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E3 2014



  • Darth Tomi
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    Darth Tomi polycounter lvl 12
    I'm also never gonna play a Ubisoft game ever again.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    omg did you see that Zelda trailer!? FUUUUUCK! I want to play that gorgeous looking game right meow!
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    I'm going to buy a Wii U just for the Zelda game. The graphics look immense, gameplay with Nintendo is #1 - usually.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    man i really really wish for a new good zelda.
    after all zelda is the reason i started airborn - hell was i in shock when i read about skyward sword. It sounded like what i would airborn to be like. How horrible that game was i realized after only minutes of playing it. it lacked all the charme and appeal and the linear way this 3dimensional world was built was really sad
  • Shadownami92
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    Shadownami92 polycounter lvl 7
    Yeah is most ways Skyward Sword was a big letdown. I'm really hoping they can pull through with a great game this time. Though from the sound of things it won't be out until over a year from now.

    The rest of Nintendo's offerings seem pretty nice though that are coming out sooner. Maybe Monolith Soft can help the Zelda team with the large game world aspect since they seem to have a lot of experience with that down with Xenoblade Chronicles X and whatnot.

    Either way the guys at Nintendo have some fantasy shaders. Yoshi's Wooly World looks fantastic!
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    For me, there hasn't been a better Zelda game since - A Link to the Past. The 2D format was perfect and with Secret of Mana those two games showed me a perfect gaming experience. Ocarina of Time didn't feel right when it was released - the last Zelda game I've played. Couldn't get over the 3D. I think I'm ready for 3D Zelda / Link.
  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    For me, there hasn't been a better Zelda game since - A Link to the Past. The 2D format was perfect and with Secret of Mana those two games showed me a perfect gaming experience. Ocarina of Time didn't feel right when it was released - the last Zelda game I've played. Couldn't get over the 3D. I think I'm ready for 3D Zelda / Link.

    Missing Wind Waker is a crime against gaming.
  • Mstankow
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    Mstankow polycounter lvl 11
    I already said this before but play Link Between Worlds.
  • Makkon
  • Anchang-Style
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    Anchang-Style polycounter lvl 7
    With all the hype for Nintendo...they are not bringing Twitch to Wii U...given reason "no fun", more probable reason is their douchbag copyright policy for youtube content creators (eventhough they are clearly not alone with this).
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    I've heard Wind Waker is really good, might pick up a Game Cube just to play it . The transition between Mario 2D and 3D was a lot better for me. And Link Between Worlds, it has that ALttP quality to it. So many games to play.

    Haha, Makkon that's genius.
  • Tekoppar
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    Tekoppar polycounter lvl 10
    So, games that peaked my interest are Zelda U, Harvest Moon, Sunset Overdrive, Yoshis Wooly World, Splatoon, Rainbow Six Siege and Ori and the Blind Forest. There are some other games that kinda peaked my interested but they way they showed them just made me not want to care about them at all. An example of that would be Mirrors Edge 2, loved the first one. But all I can remember that they talked about was the combat, and the combat was awful and should not exist in a game like this.

    @Target_Renegade get the Wii U version of Wind Waker (as long as you can get over the bloom). Main reasons being that you can get the swift sail and you can use the inventory on the gamepad as you play. They've also fixed some other small annoyances that just makes it more enjoyable.
  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    I might be in the minority but my favorites were Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess. MM had some of the most creative gameplay mechanics I've ever seen, and it was one of the only games I've ever played in my entire life that had a timed gameplay system that actually enhanced the experience of playing the game.

    Twilight Princess had an amazing art style, I really loved the transition into making things appear darker and more evil. I was actually hoping the Zelda U demo would match up to the teaser/demo they showed off a few years ago, as it seemed to be just as dark as TP, but their decided art style is still amazing too!

    I haven't tried Link Between Worlds but I decided to order a copy from Amazon yesterday, it should be arriving tomorrow (along with OoT 3D!)
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    i bought a wiiU recently purely for MK8 not been disappointed so far...and e3 renewed my love for the company... i dont know but it get a feel of returning to the n64 days with alot of experimenting and less very casual offerings....can but hope
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Miyamoto trying out the Rift:
  • ATPete
    I think I've been most impressed with The Witcher 3, but am also looking forward to Bloodborne, No Mans Sky and that new Zelda. Got to mention the current gen update of GTA V too.

    The Witcher 3 really grabbed me because I've recently finished TW2 for the first time and I thought it was, even if flawed in many ways, fantastic. The visual design was excellent and the towns & cities felt like actual, lived in places compared to the barren model villages of Skyrim or Dragon Age (I enjoyed Skyrim but urban areas really showed up last-gen console limitations in a bad way).

    The Novigrad demo just got me unreasonably excited basically.
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    From Playdead and its called Inside.

    I think the subdued colour palette looks cool, I loved their last game Limbo.



  • /anty/
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    /anty/ polycounter lvl 7
    Neox wrote: »
    man i really really wish for a new good zelda.
    after all zelda is the reason i started airborn - hell was i in shock when i read about skyward sword. It sounded like what i would airborn to be like. How horrible that game was i realized after only minutes of playing it. it lacked all the charme and appeal and the linear way this 3dimensional world was built was really sad
    +1 000 000 That was such a horrible experience, I had edition with golden remote, I was waiting for it, I was hoping about it getting better then some moments in twilight princess and then... How it was possible after amazing Wind Waker and Twilight Princess to make such an average mediocre game?
  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    Never played skyward sword, but I still remember IGN just jizzing their pants over it. 10 Masterpiece, best game evar etc. Man I hate that site.
  • Mstankow
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    Mstankow polycounter lvl 11
    I just wish that game didn't tell me what a rupee or bomb was every time I picked one up.
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    It was pretty great this year! Personally I am so excited for Inside
  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    I thought Skyward Sword was a well made game, but I couldn't finish it due to the controls. I wish they just let you play with a gamecube controller because it was incredibly frustrating having to try and use the Wiimote since it never seemed to work properly for me.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Mstankow wrote: »
    I just wish that game didn't tell me what a rupee or bomb was every time I picked one up.

    Hand holding has gotten really bad these days in some cases.

    Played a game called SolaToRobo on DS about 2 years ago and even 10-20 hours in it still felt the need to re-explain basic controls like jump, throw, etc. regularly. The hand holding was so over the top it eventually ruined the game for me.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    NegevPro wrote: »
    I thought Skyward Sword was a well made game, but I couldn't finish it due to the controls. I wish they just let you play with a gamecube controller because it was incredibly frustrating having to try and use the Wiimote since it never seemed to work properly for me.

    that really doesn't sound like a well made game :P

    the art was cool, but the game wasn't good and it was totally senseless to put it in the sky. this clouds open up here is your level stuff was incredibad. and i am a huge zeldafan - it was just such a disappointing title.

    don't hae a 3ds but i'd like to try the new one there - tho i don't like the style a lot.
  • /anty/
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    /anty/ polycounter lvl 7
    Neox wrote: »
    don't hae a 3ds but i'd like to try the new one there - tho i don't like the style a lot.
    Game itself is good, worth to play, if you can accept it to be created first of all for SNES time fans and have pretty strange concept of renting items. I kinda like old style with Explore - Find right item - Proceed. The way it made in A Link Between Worlds works pretty well, you can start game pretty quickly, but in same time it reduces sense of exploration and adventure and focuses gameplay on endless action, what makes game really old school, sort of zelda from 80s, what I don't personally like, and this art style is so ugly after brilliance of WW style used on DS zeldas.
  • Shadownami92
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    Shadownami92 polycounter lvl 7
    Neox wrote: »
    that really doesn't sound like a well made game :P

    the art was cool, but the game wasn't good and it was totally senseless to put it in the sky. this clouds open up here is your level stuff was incredibad. and i am a huge zeldafan - it was just such a disappointing title.

    don't hae a 3ds but i'd like to try the new one there - tho i don't like the style a lot.

    Yeah I was super bummed by the sky portion. I was really expecting it to be like a more polished set up of the ocean in Wind Waker with different towns and people, but in the end its realy just 3 small islands with a handful of people total. It really felt like tons of wasted potential.

    I will admit though that I did enjoy the motion controls for sword swinging and lots of the dungeon puzzles were cool though the harp was probably the most frustrating and boring instrument from any Zelda game I've ever played.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    /anty/ wrote: »
    Game itself is good, worth to play, if you can accept it to be created first of all for SNES time fans and have pretty strange concept of renting items. I kinda like old style with Explore - Find right item - Proceed. The way it made in A Link Between Worlds works pretty well, you can start game pretty quickly, but in same time it reduces sense of exploration and adventure and focuses gameplay on endless action, what makes game really old school, sort of zelda from 80s, what I don't personally like, and this art style is so ugly after brilliance of WW style used on DS zeldas.

    hm not sure if i'll like it then ^^

    artwise, my personal favorite is the minish cap, god that thing was gorgeous
  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    Neox wrote: »
    that really doesn't sound like a well made game :P

    the art was cool, but the game wasn't good and it was totally senseless to put it in the sky. this clouds open up here is your level stuff was incredibad. and i am a huge zeldafan - it was just such a disappointing title.

    don't hae a 3ds but i'd like to try the new one there - tho i don't like the style a lot.
    My control complaints can really be applied to basically every Wii game though. I love Nintendo and the Wii had some really cool games, but I could never play a game session without having to deal with the Wiimote screwing me in some way (except for games that don't use motion controls.) Maybe it's my setup, maybe not, I'm just glad that requirement is gone.

    In case you were interested in picking up a 3DS they are pretty cheap refurbished right now on Nintendo's store. Regular 3DS is $95 and the 3DS XL is $135!

    Wii U is also discounted in case anybody wants to impulse buy one based on E3 lol.

    I haven't played handheld games in almost a decade but I finally went out and bought a 3DS and it is the best purchase I've made in such a long time. I never felt "burned out" of games as many releases come out monthly that interest me, but for the first time in years I have played games that were TRUELY enjoyable. It's like my overall happiness actually went up from playing games on my 3DS in the last couple of days.

    It's hard to describe but it's like getting a huge burst of inspiration, in my opinion. My only real complaint is that the games, even the ones that are several years old, are still pretty expensive but every single game I've played so far (about 10) has felt incredibly well made.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Welp, this E3 made my wife and I upgrade to the new consoles. We traded in our PS3, Xbox360, Wii, and all of our games and accessories since Gamestop was giving extra credit on them this weekend if you were putting the trade towards the new consoles. We ended up with like...$600 of trade and bought a PS4 and the Mario bundle WiiU. I also picked up Mario Kart 8 and got the free game code for Wind Waker.

    After seeing stuff for Mirrors Edge 2, Mass Effect 4, Dragon Age, Yoshi Wooly World, and Smash Bros we couldn't resist. It just looked like too much fun. I'm already enjoying the WiiU which was a console I hadn't really intended on getting, but I really can't deny how much fun it is.
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