We are pleased as punch to announce the launch of Marmoset Toolbag 2.
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Features: marmoset.co/toolbagCurrent build: 2.06[vv]109715203[/vv] Weve just released the 2.06 update for Toolbag 2, filled to the brim with all sorts of awesome new features like area lights, curves for color grading, lens flares, lens distortion, chromatic aberration and a scale tool. Weve also fixed a variety of bugs, including shadow casting from double sided materials and much more.Previous feature videos:
2.05[vv]101442486[/vv] 2.04 [vv]96853136[/vv]GDC 2014
Can't wait to dive into the goodness! Congrats Marmoset, keep making great tools.
This one. This shall now and forever be the Toolbag uber thread.
Edit:// Are emmisive maps not supported, or am I just an idiot?
Edit2:// Nevermind, I figured it out.
EDIT found the DOF :P
Congrats on releasing, cheers!
Yeah was quite confusing but I guess its Albedo map. Anyway this new marmoset is amazing!
Now I can start a new project and learn how the pbr workflow works
Stop teasing me with these awesome shots
Next project will definitely have to be made with PBR in mind.
oh my god.
I have asked here if marmoset could be used to render out animated movies but I am made to understand it cannot support animations or heavy scenes like Maya's viewport.If not,going through the hurdle of learning a game engine won't be necessary.
But I am pretty sure marmoset would handle a moderate scene better than viewport 2.0 but then when u think of realtime fire effects,smoke and the likes,volumetric rays,a game engine just seems appropriate.
Great work,everyone and congrats to marmoset devs.
edit: I downloaded the Beta NVidia drivers, I will test in a bit, after I finish texturing this stupid prop at work.
Some of these marmoset renders are insane but I've yet to see games show off the art like marmo has, will be awesome when they do
Is there any options for "sharpen" like in Marmoset 1? Can't find any.
When doing a turntable, "scene" for example (my light(s) keep resetting to another angle (front angle). Anyone else have the same problem?
*facepalm* Told you it was a dumb question!