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What are you working on? 2014 Edition



  • Allan-p
  • Twoflower
    Damnit Allan so many awesome characters! :)
  • osed
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    osed polycounter lvl 4
    nice stuff Allan!
  • Tigerfeet
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    Tigerfeet polycounter lvl 12
    Hey guys! Long time no see! Is it cool to put sketches up? :poly122: Everyone's work looks so fantastic, want to make sure that's okay. Updates after this will be an actual for realsies 2D project I'm working on, promise ;)

    I was inspired by the monster images from Bloodborn and wanted to try my hand at something grotesque.
  • Adam Chilton
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    Adam Chilton polycounter lvl 4
    Because, dragons!

  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    I haven't bought Zedig's gumroad yet, but I've extrapolated what I can out of seeing his stuff.
    Working on a character with my wife. Loveable space rogue, she loves violence and cute things. She's charismatic, charming, morally ambiguous, and is trying to make it big as a bounty hunter and sometimes hired gun. So far we've come up with ideas for 3 other crew-members, but no solid names or anything yet. Any design feedback you have would be great.
  • Siraea
    Hi all! Lately I've been working on a character design for a story idea I've been mulling over for the past month of so. I'll see if I can link some images here. (Apologies if I don't get this right away... This is my first time on Polycount!)



  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    Cool to see new stuff from you Makkon.

    I think she needs earrings, though. Or some other manner of ear related accessory.
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Thanks Twolisten! Some more of her earlier designs she had ear piercings, but I thought to take them out since I felt they were gimmicky. I can put them back in.

    Siraea: Welcome to polycount! Not a bad start at all. Some of the body flows a bit strange, but what you have here is a good foundation for later designs.

    Here's another character from my wife's story, Science Officer Sora. Wanted her to be small, fuzzy and adorable. A good way to sum up her personality is a combination of Sucy from Little Witch Academia, and a grumpy Professor Farnsworth (but less senile). She’s in her mid 30s or so.


    I really didn't want to go with the easy answers when it comes to a mad scientist character, so I avoided goggles, the typical lab coat, and gloves. I'm personally liking the last two, and I like the tunic-like lab coat she’s wearing in the third one. I'm showing you the other two concepts just so you can see my process of the shape of the head, which was a serious uphill battle. Right off the bat I was worried the character was looking too much like a Digimon. And I don't know what’s going on with the neck brace in the first one. Was going to be a collar.
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    Two of my very first attempts at digital painting ever, it's been a challenge but 2D is such a breath of fresh air to me, taking a break from 3D was very much needed.

    First Attempt:

    Second Attempt:
  • kaktuzlime
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    kaktuzlime polycounter lvl 14
    @ Allan-P, Dado and Makkon, Sweet stuff guys!

    Here are more ladies. Big fat tutorial @ my blog.
  • Mr Significant
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    Mr Significant polycounter lvl 11
  • skylebones
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    skylebones polycounter lvl 10
    Love to see this thread gain some steam!

    Awesome characters makkon! Can't wait to learn more about the story. I like the scientist especially, you avoided the cliche's and yet it still looks like a scientist.

    Will-First time doing digital? Dang, that's a great first time!

    kaktuzlime- Love the blog post! Those Stan Prokopenko's Youtube Tutorials are amazing! I'll be watching those for a while. Your process is super interesting and very helpful. I usually use one layer and just start painting, but I think I'll have to try something like this in the future. I can certainly see the added value when it comes to shadows.

    I've been doing a lot more sketching to improve on the fundamentals, but I still got this out. A concept for a 3d asset in a scene I'm working on.

  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Damn I wish I could draw like you guys

    This was an attempt at abandoning line art, my major crutch. I wouldn't call it finished, but I'm done with it. Fucking lines man. I need em. Cause I suck at defining form without ref.

  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    kaktuzlime: Holy moses, that is amazing. I have been doing something similar, but your approach is SO MUCH BETTER in every way! I'm going to try this out this weekend. Thanks so much for putting the time into putting together that whole tutorial, and for providing the PSD (which helped immensely).

    skylebones: Thanks man! Looking good yourself, great color.

    aesir: you never abandon lines! Check out the tutorial kaktuzlime made, it'll give you some ideas.

    I combined the two concepts that were working together, and then messed around for a bit and made it kindof sortof look like watercolor. I know a lot of people liked the teal version, but I just liked everything about the last two so much.
  • darkmag07
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    darkmag07 polycounter lvl 13
    @kaktuzlime: Thanks for that tutorial, it was a really interesting read.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Makkon: haha what? Plenty of artists can abandon lines entirely. But yes, that tutorial is fantastic and I might spend a night just following it exactly.
  • moof
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    moof polycounter lvl 7
    lovin it Makkon, cool designs.
  • osed
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    osed polycounter lvl 4
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Hey osed, I dig it, but I'm noticing that there are very few cast shadows in that scene, despite being an outdoor scene. Those giant tall plant things should be casting shadows for example.
  • osed
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    osed polycounter lvl 4
    aesir wrote: »
    Hey osed, I dig it, but I'm noticing that there are very few cast shadows in that scene, despite being an outdoor scene. Those giant tall plant things should be casting shadows for example.
    Thanks for the feedback! Cast shadows will definitely give the image more life. Sometimes when u have started on a image for too long u just forget things haha ;P Thanks again :)
  • Chai
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    Chai polycounter lvl 18
    @kaktuzlime looks great & thanks for the tutorial man !

    I like it how you note the whole thing is just preparation, so I see the tutorial as a breakdown rather than a process, cheers !
  • Allan-p
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    Allan-p polycounter lvl 14
    kaktuzlime: Cheers man! And great tutorial!
    Makkon: Everything...love it all
    Dado: Right back at your mate! Killing it!
    aesir: It really depends on the approach you take, it's a really different way of thinking. I went from it to lines. Think of it like sculpting where you carve the forms with various tools. You can shift forms with hue,saturation,value. But that is just one solution..there are infinite, the trick is finding one that works for you :) Keep at it though!

    Art sketch dump:




  • kaktuzlime
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    kaktuzlime polycounter lvl 14
    @Mr.Significant - thx ;)
    @Skylebones - Cool! I'm glad. I'm just not smart enough to do it in one layer without reference. Too many factors to take into account for me. Sweet-looking trunk!
    @Aesir - You'll get there :) Ain't nothin' wrong with needing lines. It's not like painting with shapes without line or drawing with line is either superior or inferior. In my experience, Art-directors and clients in general really appreciate and respect artists who can draw with line. Some might even require you to draw in line in the first iteration. Then again, I've had colleagues who can't draw worth a damn, and who are still very successful concept-artists. Personally, I like to design in shapes of color, I can get a bit obsessive once I start adding lines, feeling the need to make them "perfect".
    @Makkon- I'm glad! You're welcome bro :) Mmmm, I like that texture. Kickass.
    @Darkmag07- Sweet! Thanks, you're welome :D Just had to get it out of my system ;P
    @Chai- Thanks man! Yeah, that's the big secret :) I noticed if I just had a formula, and then didn't start working on top, that it looks, well, formulaic. Also it's less fun.
    @Allan-P- You're welcome man! Hey, real sweet lines and cool shapes!
  • ayoub44
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    ayoub44 polycounter lvl 10
    spaceships concept


    any crits ?
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    @kaktuzlime - So I went ahead and followed your tutorial in a quick haphazard method. Probably spent a little over an hour on the color. It's certainly nowhere near as good as what you're putting out but it was a fun learning experience. I think I can see myself trying the process again.

  • Allan-p
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    Allan-p polycounter lvl 14
    DadO: awesome breakdown! I'm excited to see where you take it.

    Decided to render out one of my flat doodles

  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Blizzard cinematic study

  • Allan-p
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    Allan-p polycounter lvl 14
    Wicked highelf!

    Some armless wastelander

  • Darb4daR
    great jobs!!! I want to post!!!! let me post plisssssssssss
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Always loving your stuff, Alan. You have some great linework, and awesome colors.

    AAmazing, highelf!

    I made a sheet of thumbnails, and did some quick color on the ones that I liked.

  • Allan-p
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    Allan-p polycounter lvl 14
    Makkon: Those ships are so rad! Love the colours!

    Cyborg lady

  • adamator
    Here's one of my latest pieces - Kings Harem

    www.gumroad.com/adamator for anyone interested in the tutorial video series based of this piece :) - several installments already available

  • wizo
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    wizo polycounter lvl 18
    holy crap, thats godly mr adamator sir : ), thanks for sharing!

    here's a sketch, I force myself into doing a lineart...I don't know how you guys do it, it takes me for ever! gotta practice more I guess, from my personal project thing:

  • adamator
    We do it by ignoring the clock Wizo :)

    Looking at your character design, I can say with surety that you are completely capable of producing works of art that would make mine look like it was painted by a 3 year old using their feet. The only ingredient you need is patience, because skill is something you have in abundance.

    But hey, in all attempts not to sound like I'm pushing products on you - check out the video link in the description of this image - it's all there if you want to learn :) - it's $5 and I walk you through the entire process - nothing complicated, but it gets right to the guts of producing work like the one I posted.
  • osed
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    osed polycounter lvl 4
    awsome job adamator!!
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    Gosh this thread is so inspiring...
    Been working on a screenshot lighting study, WIP.

  • Chai
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    Chai polycounter lvl 18
    wizo wrote: »
    holy crap, thats godly mr adamator sir : ), thanks for sharing!

    here's a sketch, I force myself into doing a lineart...I don't know how you guys do it, it takes me for ever! gotta practice more I guess, from my personal project thing:


    Hah dude that's so cool, love the sword design !
    Using lineart is fine, you can always keep it as a guide and erase it later on.

    Now I stop being nice and start ripping your art to shreds, hope you don't mind :)
    The hand angle makes no sense to me, imagine how much weight it would put on the carpal ligaments.
    Also how the sword lies on the bagroll is confusing, I'd put it directly on shoulder.
    I like how the sword is short, but it's still looks thin (and small handle) for such a huge guy.

    Hope you don't mind I do little paintover :
    1. (on the left) I adjust hand & sword angle to lie on the shoulder.
    2. I make the sword thicker and longer handle, remember bigger guys just mean bigger swords ! :P

    Keep it up man !

  • Adam Chilton
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    Adam Chilton polycounter lvl 4
    Awesome stuff as always everyone. Adamator and Makkon are tearing this place up :)

    Personal spaceship to join the party.

  • adamator
    Hey Chai - I'm torn with which arm pose I prefer - the angled sword resting on the pauldron has a nicer sense of movement - the horizontal one feels more grounded and solid. What I do know however is that I'm itching to see that badboy go to color!!

    Allan-p - Your character brings back a sense of nostalgia. Has a Titan AE / Disney's Atlantis feel to it - nice!

  • Allan-p
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    Allan-p polycounter lvl 14
    adamator: Thanks man! Those movies definitely had an impact on me when I was a kid. I really love their clean designs.

    Doodley-do robot.

  • adamator
    It's not just your designs - it's your use of color. You have a fantastic sense of harmony in your pieces.
  • SiSweetman
    Got a chance to work on a post-apocalyptic film project with Low Key Media, recently, doing character concepts for them. Here's what I was working on over those couple of days:




    Then I was all like: "Yo, Simon, you know what you suck at drawing? Feathery wings" so I did this for some practice:

  • Siraea
    Hi Makkon - Thanks for the warm welcome and the feedback! :) What about the flow seems a bit strange? I'd like to improve what I've got (and take what I've learned for future projects), as I'm putting together a portfolio in search of a studio job. :) I'll be going for a Concept Art, 2D Artist, or Designer position, entry level.

    I'll try to post more things soon! :D
  • kaktuzlime
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    kaktuzlime polycounter lvl 14
    Sorry, no time to comment on all the awesome stuffs guys, gots to go! Here's some goofin' around!
  • TooLzor
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    TooLzor polycounter lvl 10
    Jamesy wrote: »
    Lots of great stuff as always!

    Just doing some mo' exploratory stuff for a personal project

    Man I really dig the look of the robots you make...Kind of wanna make one for the funs
  • skylebones
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    skylebones polycounter lvl 10
    oh man, not a productive week. Did some rock sketches. I have such a hard time with rocks. I really like to keep things clean and sharp when painting, and it makes rocks look too perfect like they came from a rock factory. Have to loosen up a bit and get more random!

  • E_ensey
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    E_ensey polycounter lvl 4
    Hey everyone, there's a lot of awesome work here. I'm a first time poster here in the 2d forum but I hope to be posting more often.

    Here's a piece i made for the Jenny LeClue fan art contest. Hope you enjoy

  • Red-Fox
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    Red-Fox polycounter lvl 8
    Hey Guys! I havent posted anything in a long time in here, now is the time tocorrect that!:poly142:

  • Allan-p
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    Allan-p polycounter lvl 14
    Great job peeps!

    Drawing suggestion from a friend.

This discussion has been closed.