wow the order looks gorgeous! super filmic and that creature looked fucking fatastic! destiny trailer looked visually kinda all over the place, not like what they showed before in terms of quality. still looks pretty fun though!
Grim Fandango is a great game, but it's appeal is very limited as far as a broad audience is concerned. I wonder what Sony had to pony up to convince Disney to let them bring this one back. I don't think they had to do anything to convince Tim Schafer. But Disney generally doesn't just give the okay on something like this unless they're seeing dollar signs. I suspect that this one is a critical darling play on Sony's part, to engender a little good will with older gamers.
... I suspect that this one is a critical darling play on Sony's part, to engender a little good will with older gamers.
Now I feel so old man, thanks :P
Seriously though, you're totally right Richard Kain, but the broader audience has got a lot of shiny cool stuff already so I'm just happy they are doing something that's dear to my heart
Far Cry gameplay vid looks awesome. Love the enviroments and glad its more vertical (in mountains). Reminds me of far cry 1 and hopefully that means the hang gliders will actually be useful again. They didnt really go very far in the desert,etc ;P
Was that Uncharted 4 trailer in engine? On a PS4? Either way, it looked stunning. All the conferences were very solid and I'm very satisfied, great work everyone!
wow, very well put together conference, aside from the powers stuff which just dragged on and on. batman looks insanely cool and uncharted im super stoked for.
I'm excited for No Man's Sky, large procedural universe for you and your friends to play in. Everyone gets the same universe, but it's pretty much endless.
Was that Uncharted 4 trailer in engine? On a PS4? Either way, it looked stunning. All the conferences were very solid and I'm very satisfied, great work everyone!
It would be false advertising if it wasn't.
But I already complained about Publishers being sneaky so I don't know anymore. Although I see no reason PS4 can't handle that when The Order 1886 looks just as good.
Maybe less polygons, material shaders and lower res textures than next gen Nathan Drake here.
wow the order looks gorgeous! super filmic and that creature looked fucking fatastic! destiny trailer looked visually kinda all over the place, not like what they showed before in terms of quality. still looks pretty fun though!
Really? - it's the second 'gameplay' video that basically featured no game at all, and what tiny shreds of gameplay there was were hidden between cutscenes significantly longer than play. Today's saw a player initially walking through a few rooms before a lengthy cutscene, followed by pressing triangle and doing a lengthy cutscene, followed by pulling the trigger and another cutscene. I genuinely love the art and the setting, but I'm worried about this game, because it's seriously lacking any evidence of actually being a game.
I don't feel that way. In their own conference it took 35 minutes for them to show a gameplay demo (other than the fitness game, which wasn't astounding), and when they finally did show some gameplay, Assassin's Creed wasn't exactly spectacular. The new Rainbow Six has promise, but I'm bemused by how much noone could apparently hit a target in that demo, and am wondering how long the game would actually last with real players (it looked like about 45 seconds). I'm genuinely intrigued to see what Valiant Hearts turns into, but they didn't show any game, only a non-gameplay trailer, so I'm not too excited about that just yet. Far Cry 4 gameplay during the Sony talk was reasonable, but didn't get me overly excited. I'll probably pick it up if it doesn't have an online requirement on PC and it's as open as it should be.
Best for me so far have been Sony's bit, who had a pretty diverse offering and a few games I'd certainly consider picking up (though I suspect most of them have a PC version, so I'm not sure I'll be getting a Ps4 just yet). No Man's Sky still looks ridiculously awesome, and I do genuinely want to play the Grim Fandango remake. I have mixed feelings about Entwined, which looks pretty mediocre content and gameplay wise, but the art and audio could make it a good enough experience to justify the $10. Definitely looking forwards to Abzu and Magicka 2. The 'AAA' offerings all seemed a bit samey to me, lots of gothic horror, lots of zombies and not much in the way of games that feel new.
Microsoft did a lot better this year, but there was nothing for me. I'm not interested in three more Halo remakes, Tomb Raider looks like more Tomb Raider (which I couldn't get more than 20 minutes into ), Forza Horizon 2 is exactly what it says on the tin and after the microtransaction debacle that was the previous game, I doubt I'll even look at it. People who do buy into those franchises are probably foaming at the mouth though!
It was nice to finally see Fable: Legends on the floor and see how it had evolved since I left Lionhead two years ago - it looks like it has some promise, but I'm not overly sold on it just yet as it could potentially still be pretty vacuous. I have absolutely NFI what Phantom Dust was about (pre rendered nonsense that didn't even say anything about the game, so why bother?) and Scalebound was another pre rendered trailer that didn't say anything about the game, other than it has dragons fighting big monsters and looks like it's aimed at four player coop.
Ori and the Blind Forest looked neat, so I'm definitely keen to see more of that. Playdead's new game was interesting, but also not interesting as it feels far too similar to Limbo. I'm hoping there's more to it than what they've shown thus far.
EA's conference was largely a waste of time with obvious sports, sports, sports, sequels, sequels, sequels, but I'm looking forwards to Mirror's Edge 2. Dawnguard, the only new game on display, looks like an almost carbon copy of League of Legends, and a poorly conceived late entry to the already crowded MOBA bandwagon.
Biggest disappointments include Sunset Overdrive, whose art and direction look freaking awesome, but the gameplay demo was so incredibly weak it makes me sad; it looked genuinely disjointed, incoherent and broken and not much fun to play at all (and that's an E3 demo), and most of all the Order, which as mentioned before seems to be completely and utterly lacking game
I'll be interested to see what Nintendo have tomorrow. I believe they're showing off some new user-generated content orientated games, so that'll be interesting.
I'm saying it looks good, but they are doing a lot that hides errors and limitations.
I am confused what errors and limitations? They are running at 30 FPS which is a normal framerate for games. They have incredible looking models and environments. Great fxs. What exactly are they hiding with the haze and filters? I see it as a game much in the same vein as Uncharted or The Last of Us. Which is to say its a cinematic game with a lot of really cool moments/set pieces. They run on the specs and nobody harps on them.
By the way, I did admit The Order 1886 was likely doing less than Uncharted 4. What I meant by "looks as good" was the graphics of Uncharted 4 wouldn't be too out of place from games that do push the PS4's hardware proving the footage is real.
Anyways, Naughty Dog just posted a 1080p/60fps video of what we just saw. Crazy.
Naughty Dog also confirmed Nathan Drake in Uncharted 4 has 2x the polycount of Joel from The Last of Us.
Microsoft conference was surprising and so rapid, no long nonsense talks about how awesome they are. SunsetOverdrive, that dead rising DLC haha, Project Spark and Crackdown hell yeah crackdown is back.
Ubisoft was strong, and Aisha or how she is called was refreshing imo
Sony was good too, No mans sky looks fantastic and that logo from infamous first light aw yiss
So much interesting stuff at once
Graphics made such a big jump, amazing and frustrating at the same time
I mean seriously, a weed joke in your opening segment at the biggest press conference of the year?
She's a stand-up comedian, it's not unusual for her to slip in a little bit of crude humor. This was likely one of the tamest shows that she usually puts on.
And seriously, have you SEEN some of the previous E3 presenters? While not all of Aisha's jokes hit, some of them actually did. And she was actually able to make jokes. By the standards of some of the E3 presenters I've seen in the paste, she is solid gold. She is also genuinely interested in the industry, and knows what she's talking about. That's also a major point in her favor. A lot of the exectuives they occasionally trot out know next to nothing about the wares they are expected to pitch.
Bottom line, she's one of the best E3 presenters the industry currently has. Is there room for improvement, definitely. But she's a "far cry" from some of the train wrecks of the paste. (ba-dum-tish)
We are talking about her, so she did a great job either way : P
Well maybe not the crown, but certainly the best today and she got some laughs, what more do you want ?
People seemed to either like or dislike her but not much in between tho
Well no, because it's her job to get us talking about the games, instead we're talking about her. Throwing out toilet humour on stage at a major press event probably isn't doing the industry's 'immature boys' image any favours.
I personally found no problem with her and like the casualness of the conference. Sure some jokes don't hit as well as others... That's life! Though I disagree her involvement took away the limelight from the games. It was just nice having an awesome personality on the show as well
Awesome stuff though. Loving the look of Dragon Age, The Division, Rainbow 6 and pretty much everything! Nice next-gen capabilities are starting to show though more :-)
Personally, i'd like to see more celebs and people who can properly present something. Make it more like the Oscars or something. Rather than watching Head honchos in the games industry stumbling over their words and making it all feel very stiff and corporate. Get Jack Black up there or Kevin Spacey. Trouble is I think the companies are far to scared to make mistakes so the format doesn't change. I'm glad Ubisoft put faith in someone else to present it for them.
Anyhoo, back to games. My pick of last nights stuff has to be Ori. Glad tto hear its coming to PC.
Personally, i'd like to see more celebs and people who can properly present something. Make it more like the Oscars or something. Rather than watching Head honchos in the games industry stumbling over their words and making it all feel very stiff and corporate. Get Jack Black up there or Kevin Spacey. Trouble is I think the companies are far to scared to make mistakes so the format doesn't change. I'm glad Ubisoft put faith in someone else to present it for them.
Super excited about Mirrors Edge 2, Dragon Age, Mass Effect 4, Uncharted 4, and Ori and the Blind Forest. Neox, seriously you and everyone who is working on this; it looks completely amazing.
Although my biggest hope got announced being as the Playstation TV is getting a release in the states. I've wanted to play Vita games but I could care less about the hand held aspect of it, so I'll definitely be getting this. Also, while I don't have a PS4 yet, it'll be handy for the remote play at my computer desk when we do pick one up.
Excited to see what Nintendo has to show today as well as I hope at some point some more information is passed on for Final Fantasy 14 additions. Supposedly Yoshi P is at E3 and they might be doing a live letter there.
Although my biggest hope got announced being as the Playstation TV is getting a release in the states. I've wanted to play Vita games but I could care less about the hand held aspect of it, so I'll definitely be getting this.
Just remember that some games (the ones that require use of the touch screen) wont work right without a Vita as a controller. There were a few games that got patched in Japan to fix the issue but not sure if any of those patches did or will make it stateside.
Excited to see what Nintendo has to show today as well as I hope at some point some more information is passed on for Final Fantasy 14 additions. Supposedly Yoshi P is at E3 and they might be doing a live letter there.
I'm betting on some kind of user generated content, possibly LBP style (but obviously with Mario). Also they'll probably fuck it up, Wii Music style (but I do hope not).
Were any of these titles targeted for this year? The only games that I saw releases dates announced for, were all for 2015
Dragon Age Inquisition is October 7th. Past that it's 2015 or later for most the ones I'm hoping for.
Just remember that some games (the ones that require use of the touch screen) wont work right without a Vita as a controller. There were a few games that got patched in Japan to fix the issue but not sure if any of those patches did or will make it stateside.
Yeah, I'll need to look into what all is going to be affected by that. Hopefully it won't be too bad. At the very least the remote play as well as Playstation Now support will make it worth having it set up at my desk.
Aisha was great, she kept me watching this otherwise lackluster conference. Yeah The Division looks good, the new Creed looks good but man dance games and sports games are what makes me click the white X (windows 8) quickly. But Aisha was awesome and i prefer some potty mouth humor over awkward laughs and fishing for applause "yes thats a good thing" (we all remember from last year)...She is Lana Kane!!! and kudos to ubi to keep it this informell and actually fun, the MS and Sony were a bit too bigbusiness at times.
Still though a couple of good announcements, eventhough i don't own a console and a lot of indie games and kinda artsy games that go off the beaten track.
But what has to stop are people promising us action as we have never seen before just to present us a render trailer. These barely ever resemble the games shown. Especially the Platinum Game trailer. The Star wars MMORPG all over again, kick ass trailer but then the game is nothing like that, why show anything at all?.
Big disappointment, that there was no Square with FF or KH and no Bethesda with Fallout or ES (yeah Online just came out...but thats not what fans want). Square pushed to TGS ssame with MS for a new Japanese IP...have especially Square seen, that there barely is a market for next gen in japan by now?
this guy gets it!
This E3 is owned by Ubisoft so far.
I'm SO stoked. I was expecting gameplay though based on the clips that leaked. Hopefully we see some videos from the show floor or something.
Star Wars Battlefront looking amazing, also very excited for Far Cry 4
Now I feel so old man, thanks :P
Seriously though, you're totally right Richard Kain, but the broader audience has got a lot of shiny cool stuff already so I'm just happy they are doing something that's dear to my heart
It would be false advertising if it wasn't.
But I already complained about Publishers being sneaky so I don't know anymore. Although I see no reason PS4 can't handle that when The Order 1886 looks just as good.
Maybe less polygons, material shaders and lower res textures than next gen Nathan Drake here.
I know. I am sad
At 30 FPS, 1920
Really? - it's the second 'gameplay' video that basically featured no game at all, and what tiny shreds of gameplay there was were hidden between cutscenes significantly longer than play. Today's saw a player initially walking through a few rooms before a lengthy cutscene, followed by pressing triangle and doing a lengthy cutscene, followed by pulling the trigger and another cutscene. I genuinely love the art and the setting, but I'm worried about this game, because it's seriously lacking any evidence of actually being a game.
I don't feel that way. In their own conference it took 35 minutes for them to show a gameplay demo (other than the fitness game, which wasn't astounding), and when they finally did show some gameplay, Assassin's Creed wasn't exactly spectacular. The new Rainbow Six has promise, but I'm bemused by how much noone could apparently hit a target in that demo, and am wondering how long the game would actually last with real players (it looked like about 45 seconds). I'm genuinely intrigued to see what Valiant Hearts turns into, but they didn't show any game, only a non-gameplay trailer, so I'm not too excited about that just yet. Far Cry 4 gameplay during the Sony talk was reasonable, but didn't get me overly excited. I'll probably pick it up if it doesn't have an online requirement on PC and it's as open as it should be.
Best for me so far have been Sony's bit, who had a pretty diverse offering and a few games I'd certainly consider picking up (though I suspect most of them have a PC version, so I'm not sure I'll be getting a Ps4 just yet). No Man's Sky still looks ridiculously awesome, and I do genuinely want to play the Grim Fandango remake. I have mixed feelings about Entwined, which looks pretty mediocre content and gameplay wise, but the art and audio could make it a good enough experience to justify the $10. Definitely looking forwards to Abzu and Magicka 2. The 'AAA' offerings all seemed a bit samey to me, lots of gothic horror, lots of zombies and not much in the way of games that feel new.
Microsoft did a lot better this year, but there was nothing for me. I'm not interested in three more Halo remakes, Tomb Raider looks like more Tomb Raider (which I couldn't get more than 20 minutes into
It was nice to finally see Fable: Legends on the floor and see how it had evolved since I left Lionhead two years ago - it looks like it has some promise, but I'm not overly sold on it just yet as it could potentially still be pretty vacuous. I have absolutely NFI what Phantom Dust was about (pre rendered nonsense that didn't even say anything about the game, so why bother?) and Scalebound was another pre rendered trailer that didn't say anything about the game, other than it has dragons fighting big monsters and looks like it's aimed at four player coop.
Ori and the Blind Forest looked neat, so I'm definitely keen to see more of that. Playdead's new game was interesting, but also not interesting as it feels far too similar to Limbo. I'm hoping there's more to it than what they've shown thus far.
EA's conference was largely a waste of time with obvious sports, sports, sports, sequels, sequels, sequels, but I'm looking forwards to Mirror's Edge 2. Dawnguard, the only new game on display, looks like an almost carbon copy of League of Legends, and a poorly conceived late entry to the already crowded MOBA bandwagon.
Biggest disappointments include Sunset Overdrive, whose art and direction look freaking awesome, but the gameplay demo was so incredibly weak it makes me sad; it looked genuinely disjointed, incoherent and broken and not much fun to play at all (and that's an E3 demo), and most of all the Order, which as mentioned before seems to be completely and utterly lacking game
I'll be interested to see what Nintendo have tomorrow. I believe they're showing off some new user-generated content orientated games, so that'll be interesting.
Phantom Dust is coming back?!? oooooh snap
I am confused what errors and limitations? They are running at 30 FPS which is a normal framerate for games. They have incredible looking models and environments. Great fxs. What exactly are they hiding with the haze and filters? I see it as a game much in the same vein as Uncharted or The Last of Us. Which is to say its a cinematic game with a lot of really cool moments/set pieces. They run on the specs and nobody harps on them.
Anyways, Naughty Dog just posted a 1080p/60fps video of what we just saw. Crazy.
Naughty Dog also confirmed Nathan Drake in Uncharted 4 has 2x the polycount of Joel from The Last of Us.
It's a remake as far as I'm aware. The trailer was a complete waste of time though, no point watching it
So good
Ubisoft was strong, and Aisha or how she is called was refreshing imo
Sony was good too, No mans sky looks fantastic and that logo from infamous first light aw yiss
So much interesting stuff at once
Graphics made such a big jump, amazing and frustrating at the same time
Love/Hate relationship with that one. The innuendo and 420 jokes that fall flat are pointless and awkward as hell
I mean seriously, a weed joke in your opening segment at the biggest press conference of the year?
She's a stand-up comedian, it's not unusual for her to slip in a little bit of crude humor. This was likely one of the tamest shows that she usually puts on.
And seriously, have you SEEN some of the previous E3 presenters? While not all of Aisha's jokes hit, some of them actually did. And she was actually able to make jokes. By the standards of some of the E3 presenters I've seen in the paste, she is solid gold. She is also genuinely interested in the industry, and knows what she's talking about. That's also a major point in her favor. A lot of the exectuives they occasionally trot out know next to nothing about the wares they are expected to pitch.
Bottom line, she's one of the best E3 presenters the industry currently has. Is there room for improvement, definitely. But she's a "far cry" from some of the train wrecks of the paste. (ba-dum-tish)
Well maybe not the crown, but certainly the best today and she got some laughs, what more do you want ?
People seemed to either like or dislike her but not much in between tho
Awesome stuff though. Loving the look of Dragon Age, The Division, Rainbow 6 and pretty much everything! Nice next-gen capabilities are starting to show though more :-)
Anyhoo, back to games. My pick of last nights stuff has to be Ori. Glad tto hear its coming to PC.
thank you SO much!
Sunset Overdrive, Cuphead, Ori, Rainbow 6, AC: Unity, Uncharted 4, Horizon 2
Lots of other good games, but those stand out to me as must haves.
Unless it's another Spike VGX awards.
Although my biggest hope got announced being as the Playstation TV is getting a release in the states. I've wanted to play Vita games but I could care less about the hand held aspect of it, so I'll definitely be getting this. Also, while I don't have a PS4 yet, it'll be handy for the remote play at my computer desk when we do pick one up.
Excited to see what Nintendo has to show today as well as I hope at some point some more information is passed on for Final Fantasy 14 additions. Supposedly Yoshi P is at E3 and they might be doing a live letter there.
Just remember that some games (the ones that require use of the touch screen) wont work right without a Vita as a controller. There were a few games that got patched in Japan to fix the issue but not sure if any of those patches did or will make it stateside.
I'm betting on some kind of user generated content, possibly LBP style (but obviously with Mario). Also they'll probably fuck it up, Wii Music style (but I do hope not).
Dragon Age Inquisition is October 7th. Past that it's 2015 or later for most the ones I'm hoping for.
Yeah, I'll need to look into what all is going to be affected by that. Hopefully it won't be too bad. At the very least the remote play as well as Playstation Now support will make it worth having it set up at my desk.
The Last of Us Remastered, if that counts.
Speaking of Rubin:
Still though a couple of good announcements, eventhough i don't own a console and a lot of indie games and kinda artsy games that go off the beaten track.
But what has to stop are people promising us action as we have never seen before just to present us a render trailer. These barely ever resemble the games shown. Especially the Platinum Game trailer. The Star wars MMORPG all over again, kick ass trailer but then the game is nothing like that, why show anything at all?.
Big disappointment, that there was no Square with FF or KH and no Bethesda with Fallout or ES (yeah Online just came out...but thats not what fans want). Square pushed to TGS ssame with MS for a new Japanese IP...have especially Square seen, that there barely is a market for next gen in japan by now?
Gotta admit, Im kind of impressed with Nintendo's presser so far. I really wasnt expecting anything from them.