Started making a reference image library yesterday. Some of the pictures have limited uses due to copyright, but these images will simply increase my knowledge of the world and inspire me to create more varied works.
Referenced from I tried to imitate the type of image you would get if the closest parts were darker than the farther parts like you would get if you rendered the zdepth in zbrush.
I'm going on vacation for 10 days, so I won't be uploading every day like I have been. When I get back, I'll scan in the drawings I've made while on the trip. In the meantime, here's a cool fractal I really enjoyed making.
I just got back from vacation, and it's time to get back in the groove again. I'm afraid I didn't do a sketch every day like I intended, but I did do multiple pages of sketches some of the days, so I'm still on track.
(Image reference from
Here they all are in a massive post!