Well, it's still the beginning of the gen and every devs wants to show their new engines, their news toys, the new possibilities, their new teams etc.
Same goes for Square Enix. Final Fantasy XV is the first game I recall where they showed extensive footage of their engine capabilities.
Actually, the video showing Drake model and textures really puts things in perspective. The tech is high and makes you wanna see more of how the character and shader will react to light.
I'm just sad nothing has been shown about the animation...
I simultaneously love and hate you guys so much right now
Seriously out-fucking-standing demo!! Not much else to say.... you guys are rockstars. Those environments have to be so much fun to work on. Raised the bar very high, you guys have again.
BTW Andrew, great talk at Gnomon the other night Those were a pleasure to watch
The bar has been set soooo far upwards with this showing that I don't think anyone will come close for many years... Naughty Dog is unmatched when it comes to producing solid cinematic experiences... I'd love to know what the crunch hours were like
Congrats ND, my jaw dropped after watching the full e3 demo... I need a nap :P
Amazing work all around! These are the games I dreamed about playing as a kid in the 90's. I haven't been disappointed with an Uncharted yet. There are a hand full of top tier teams that make games I buy without question. Naughty dog is near the top of the list for me. Can't wait to play this!
Thanks for the comments from everyone! the crew that worked on it worked extremely hard on this at ND hope we can continue to make an awesome experiance for everyone! Hrs wise it was insane but not totally ridicules... some more than others. Wish we could share more info on these so damn itching to share I can say I worked mostly on the first half art wise as a texture artist and some modeling to help out. We had a large crew on this art wise.
I think when comparing ND crunch hours to other AAA studio hours (besides maybe Rockstar etc.) is probably incredibly skewed. I'm all for awesome looking / playing games, and ND has some incredibly hard working and talented devs... but I hope we don't overlook the amount of overtime that you all go through when creating these experiences. But I'm thinking that is a convo for another thread / another time in another galaxy :P
In terms of story telling and acting, the work presented here is amongst the best. With TLOU, ND had already show us they were masters at performance capture but this is just a new confirmation haha.
I love the way the game is looking... Are the mouth movements bother anyone else though? I've noticed, in all the new clips, that they are barely moving their mouths, and they don't match the audio very well.
Either way, it doesn't change my plans to purchase immediately on release. I'm sooo looking forward to this game
Hey everyone here is the latest story trailer for Uncharted 4: A Theifs End. Super proud to work with so many talented and hardworking people here at Naughty Dog bringing this game to life
Anyone know if/who the level designers for Uncharted 4 were?
Nobody respond to this. Bad timing to ask for who the levels designers are after a mix up happens.
Sorry, I'm not aware of what happened.
No worries! : ] Assumed that it was just bad timing. I recommend doing a twitter search for Naughty Dog level designers, as the ones that want to be public will be on there. I follow a few, also.
Looks really amazing guys, I dont play ps4 as I end up looking only at the floor or the sky with a console controller. However, I might have to enter the modern age to play this.
I really enjoyed the MP beta. I usually play the Uncharted series, for the story, and never touch the MP. This time around, the MP will be the icing on the cake. It did have some issues, that I hope they resolve, but the MP should end up pretty fun
I'm kinda interested to know: do their environment artists travel to get references or they just google searches their stuff?
I would LOVE it if they sent us on trips around the world for our levels to gather reference. But that would be super expensive so no.
Google is our best friend, that and movies, and photos of coworkers trips around the world. Also Southern California has a lot of different environments in like a 2hr driving range. Beaches, Deserts, Mountains with snow.
I did do the underwater coral reef level you see in that trailer and I did go to Australia in 2014 and went scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef. So I guess "technically" I kinda did go to a location I was making in game. But it was really just for vacation and how much I feel in love with coral reefs from working on that little section
I'm kinda interested to know: do their environment artists travel to get references or they just google searches their stuff?
I would LOVE it if they sent us on trips around the world for our levels to gather reference. But that would be super expensive so no.
Google is our best friend, that and movies, and photos of coworkers trips around the world. Also Southern California has a lot of different environments in like a 2hr driving range. Beaches, Deserts, Mountains with snow.
I did do the underwater coral reef level you see in that trailer and I did go to Australia in 2014 and went scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef. So I guess "technically" I kinda did go to a location I was making in game. But it was really just for vacation and how much I feel in love with coral reefs from working on that little section
thats awesome, really looking forward to playing the game, congrats on some very classy work. Id love to live somewhere like southern california, sounds a blast living near such great locations
I'm kinda interested to know: do their environment artists travel to get references or they just google searches their stuff?
I would LOVE it if they sent us on trips around the world for our levels to gather reference. But that would be super expensive so no.
Google is our best friend, that and movies, and photos of coworkers trips around the world. Also Southern California has a lot of different environments in like a 2hr driving range. Beaches, Deserts, Mountains with snow.
I did do the underwater coral reef level you see in that trailer and I did go to Australia in 2014 and went scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef. So I guess "technically" I kinda did go to a location I was making in game. But it was really just for vacation and how much I feel in love with coral reefs from working on that little section
I hope there's a PC face somewhere within the coral I'll be thinking of you when I get to that part
15 min preview of Uncharted 4! This is the main level my texture artist Genesis Prado and I worked on. We got to establish the levels look, style and scope early on in production. David Baldwin and Heather Cerlan also worked on various sections of this level and Artem Brizitskiy helped out on some of the foliage. Foreground/Destruction and the Jeep by Christophe Desse, Inkyo Lee and Neilan Naicker. Lighting by Ai-Fen Lo, Animation by Jonathan Cooper and FX by Iki Ikram. Of course others had helped in various ways but these are some of the main people that brought this level to life. Obviously spoilers.
I was watching this during my lunch. Amazing details... I had to shut it off, after a few minutes, because I was desperately wishing I could play the game now. Can't wait for this one
Same goes for Square Enix. Final Fantasy XV is the first game I recall where they showed extensive footage of their engine capabilities.
Actually, the video showing Drake model and textures really puts things in perspective. The tech is high and makes you wanna see more of how the character and shader will react to light.
I'm just sad nothing has been shown about the animation...
The attention to detail, even as you fly by.. as well as all the little animations of everything shaking and moving. So good.
You guys are at ND are doing an awesome job!
Love the back and forth the whole time between Nate and Sully.
Seriously out-fucking-standing demo!! Not much else to say.... you guys are rockstars. Those environments have to be so much fun to work on. Raised the bar very high, you guys have again.
BTW Andrew, great talk at Gnomon the other night
Congrats ND, my jaw dropped after watching the full e3 demo... I need a nap :P
Back on topic, dis shit lewks hawt!
New stuff! And it's looking great!
In terms of story telling and acting, the work presented here is amongst the best. With TLOU, ND had already show us they were masters at performance capture but this is just a new confirmation haha.
Either way, it doesn't change my plans to purchase immediately on release. I'm sooo looking forward to this game
New stuff guys! Still looking great. I think ND is at the top of the cinematic games.
Bad timing to ask for who the levels designers are after a mix up happens.
Only 2 months till release!
Sorry, I'm not aware of what happened.
Assumed that it was just bad timing.
I recommend doing a twitter search for Naughty Dog level designers, as the ones that want to be public will be on there. I follow a few, also.
Google is our best friend, that and movies, and photos of coworkers trips around the world. Also Southern California has a lot of different environments in like a 2hr driving range. Beaches, Deserts, Mountains with snow.
I did do the underwater coral reef level you see in that trailer and I did go to Australia in 2014 and went scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef. So I guess "technically" I kinda did go to a location I was making in game. But it was really just for vacation and how much I feel in love with coral reefs from working on that little section
Obviously spoilers.