been working on the lich wheel, gone be done soon.
here is how i devidet the concept into optimal parts for texture space usage.
the yellow parts are unique the other ones are all duplicates.
finished the bakes, now only need to place the duplicates fix some baking errors and finish up the textures.
been working on the lich wheel, gone be done soon.
here is how i devidet the concept into optimal parts for texture space usage.
the yellow parts are unique the other ones are all duplicates.
finished the bakes, now only need to place the duplicates fix some baking errors and finish up the textures.
this month i'll totally even finish an entry i swear.
doing some nice crawlers for sand king. this slot has a pretty hilarious polycount so i decided to make the lod 1 first to make sure i didn't sculpt something overly ambitious.
Yeah, absolutely. I am also working on a guide to show a beginner how to make items with an all free software workflow. Unfortunately it will be in english only but I am working to make it as understandable as possible. I am not very far in the series yet, but when it is complete I will ask you to add it to the tutorials.
I worked a lot on texturing my weaver back, but sadly it doesn't look a lot like the original texture, so I probably have to edit it a lot or just start anew.
I could really use some feedback now, so get at it!
When I'm done with textures I'll get to skinning. Is there any tutorial on how to do that in a smart/easy way? weaver's back has quite a few bones with different weights...
further fun with creepy crawlers. turns out the default legs are super dark so the textures don't have to be too complicated. some weird lighting things ingame, to be figured out eventually.
Seems like we haven't had anywhere near as many entries this month!
Here is a WIP of some Doom wings I decided to start today crits welcomed! They are obviously in the early stages but I plan on "demoning" them up with chains and such.
EDIT: GODDAMNIT. Here is a tip people, always read the bio first....
yep, this month is not an easy one, but i think its good to make people think a little out of the common area.
Hey there,
I always wanted to make something for Svens Right Shoulder,
so here it is,
this should be bound to "back"
check if there is no other slot with cosmetics that will collide with your shoulder
for example in my PA set, i had a belt that was colliding with my shoulder piece (because i decided to make an armor on the shoulder slot) and i had to make some changes so both could be used at the same time
Looks interesting cagdasx44! What are you planning for it to be?
Here is some progress on my wings, I know they don't fit the lore but in my version of the lore, he has had his wings bound by unbreakable chains and nailed together to prevent them from working. Here it is, would love some feeback!
I am thinking about metal pipes and green liquid it wil glow ingame with masks
Btw your wings looks awesome. I wish ı could use zbrush like you
The wings are looking better, the chains aren't doing much though, just surface noise. They appear to be draped over the wing rather than binding them. If the theme for the wings are binding chains, make the binds you currently have smaller and the chains bigger with more more influence on how they are actually holding the wings together. It's going to take a while to get it right, I assume your using Insert multi curves, if that's the case try simply placeing them first and then using your move/deformations to get the tightness/gravity right.
Look into making a custom chain mesh, there are great and easy ways to make insert multi meshes, you could make a very nice stylized chain. Using ZB's stock database is boring man!
Love the idea of injection, very cool!
The shoulders are looking better for sure. Personally I'd like to see the battle scars on the shoulders be generally bigger and have 2 variations. The small black scratches aren't very "epic battle torn" rather minor scratches, besides what blade/weapon would be that thin?
Not to be harsh folks just making sure you get some constructive crits and perspective, does not mean i'm right. Keep on' truckin'
a quick work of high poly for my alch arm (critism and suggestions welcomed)
ı dont know what to do with pipes should ı make them old?
btw ı didnt touch the formula holding part because it will be all green with some air bubbles.
you are right, big scratches would make it look a bit more "epic battle torn"
I imagined arrows hit Sven-s Armor rather than big "craters" created by those huge weapons,
and honestly after 200+ masks tests I think I like it the way it is, will post soon
I like those chains, could you link the two wings by the chains to enhance more the impossibility of flying (or would that involve some rigging and animation processes?)
So I got inspired by the no shave november stuff and did a Furion beard, and as it's his neck slot I realized maybe it would fit for the competition !
I dont have much wips, but here is the high & low poly :
I think the beards are counting as neck slots, so technically not "head" slots. The rules are no weapons, even in non-weapon slots. I think we could extrapolate that out to "no head items, even in non-head slots", but it's not my rules!
I'm not going to be able to finish my item this month. I rigged up the horse's tail, and the thing moves like crap, since the bones arent made for accomodating a tail that is as large as it is. Putting my horse on pause until I can figure out animations (and if I want to deal with them). Don't know that I can start and finish a whole other object in the remaining time, even if I work through the holidays.
Yeah it's technically not the head slot, but I am not sure it would be accepted that's why I said maybe. I don't mind if it's not, that's up to Tvidotto !
hi friends, I have a good idea but I do not have 3d modeling skills?
I would be very glad if someone could help me translate my art into reality
This windrunner bow
Link to workshop: Pauldron of the Archmage
here is how i devidet the concept into optimal parts for texture space usage.
the yellow parts are unique the other ones are all duplicates.
finished the bakes, now only need to place the duplicates fix some baking errors and finish up the textures.
lich stole kunnka's steering wheel
Did a concept and a test low poly first to see if the rigging would work.
And then did a simple sculpt base with subpatches.
@goeddy: It kind of looks like lich is bound to the wheel
@snowstorm: Wow, that's definitely cool. How does it move in game?
doing some nice crawlers for sand king. this slot has a pretty hilarious polycount so i decided to make the lod 1 first to make sure i didn't sculpt something overly ambitious.
original concepts
some modeling. took a few iterations to make something that wasn't too armour-ish
and bam!
with some lazy gradients slapped onto it. not sure bout the colour of the spikes at the moment, i'll figure it out after sculpting.
tune into the polycount hangout later tonight to watch ike wrestle with zbrush!
Heart of the Fundamental
Modelled by Blender2Dota, and concept by me
@blended to dota - im adding your tutorial to the tutorial thead, is that ok for you?
I could really use some feedback now, so get at it!
When I'm done with textures I'll get to skinning. Is there any tutorial on how to do that in a smart/easy way? weaver's back has quite a few bones with different weights...
further fun with creepy crawlers. turns out the default legs are super dark so the textures don't have to be too complicated. some weird lighting things ingame, to be figured out eventually.
This is my WIP
for a belt for faceless void
mostly the texturing remains
will offhands items do?!
such as Lions Big Hand?:)
but is "Mask of the Enforcer" (by mihalceanu) ok?!
I was also thinking about DS head and if all good, I'd Like to proceed with it!
anyways I got it!
I always wanted to make something for Svens Right Shoulder,
so here it is,
this should be bound to "back"
it's go time!
scaled the leg stingers up a bit, noodled around with the masks.
the new model viewer is glorious
sorry man, as mdk said, the slot is called Offhand Weapon on almost all the character with 2 weapons
yep, this month is not an easy one, but i think its good to make people think a little out of the common area.
what problem did you had with the lore?
check if there is no other slot with cosmetics that will collide with your shoulder
for example in my PA set, i had a belt that was colliding with my shoulder piece (because i decided to make an armor on the shoulder slot) and i had to make some changes so both could be used at the same time
This one
Looking good guys, keep it up!
@Ootrick: wrong thread? really nice silhouette nonetheless
I have already tested it a while ago with another shoulder which was part of a set..
and by the way this is my new update so far, A lot to do, but I take it slowly to the end
but here is my arm for alch (too much Bane??)
Btw your wings looks awesome. I wish ı could use zbrush like you
The wings are looking better, the chains aren't doing much though, just surface noise. They appear to be draped over the wing rather than binding them. If the theme for the wings are binding chains, make the binds you currently have smaller and the chains bigger with more more influence on how they are actually holding the wings together. It's going to take a while to get it right, I assume your using Insert multi curves, if that's the case try simply placeing them first and then using your move/deformations to get the tightness/gravity right.
Look into making a custom chain mesh, there are great and easy ways to make insert multi meshes, you could make a very nice stylized chain. Using ZB's stock database is boring man!
Love the idea of injection, very cool!
The shoulders are looking better for sure. Personally I'd like to see the battle scars on the shoulders be generally bigger and have 2 variations. The small black scratches aren't very "epic battle torn" rather minor scratches, besides what blade/weapon would be that thin?
Not to be harsh folks just making sure you get some constructive crits and perspective, does not mean i'm right.
ı dont know what to do with pipes should ı make them old?
btw ı didnt touch the formula holding part because it will be all green with some air bubbles.
you are right, big scratches would make it look a bit more "epic battle torn"
I imagined arrows hit Sven-s Armor rather than big "craters" created by those huge weapons,
and honestly after 200+ masks tests I think I like it the way it is, will post soon
I like those chains, could you link the two wings by the chains to enhance more the impossibility of flying (or would that involve some rigging and animation processes?)
a quick paint and ingame
btw ı was think names like Power Booster or Addicted to Power
I like the idea!
Do you think a good idea is being wasted on a newbie?
(because ı kind of think it)
I dont have much wips, but here is the high & low poly :
Sylvan Beard by Sylei
not at all
you should put your mind to it and go finish it!
shouldn-t we format the submission with the P.C. logo and the link to this thread?
Bristle beard concepts.
Evolving beard item?
I'm not going to be able to finish my item this month. I rigged up the horse's tail, and the thing moves like crap, since the bones arent made for accomodating a tail that is as large as it is. Putting my horse on pause until I can figure out animations (and if I want to deal with them). Don't know that I can start and finish a whole other object in the remaining time, even if I work through the holidays.
I overpassed my record of 100 mask tests, this one got over 200
let me know if the ws submission respects the requests
thank you!
I would be very glad if someone could help me translate my art into reality
This windrunner bow
I beleive that's a weapon slot, and would not fit the requests for this month's competition
it is good or bad?
the item looks nice, but you are posting in the wrong section I beleive, w8 for some1else to guide you to the right post