Quick question : during the Q&A, they say that the normal map for the face is only 1K. That seams really low to me. That might be possible if the gloss map is authored at 2-4K?
Quick question : during the Q&A, they say that the normal map for the face is only 1K. That seams really low to me. That might be possible if the gloss map is authored at 2-4K?
What do you think ?
indeed does sound low but perhaps that's just the base forms and they overlay masked detail maps. i know i would. crazy video btw. great work.
mat - do you get deja vu like i do from seeing drake? every. single. time.
Quick question : during the Q&A, they say that the normal map for the face is only 1K. That seams really low to me. That might be possible if the gloss map is authored at 2-4K?
What do you think ?
They said that all the micro detail is done through shaders. no?
Yeah that 1k answer was in reply to a question about the detail normals maps (which are tiled a high frequency to maintain high frequency texel data). I was hoping they'd explain how they orientated the stitch using shaders (doesn't look like it was done with the UV layout).
Soooo gooooood!!! Makes me want to art......HARD!!!! Would really like to know about the stitching I have some theories haha. loving the use of detail maps beautiful stuff!!!
I realized I was only talking about the Environment/Lighting team. I think almost everyone character art side who worked on this demo is new to ND. Ryan our character TD is not new though.
Animation, I have no clue who worked on what ha.
Also here is a cool comparison of Drake from U4 and U3. In Maya with neutral lighting.
Ignore the trollbaity shit on the pic, best comparison pic I could, but I noticed this too while watching the demo.
Anyone from ND able to shed on light on the very obvious change? Different TOD sure but, more than that.
I'm assuming the first one was rendered using their technology, ala some of the cutscenes in previous Uncharted games and the Last of Us, which have a bit of difference in fidelity as compared to ingame. I'm assuming the real time looks the way it does because of performance.
theres a difference in what you can do for a trailer and actual ingame, not in respect to technology but in terms of art direction.
for example, you have a dynamic exposure system, you tend to have to be conservative for in game to avoid players not being able to see, this will then mean that your cutscenes need to be consistent with the game, so you tend not to have as much deep shadowing and less contrast.
you dont have these issues with a trailer thats viewed in its own bubble.
Having said that the image above looks like its in the wrong colour space giving it the washed out look that i didn't see when viewing the trailer in some video players.
I honestly think you could get 90% similar images in similar lighting conditions.
i think it looks great looking forward to playing the shit out of it.
Here are just a couple of things about those comparison shots.
1.Time of day is different in both. - Our first trailer is at night, moonlight. Our gameplay demo is early morning. So the moonlight is slightly over exaggerated to give more contrast to give it that night feeling but enough light so you can see whats going on. Dawn is not a time of day where you have a lot of contrast.
2. His face is so spec-y in the first image! - Have you seen the trailer? He literally just gets up out of water so his face/chest/shirt are wet and have a high sheen. Bottom one he is not wet so of course he looks dry.
3. Trailers are Art Directed for every frame - A trailer is not gameplay so we have the ability to do a lot of art direction in that shot, that could otherwise hamper gameplay. It allows us to give a lot more emotion to a trailer.
Here are just a couple of things about those comparison shots.
1.Time of day is different in both. - Our first trailer is at night, moonlight. Our gameplay demo is early morning. So the moonlight is slightly over exaggerated to give more contrast to give it that night feeling but enough light so you can see whats going on. Dawn is not a time of day where you have a lot of contrast.
2. His face is so spec-y in the first image! - Have you seen the trailer? He literally just gets up out of water so his face/chest/shirt are wet and have a high sheen. Bottom one he is not wet so of course he looks dry.
3. Trailers are Art Directed for every frame - A trailer is not gameplay so we have the ability to do a lot of art direction in that shot, that could otherwise hamper gameplay. It allows us to give a lot more emotion to a trailer.
I registered on this website just to say thank you for clearing that up for the people who think the gameplay was identical to the E3 footage (with ONLY differences in lighting). Despite my countless attempts at trying to explain that on NeoGaf, I ended up getting banned for trying to explain it. I never assumed that the gameplay was going to look like the E3 trailer.
I registered on this website just to say thank you for clearing that up for the people who think the gameplay was identical to the E3 footage (with ONLY differences in lighting). Despite my countless attempts at trying to explain that on NeoGaf, I ended up getting banned for trying to explain it. I never assumed that the gameplay was going to look like the E3 trailer.
I registered on this website just to say thank you for clearing that up for the people who think the gameplay was identical to the E3 footage (with ONLY differences in lighting). Despite my countless attempts at trying to explain that on NeoGaf, I ended up getting banned for trying to explain it. I never assumed that the gameplay was going to look like the E3 trailer.
Beautiful game! I look forward to playing it!
Actually, I am surprised, or should I say not so much, that you came here to try and spin his comments as some sort of validation to the points your made in that thread. The comments from the dev here serves in no way as a validation to your points - aka, a downgrade taking place, even if so slightly. Among many other things that shouldn't be mentioned here and should stay at NeoGaf.
It's sad that the dev took his time to address such a charlatant image and trollish attempt.
If they did have to downgrade it, I'm sure it was for a perfectly good reason.
At the end of the day, its a Naughty Dog game. They could be texturing with crayons and still working in an engine from 1998 and I'd still buy it day one. . That's just how it works with their games.
Uncharted 2 still somehow looks way better than all the next-gen games I've played.
A good way to avoid the accusations of downgrade would have been to simply replay the original trailer in realtime, pause it, and fly the camera around ...
While it is totally understandable that things like TOD and motion blur have to be adjusted for gameplay reasons and are bound to look different than in cutscenes, I feel like there has been a bit of a missed opportunity here - especially after what happened with Watch Dogs.
I wish I could find the Unreal demo that Tim Sweeney did in 2006(ish ?) when he paused what people thought was a video and starting panning the camera around the scene looking at a bunch of spark particles. The reactions of the audience were awesome to hear !
Actually, I am surprised, or should I say not so much, that you came here to try and spin his comments as some sort of validation to the points your made in that thread. The comments from the dev here serves in no way as a validation to your points - aka, a downgrade taking place, even if so slightly. Among many other things that shouldn't be mentioned here and should stay at NeoGaf.
It's sad that the dev took his time to address such a charlatant image and trollish attempt.
I never said there was a downgrade seeing as though I never thought the E3 was going to be actual gameplay.
And he does validate the point that the E3 footage was done in a controlled environment and not equal in quality to the actual gameplay footage like the people on NeoGAF were proclaiming.
i think if you guys had just left your employer out of your signature, your posts would have attracted far less attention from lurkers. now in that article it all sounds like official statements. and who wouldn't want to be quoted using the term "fucking" by the games press.
i hope it does not have any repercussions for you.
8 years later and it still looks badass ! I love the way they handled things around the 2:00 mark. ND could have done just that, replaying the earlier trailer and taking control ! That would have been an awesome way to sell it. And then of course they could have switched the TOD to "gameplay style" and move further from there.
whelp looks like I wont really be talking about Uncharted 4 anymore till its released.
This brings me back to the Matrix Reloaded days working at ESC. We did mostly all the special FX for the movie and the hype of the sequel was ridiculous. All I did was comment in a forum about when the initial reveal trailer was going to hit during the Superbowl with a signature indicating I worked at ESC. The next day I was in the office of the CEO explaining why I was quoted on several websites... good times (no, I didn't get fired).
I commend you for at least clearly up a lot of the ridiculous claims about the game that was starting to grow in the gaming community.
( oops! didn't go back far enuff to see that reanimate already posted a link.
still feel it's noteworthy enuff deserving of an hours worth of embedded youtube goodness )
This is a great talk from Frank Tzeng, Yibing Jiang, Colin Thomas, Ryan Trowbridge, and Ashley Swidowski on the Uncharted 4 Team at Naughty Dog. Ryan is known for being a Maya Master as well as training he's provided in the past like 3D Math for Artists and the Maya Python for Film and Games guide book.
They talk about updating the design on Nathan Drake, his model, his rig, shading and dynamics. Beyond how great the art looks, they talk about dealing with the Uncannny Valley and getting a job in the games industry.
it's hilarious to think that somebody could just make some shit up on this website, put Naughty Dog or whatever in their signature and get a fuckin article about it. like apparently that would not be hard.
[FONT="]In a world that writing anything on the internet or anywhere can be used against you or place of work. This is the world we live in, and it sucks. This is simply lack of journalistic professionalism. The proper approach would have been to clarify with the author of those comments and not use them for a personal spin. ND has historically been open when approached properly.
You know what sucks the most is that polycount has been a nice community for professionals to talk about game related material without having people dissecting what we say day to day[FONT="] or[/FONT] word for word. Now my personal reaction to this is that I will likely not post much here or be extremely careful in what I do post. The only harm done was not on Autocon or any NaughtyDog employee that posted here or other places in[FONT="] [FONT="]Polycount[/FONT][/FONT]... it is the community who will lose out.
ND has always been a studio that shares information happily and readily. Every employee is highly respected and trusted.
Sad just sad...
Disclaimer: These are not the views of NaughtyDog.[/FONT]
[FONT="]-Rogelio Olguin[/FONT]
I hope to see a blundle of ps4 with this game
What do you think ?
indeed does sound low but perhaps that's just the base forms and they overlay masked detail maps. i know i would. crazy video btw. great work.
mat - do you get deja vu like i do from seeing drake? every. single. time.
They said that all the micro detail is done through shaders. no?
Where's UnKarted?
I realized I was only talking about the Environment/Lighting team. I think almost everyone character art side who worked on this demo is new to ND. Ryan our character TD is not new though.
Animation, I have no clue who worked on what ha.
Also here is a cool comparison of Drake from U4 and U3. In Maya with neutral lighting.
Teach me your ways of this mysticism. :shifty:
@Thomas : yeah, every single time I got shivers!
Ignore the trollbaity shit on the pic, best comparison pic I could, but I noticed this too while watching the demo.
Anyone from ND able to shed on light on the very obvious change? Different TOD sure but, more than that.
for example, you have a dynamic exposure system, you tend to have to be conservative for in game to avoid players not being able to see, this will then mean that your cutscenes need to be consistent with the game, so you tend not to have as much deep shadowing and less contrast.
you dont have these issues with a trailer thats viewed in its own bubble.
Having said that the image above looks like its in the wrong colour space giving it the washed out look that i didn't see when viewing the trailer in some video players.
I honestly think you could get 90% similar images in similar lighting conditions.
i think it looks great looking forward to playing the shit out of it.
1.Time of day is different in both. - Our first trailer is at night, moonlight. Our gameplay demo is early morning. So the moonlight is slightly over exaggerated to give more contrast to give it that night feeling but enough light so you can see whats going on. Dawn is not a time of day where you have a lot of contrast.
2. His face is so spec-y in the first image! - Have you seen the trailer? He literally just gets up out of water so his face/chest/shirt are wet and have a high sheen. Bottom one he is not wet so of course he looks dry.
3. Trailers are Art Directed for every frame - A trailer is not gameplay so we have the ability to do a lot of art direction in that shot, that could otherwise hamper gameplay. It allows us to give a lot more emotion to a trailer.
I registered on this website just to say thank you for clearing that up for the people who think the gameplay was identical to the E3 footage (with ONLY differences in lighting). Despite my countless attempts at trying to explain that on NeoGaf, I ended up getting banned for trying to explain it. I never assumed that the gameplay was going to look like the E3 trailer.
Beautiful game! I look forward to playing it!
Don't try to explain things to people on Gaf.
Actually, I am surprised, or should I say not so much, that you came here to try and spin his comments as some sort of validation to the points your made in that thread. The comments from the dev here serves in no way as a validation to your points - aka, a downgrade taking place, even if so slightly. Among many other things that shouldn't be mentioned here and should stay at NeoGaf.
It's sad that the dev took his time to address such a charlatant image and trollish attempt.
At the end of the day, its a Naughty Dog game. They could be texturing with crayons and still working in an engine from 1998 and I'd still buy it day one. . That's just how it works with their games.
Uncharted 2 still somehow looks way better than all the next-gen games I've played.
While it is totally understandable that things like TOD and motion blur have to be adjusted for gameplay reasons and are bound to look different than in cutscenes, I feel like there has been a bit of a missed opportunity here - especially after what happened with Watch Dogs.
I wish I could find the Unreal demo that Tim Sweeney did in 2006(ish ?) when he paused what people thought was a video and starting panning the camera around the scene looking at a bunch of spark particles. The reactions of the audience were awesome to hear !
I never said there was a downgrade seeing as though I never thought the E3 was going to be actual gameplay.
And he does validate the point that the E3 footage was done in a controlled environment and not equal in quality to the actual gameplay footage like the people on NeoGAF were proclaiming.
well not anymore I guess
i hope it does not have any repercussions for you.
8 years later and it still looks badass ! I love the way they handled things around the 2:00 mark. ND could have done just that, replaying the earlier trailer and taking control ! That would have been an awesome way to sell it. And then of course they could have switched the TOD to "gameplay style" and move further from there.
This brings me back to the Matrix Reloaded days working at ESC. We did mostly all the special FX for the movie and the hype of the sequel was ridiculous. All I did was comment in a forum about when the initial reveal trailer was going to hit during the Superbowl with a signature indicating I worked at ESC. The next day I was in the office of the CEO explaining why I was quoted on several websites... good times (no, I didn't get fired).
I commend you for at least clearly up a lot of the ridiculous claims about the game that was starting to grow in the gaming community.
Hope you didn't get into too much trouble.
still feel it's noteworthy enuff deserving of an hours worth of embedded youtube goodness )
posted yesterday on Cory Mogk's AREA blog:
Make it all platform....:p
'all platforms except PC' should ensure enough of an internet outrage.
You know what sucks the most is that polycount has been a nice community for professionals to talk about game related material without having people dissecting what we say day to day[FONT="] or[/FONT] word for word. Now my personal reaction to this is that I will likely not post much here or be extremely careful in what I do post. The only harm done was not on Autocon or any NaughtyDog employee that posted here or other places in[FONT="] [FONT="]Polycount[/FONT][/FONT]... it is the community who will lose out.
ND has always been a studio that shares information happily and readily. Every employee is highly respected and trusted.
Sad just sad...
Disclaimer: These are not the views of NaughtyDog.[/FONT]
[FONT="]-Rogelio Olguin[/FONT]
thanks, you got me my daily laugh quota :P