It's not a game breaker. It's a design choice that fits with certain wing designs. Like big metal wings. I think you are making a big problem out of something minor.
All I am saying is items should match the personality of the character, and Gyro's wings give him a lot of that personality. You want to take that away go for it
I gotta agree with past responses that its still going to look strange with stiff dangling limbs. Maybe wrapping him up to restrain them (and even bulge his eyes to give him that "about to explode" look) would have worked better - and even saved tris. Excellent style and sculpt though!
Warhog sculpt is looking stellar. I wouldn't change a thing
thanks everyone for the feedback!
after a hell of struggle managed to get him in budget AND with rocket/explosive attachments
Should hopefully help him look more "BOOM"!
Thanks guys, this was really fun, despite not really gaining much notice - but I learned quite a lot from other peoples work. My first submission!
[edit] edited title, because there was some confusion with people expecting to see an in game Ethereal Blade despite the fact such a weapon on Wraith King would make no sense, lol.
thanks everyone for the feedback!
after a hell of struggle managed to get him in budget AND with rocket/explosive attachments
Should hopefully help him look more "BOOM"!
Yeah I think this helps make it fell more like a weapon now :thumbup:
Just an update, low poly model, UV layout and a couple ingame screenshots to get better feeling. Now working with custom animation, and textures so uptade is coming. The only thing i cant understand how to test weapon animation ingame, or there no any legal way to do this?)
thanks everyone for the feedback!
after a hell of struggle managed to get him in budget AND with rocket/explosive attachments
Should hopefully help him look more "BOOM"!
I, on the other hand, may not finish in time Was having a hard time being motivated in my spare time, but now I have some other side projects that are going to cut into my time. Which isn't a bad thing altogether, as I was planning on making a set out of this eventually, anyway, and the contest doesn't allow for that. Still, here's where I got so far (still tweaking normals for better... normals). base maps baked out of Maya & Xnormal, texturing done in Substance Designer (it's a learning experience! )
Still needs masks and tweaks to the tangent normal maps. Also dirt. Needs to look dirtier/bloodier
So I whipped out some quick concepts this weekend but I don't know if I'll realistically be able to pop any of these out in the next few days. Any favorites out of the lineup?
Well if you'll concentrate only on your item (atleast for few days) you probably will make it before the end of the challenge, best of luck anyway
we should start thinking on the next month contest. My suggestion is to keep the style and use the new heroes that Valve added to the workshop
what oyu guys think?
I agree. I think that going for a similar style, using the most recent heroes released on the workshop, like Vengeful Spirit, Lifestealer, Elder Titan and Puck would be a pretty great idea.
It bums me out to constantly just flood the brand new characters with stuff each month but I guess everyone is going to do that anyway. I can't wait to come up with somethin for Puck.
People are going to be making stuff for the new heroes regardless, so why not pick something else to add some variety?
I personally think embracing the new heroes will give them a nice infusion of submissions as well as most likely lead to more participation here. Obviously we want peoples input to make sure this is something they're interested in.
That's a good point, leaning into what people are already working on would definitely result in way more submissions. Should there be a modifier on this month at all?
I personally think embracing the new heroes will give them a nice infusion of submissions as well as most likely lead to more participation here. Obviously we want peoples input to make sure this is something they're interested in.
Yup! I'm all for picking some different and unusual themes, but I believe that this month's competition was one of the biggest I've ever seen, since the heroes just got into the workshop and people were already planning on making items for them, so I guess that we either have lots of submissions by going with the new heroes or fewer by picking something more unusual.
Constant battle is Hell on weapons. Wraith King dug deep into his stash and pulled out this old favorite, his Spine Hacker. Realizing that bones are only temporary he has accepted the fact that this blade itself will perish, and where better than on the battlefield.
@badcog looks nice! My only criticism would be the top of the golden handle - I feel that if the handle were to be that 'rich' that it would be gilded or crafted into a piece more attractive. The form of the handle reads as if it should be stone, but because it's shaded golden, it has the appearance of raw gold. But maybe that's the direction you were going. Either way, really cool weapon!
Personally I'd prefer the themes here to be different than just new heroes. It would lead to less directly competing for spots in the game and more competing on matching the criteria and making something cool. It'll keep it different and not flood the workshop with tons of the same stuff on the same heroes. As Bronto said, peeps will be making stuff for the new guys regardless.
Coming soon to a workshop near you:
(This hat style has been done a couple times for Gyro but I thought I could bring something new to it and it's a fun thing to make)
I personally think embracing the new heroes will give them a nice infusion of submissions as well as most likely lead to more participation here. Obviously we want peoples input to make sure this is something they're interested in.
I think one point to consider is to chose a competition style which the sumbissions for it will have a higher chance of getting in game.
I mean these new heroes will have a very high competition in next 1-2 months in workshop and if we make a competition over something that is already competitive it's gonna be a "competiception" and the chance of the submissions getting in game will be much less.
I agree. I think that going for a similar style, using the most recent heroes released on the workshop, like Vengeful Spirit, Lifestealer, Elder Titan and Puck would be a pretty great idea.
I think one point to consider is to chose a competition style which the sumbissions for it will have a higher chance of getting in game.
I mean these new heroes will have a very high competition in next 1-2 months in workshop and if we make a competition over something that is already competitive it's gonna be a "competiception" and the chance of the submissions getting in game will be much less.
That aside, let's be more creative!
i disagree with that, everytime a hero is added we have some items being accepted on the following months, but the other heroes there is no way to predict. its easy to say that we are getting some puck items in game on the next but its not the same case for any other hero like omniknight or tidehunter.
@vidotto: whatever u think iss fair its ur choice. i only wana finish things.
@reza: i also have to add that if a hero is new, EVERYONE does items for him - and only 1-2 single items and maybe a set are added. so after all.. if u join the mainstream, ur chances to be added are even smaller - since there are ALOT artists out there who are doing a perfect job with their items
since there are ALOT artists out there who are doing a perfect job with their items
if you are trying to get items in game you should not think like that. there will always be competition and artists better then you. Its not by avoiding them that you are going to get better...
@vidotto u can say this very easy from ur position and after all its not a wrong move. it is fact that there are soo many excellent artists out there and u cant simply knock them all away and rise into the sky. this is just focusing on a marketing strat... people wana eat icecream and pizza. u sell pizza - i sell icecream. i am not avoiding anything, its just using the own powers and skill not like a fool. and ofc there will be allways competition, but same as in real life buisness does a smaller amount of other pizza sellers let u sell more pizzas.
to talk more direct: if u let 100 artists work on a head item for 1 hero, there will be some nice items ofc - but how many will have a serious chance to be added? even if 40 head items are genius they wont be added. the number is just too high.
but if u let 100 artists work on different heroes and different item slots - alot more have a chance to get in. u simply can not denie that.
so after all, i am doing my best and i work hard at every single item i produce - if u have any tipps on how i can improve my workflow or technics, u are allways welcome. but plz dont tell me what i should think.
^ I like the format. I agree that the focus can't be on making it into the game. The focus should always be on learning something new and making the best item you can.
I was sure I would never use HandPlane - but the opposite is true. I find it indispensable now and I have this contest to thank!
I'm sure that it is a lot of work to organize every month and I send my thanks to Tvidotto for taking his time and energy - let's not make his job more painful than necessary
why we are doing this since we dont need any contest and we can submit whatever we want?
Although I haven't participated in any of the monthlys yet, this is exactly how I feel about all of this.
At the end of the day Tvidotto/bounch/whatever other admin is going to make the rules, and if you don't like them, you don't have to compete. Plain and simple. I think its really gracious and humble that it is such a community effort (coming up with topics, the discussion, the while planning I mean), but at the end of the day if you don't like what is happening, don't do it?
When you step into the realm of competition, you have to play by the rules, and if the rules are that there are tons of great artists all doing something for a similar theme, just rise to the challenge.
Edit: on a constructive note, everyones entries have been really awesome so far! Really inspiring work keep fighting the good fight
well vidotto its a matter of the topic of this contest. some months ago for example we had such awesome topics like "least items on that slot (no weapons..)" and it gave rly good submissions on a nice quality lvl for different heroes and slots.
and for example if the next months topic would be picked like (just as example)
*heroes with the least items ingame*
there would be automaticly in the new heroes for the mainstream guys and also some unloved sideheroes like maybe meepo (dno if i can say that like this^^ poor meepo!).
it would alow free space for creativity, competition and ALSO chances for every good submission to get into game.
Just looks too stiff a stance. She's holding a ton of weight to one side, but her body reads just standing there. Hunker her down a bit. Lean her away from the axe head some.
Just looks too stiff a stance. She's holding a ton of weight to one side, but her body reads just standing there. Hunker her down a bit. Lean her away from the axe head some.
:thumbup: Agree with these points. It makes this weapon feel too light, and is not really adding anything special over the stock animation.
^ I like the format. I agree that the focus can't be on making it into the game. The focus should always be on learning something new and making the best item you can.
I was sure I would never use HandPlane - but the opposite is true. I find it indispensable now and I have this contest to thank!
I'm sure that it is a lot of work to organize every month and I send my thanks to Tvidotto for taking his time and energy - let's not make his job more painful than necessary
Although I haven't participated in any of the monthlys yet, this is exactly how I feel about all of this.
At the end of the day Tvidotto/bounch/whatever other admin is going to make the rules, and if you don't like them, you don't have to compete. Plain and simple. I think its really gracious and humble that it is such a community effort (coming up with topics, the discussion, the while planning I mean), but at the end of the day if you don't like what is happening, don't do it?
When you step into the realm of competition, you have to play by the rules, and if the rules are that there are tons of great artists all doing something for a similar theme, just rise to the challenge.
Edit: on a constructive note, everyones entries have been really awesome so far! Really inspiring work keep fighting the good fight
huge thanks guys =]
happened almost the same with me regarding handplane, now i cannot work without it
well vidotto its a matter of the topic of this contest. some months ago for example we had such awesome topics like "least items on that slot (no weapons..)" and it gave rly good submissions on a nice quality lvl for different heroes and slots.
and for example if the next months topic would be picked like (just as example)
*heroes with the least items ingame*
there would be automaticly in the new heroes for the mainstream guys and also some unloved sideheroes like maybe meepo (dno if i can say that like this^^ poor meepo!).
it would alow free space for creativity, competition and ALSO chances for every good submission to get into game.
i do agree with you, it was one of the suggestion we got from Valve about some good themes for the contest, i think we can vary that and get again to least worked heroes on a following month and dont lose the opportunity of this. a lot of people really wants to make items for those new heroes and would be nice if we use that in our advantage.
We will produce a lot of good items as we usually do =], we will push ourselves even more and people on the dota community will probably get more contact with the polycount.
if we go on this month for other heroes we will probably lose a lot of guys and the result in the end of the month will not be as epic as it could (at least is what i think)
Worked on a custom loadout animation for our LC axe. Any comments?
Badcog and kite made a nice feedback, it looks a little stiff. some good rules to follow
-avoid straight lines, your arms will look better with some bend on it
-avoid vertical and horizontal lines - your arms, legs and the weapon would work better on aonther pose
-sift the weight of the body, that will make it more dinamic
- look for some poses that you like and try to find what makes it good, some drawing book would help, Andrew loomis is a nice guy to start. check also for a book called Force, its about dinamic poses on bodies
So, a friend of mine helped me out and we took some elements from the different thumbnails and mixed them up a bit. Wings will be on both sides even though I only drew them on one. Just trying to nail out the color for that top part.
All I am saying is items should match the personality of the character, and Gyro's wings give him a lot of that personality. You want to take that away go for it
by Deadman and Godzy and with Shock's help on the promo
thanks everyone for the feedback!
after a hell of struggle managed to get him in budget AND with rocket/explosive attachments
Should hopefully help him look more "BOOM"!
Thanks guys, this was really fun, despite not really gaining much notice - but I learned quite a lot from other peoples work. My first submission!
[edit] edited title, because there was some confusion with people expecting to see an in game Ethereal Blade despite the fact such a weapon on Wraith King would make no sense, lol.
Turned out nice :thumbup:
Yeah I think this helps make it fell more like a weapon now :thumbup:
Flying Comrade by Joker_47/Ozzymandias
Done with the sculpting I think.
..thanks! heres where i've got to so far - still a bit to do but hopefully the difficult stuff is out of the way now!
I, on the other hand, may not finish in time
Still needs masks and tweaks to the tangent normal maps. Also dirt. Needs to look dirtier/bloodier
Looking good
Well if you'll concentrate only on your item (atleast for few days) you probably will make it before the end of the challenge, best of luck anyway
8 and 11
i saw great progress on the last week comments
we should start thinking on the next month contest. My suggestion is to keep the style and use the new heroes that Valve added to the workshop
what oyu guys think?
Maybe it's better to have a thread for it so it gets more visible and it'll be easier to brainstorm...
I agree. I think that going for a similar style, using the most recent heroes released on the workshop, like Vengeful Spirit, Lifestealer, Elder Titan and Puck would be a pretty great idea.
I personally think embracing the new heroes will give them a nice infusion of submissions as well as most likely lead to more participation here. Obviously we want peoples input to make sure this is something they're interested in.
Yup! I'm all for picking some different and unusual themes, but I believe that this month's competition was one of the biggest I've ever seen, since the heroes just got into the workshop and people were already planning on making items for them, so I guess that we either have lots of submissions by going with the new heroes or fewer by picking something more unusual.
Wraith's Spine Hacker by Voodoo (aka Baddcog)
Constant battle is Hell on weapons. Wraith King dug deep into his stash and pulled out this old favorite, his Spine Hacker. Realizing that bones are only temporary he has accepted the fact that this blade itself will perish, and where better than on the battlefield.
Now, Magno's magic turn
Coming soon to a workshop near you:
(This hat style has been done a couple times for Gyro but I thought I could bring something new to it and it's a fun thing to make)
I think one point to consider is to chose a competition style which the sumbissions for it will have a higher chance of getting in game.
I mean these new heroes will have a very high competition in next 1-2 months in workshop and if we make a competition over something that is already competitive it's gonna be a "competiception" and the chance of the submissions getting in game will be much less.
That aside, let's be more creative!
ops, i forget to mention puck on the last message
since noone answered me on the december thread we could make a vote to decide, or do you have a better idea?
i disagree with that, everytime a hero is added we have some items being accepted on the following months, but the other heroes there is no way to predict. its easy to say that we are getting some puck items in game on the next but its not the same case for any other hero like omniknight or tidehunter.
@reza: i also have to add that if a hero is new, EVERYONE does items for him - and only 1-2 single items and maybe a set are added. so after all.. if u join the mainstream, ur chances to be added are even smaller - since there are ALOT artists out there who are doing a perfect job with their items
if you are trying to get items in game you should not think like that. there will always be competition and artists better then you. Its not by avoiding them that you are going to get better...
to talk more direct: if u let 100 artists work on a head item for 1 hero, there will be some nice items ofc - but how many will have a serious chance to be added? even if 40 head items are genius they wont be added. the number is just too high.
but if u let 100 artists work on different heroes and different item slots - alot more have a chance to get in. u simply can not denie that.
so after all, i am doing my best and i work hard at every single item i produce - if u have any tipps on how i can improve my workflow or technics, u are allways welcome. but plz dont tell me what i should think.
this sentence could justify this contest to be an worthless effort
why we are doing this since we dont need any contest and we can submit whatever we want?
I was sure I would never use HandPlane - but the opposite is true. I find it indispensable now and I have this contest to thank!
I'm sure that it is a lot of work to organize every month and I send my thanks to Tvidotto for taking his time and energy - let's not make his job more painful than necessary
Although I haven't participated in any of the monthlys yet, this is exactly how I feel about all of this.
At the end of the day Tvidotto/bounch/whatever other admin is going to make the rules, and if you don't like them, you don't have to compete. Plain and simple. I think its really gracious and humble that it is such a community effort (coming up with topics, the discussion, the while planning I mean), but at the end of the day if you don't like what is happening, don't do it?
When you step into the realm of competition, you have to play by the rules, and if the rules are that there are tons of great artists all doing something for a similar theme, just rise to the challenge.
Edit: on a constructive note, everyones entries have been really awesome so far! Really inspiring work keep fighting the good fight
and for example if the next months topic would be picked like (just as example)
*heroes with the least items ingame*
there would be automaticly in the new heroes for the mainstream guys and also some unloved sideheroes like maybe meepo (dno if i can say that like this^^ poor meepo!).
it would alow free space for creativity, competition and ALSO chances for every good submission to get into game.
:thumbup: Agree with these points. It makes this weapon feel too light, and is not really adding anything special over the stock animation.
Wraith Infested King Sword by mihalceanu
huge thanks guys =]
happened almost the same with me regarding handplane, now i cannot work without it
i do agree with you, it was one of the suggestion we got from Valve about some good themes for the contest, i think we can vary that and get again to least worked heroes on a following month and dont lose the opportunity of this. a lot of people really wants to make items for those new heroes and would be nice if we use that in our advantage.
We will produce a lot of good items as we usually do =], we will push ourselves even more and people on the dota community will probably get more contact with the polycount.
if we go on this month for other heroes we will probably lose a lot of guys and the result in the end of the month will not be as epic as it could (at least is what i think)
Badcog and kite made a nice feedback, it looks a little stiff. some good rules to follow
-avoid straight lines, your arms will look better with some bend on it
-avoid vertical and horizontal lines - your arms, legs and the weapon would work better on aonther pose
-sift the weight of the body, that will make it more dinamic
- look for some poses that you like and try to find what makes it good, some drawing book would help, Andrew loomis is a nice guy to start. check also for a book called Force, its about dinamic poses on bodies
i hope that helps
The texture size is only 256x256 so I lost some detail on the girl. Ah well...