the other is just ... I dunno, whining for the sake of it.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    First lets all remember this is just but a small demo of all the cool new stuff for Uncharted and there was already a lot of new mechanics in there. The Rope, stealth grass, pitons in the rock.

    When you are dealing with any franchise game you must balance keeping the core mechanics of the game intact while adding new features that benefit those core principals. Changing things so drastically takes away from what the original game is and in a sense, makes it a different game entirely. Which is not what you want to do.

    You don't want to alienate your fan base that loves the game for what it is by drastically changing things just because your on a new console or because your a squeal. But you also don't want to have the exact same game that would be stale for those players.

    Its a balancing act of adding new features that add and enhance the core experience of the game while still maintaining those original core concepts. If you change things too much you might as well make a different game, which we did. It was called The Last of Us :)
  • Quack!
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    Quack! polycounter lvl 17
    Looking fantastic ND'ers, as expected. My biggest takeaway is there seems to be an evolution of design going on. This demo showed a very strong combat loop with Drake ducking in and out of cover, with enemies navigating complex areas and a strong stalk/kill/stealth loop. It shows how high level the craftsmanship is. Can't wait to play.
  • .polygon
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    .polygon polycounter lvl 11
    i am also happy they showed us gameplay!!!, and not just showing us a cinematic.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    loved the gameplay demo. uncharted has been one of the only games to ever really make my jaw drop while my mind explodes forming a black hole that destroys every other game in existence. really loved seeing that grappling hook. looked like it definitely changes some of the traversal a bit. hoping that makes its way to multiplayer :)
  • reanimate
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