Yeah it's technically not the head slot, but I am not sure it would be accepted that's why I said maybe. I don't mind if it's not, that's up to Tvidotto !
wow, i never worked with a hero with neck slot
i think its a hard decision to take, to be honest i think it was my fault by now knowing about a neck slot. the idea was not adding anything to he head or doing a weapon.
but since it was my fault i dont think its fair to say that is not acceptable by now... what you guys think ?
I don't think there is any hero with neck slot, that would mean that there is no head slot!
In this case Furion has both - separate Neck and Head slots. It's unusual, but technically it's true that this neck slot is different from the head slot.
LOD0 with 512x512 test bakes (final map is a 256x512). I might remove the additional floating tail clasp thing. I really like it, but it's gonna be difficult to fit it in the poly budget even with the LOD0
Hi there, this is my first post here!I thought it was an interesting polycount challenge without heads and weapons.
I'm a huge fan of the Butcher Pudge and i always buy Shiva's Guard as i consider it core item, I Imagined to cover his back with it.
This is the 512x512 preview in workshop
I hope you guys like it i really worked a lot to make it as nicer as i could.
Hi there, this is my first post here!I thought it was an interesting polycount challenge without heads and weapons.
I'm a huge fan of the Butcher Pudge and i always buy Shiva's Guard as i consider it core item, I Imagined to cover his back with it.
This is the 512x512 preview in workshop
I hope you guys like it i really worked a lot to make it as nicer as i could.
Cut the 900 strong LOD0 down to size for the 400 LOD1 lol >< Was easier than anticipated.
Here's the LOD1 with the original concept base colours (colours not final of course):
Bonus animation gif:
I'm gonna play around with the rigging, see if i can force the dress edges to clip less. Otherwise the animation is as I'd tested, and I'm fairly happy with it.
You could also just add an extra edge there to define where the chain would normally protrude away from the wings. That extra silhouette should be enough for the normal map to do its work.
looking back at it, i could have done way more with the limited budget, i have about 100 tris left and most of the resolution is on the cloth.
i skinned some of the crystals to one of the chain bones with very low weighting, so they constantly jiggle a bit around.
Luna items sounds nice:) , I'l deffinetly be in for that
i think that could be a good opportunity to learn from the older guys since everyone is going to be working on the same hero, so we can share knowledge like color scheme and polycount limitations
and btw, about this month since we dont have much finished items, what you guys think about getting back to the voting pool? we can get the result quicker with that one
Grat's to last month's winners! I was really surprised the ironclad golem didnt make it into the diretide chest instead of mine. Glad to see it's getting the recognition. Hopefully they plan on adding that too, eventually!
Hey Guys!
I haven't done any workshop stuff for a few months and wanted to get back into it.
Now with Luna added (the best hero !) I'm looking forward to making some items!
I was wondering (as it's the last day of the month) is it too late to join up in this months comp? I'm not sure I could finish an entire item in 24 hours but it would be a fun challenge.
So for my one day submission I'm going to try and complete a head piece for Luna.
My previous attempts at hair with Lina didn't go so great so I have plenty of room for improvement! xD
Congrats to all who made it, I unfortunately have been bogged down by baking.
On the flipside, now I can make a real low poly mesh and not a really dodgy decimated version.... xD
Half past midnight over here, (though probably not in other parts of the world :P) and there's no way I'm meeting this deadline haha. My medusa tail is almost done, but lacks a lot of the polish I'd expect of one of my items it's probably a couple of days, if not a working week away from being ready.
Congrats to the winners of last month & good show on the work produced for this month!
Leaving it incredibly late but thought I'd get cracking on something, hopefully there is a little time left (it's still the 30th here! haha)
Was in the process of writing a brief walk through of this item creation however due to leaving myself so little time I focused on actually finishing it.
November is ended so we can discuss about new month subject. I dont like luna at all (as hero and model) so ı will suggest something like big things like:
-Warlock weapon and golem
-Doom wings
-Any kind of mounts (not summons because only big summon is golem)
-Witch doctor weapon
-Maybe pudge's back?
-Sniper weapon
And etc.
I don't think we should focus on just one hero, even if they have just been added because then we'll flood the workshop with Luna mounts, weapons and heads. Maybe we focus on NEWEST heroes? Luna, Abaddon, Tusk, Bristleback. It gives us a bit more variety.
It's almost winter, so how about going for a ice themed month? We could go with heroes (Drow, tusk, cm, lich, abaddon, invoker (had to stretch to fill with more), or make winter clothes for any hero
Congrats to all who made it, I unfortunately have been bogged down by baking.
On the flipside, now I can make a real low poly mesh and not a really dodgy decimated version.... xD
dont worry sir, we have this competition each month =]
I don't think we should focus on just one hero, even if they have just been added because then we'll flood the workshop with Luna mounts, weapons and heads. Maybe we focus on NEWEST heroes? Luna, Abaddon, Tusk, Bristleback. It gives us a bit more variety.
wow, i really like the idea of the newest heroes. Are they too crowded on the worskhop? im not following too close these days
the winter idea is good too, im just a little worried that for the south part of the globe is summer. But it could be called "Winter is coming" and open for some dragon, wolfs and things alike =]
We also have the option to go for something more xmas, but keeping it serious and not restricting to one kind of belief or religion
you did nothing wrong,
inside of this page are only items for novembers competition
follow this link (here you can post the idea as a new THREAD a new TOPIC)
wow, i never worked with a hero with neck slot
i think its a hard decision to take, to be honest i think it was my fault by now knowing about a neck slot. the idea was not adding anything to he head or doing a weapon.
but since it was my fault i dont think its fair to say that is not acceptable by now... what you guys think ?
In this case Furion has both - separate Neck and Head slots. It's unusual, but technically it's true that this neck slot is different from the head slot.
never did anything for that spot either!
I'm a huge fan of the Butcher Pudge and i always buy Shiva's Guard as i consider it core item, I Imagined to cover his back with it.
This is the 512x512 preview in workshop
I hope you guys like it i really worked a lot to make it as nicer as i could.
I'm a huge fan of the Butcher Pudge and i always buy Shiva's Guard as i consider it core item, I Imagined to cover his back with it.
This is the 512x512 preview in workshop
I hope you guys like it i really worked a lot to make it as nicer as i could.
Here's the LOD1 with the original concept base colours (colours not final of course):
Bonus animation gif:
I'm gonna play around with the rigging, see if i can force the dress edges to clip less. Otherwise the animation is as I'd tested, and I'm fairly happy with it.
The Wheel of Fate
looking back at it, i could have done way more with the limited budget, i have about 100 tris left and most of the resolution is on the cloth.
i skinned some of the crystals to one of the chain bones with very low weighting, so they constantly jiggle a bit around.
some of the bottom chain Influences are wrong.
see the right bottom how stretches?!
anyway good job!
still is not clean enough
and about the neck, since noone came with that question before we setting this month for me its ok to go for it, but rush, we dont have much time
about the next month, i think we could go for something more standard but we can keep the single item idea.
i heard that Luna is now available, is that correct?
we could go for luna items =]
btw. i got some votes for the last month, im going to make the math and see who won and give the names to Alec from handplane to handle the prize =]
i think that could be a good opportunity to learn from the older guys since everyone is going to be working on the same hero, so we can share knowledge like color scheme and polycount limitations
we can also split in 2, single items and sets =]
I haven't done any workshop stuff for a few months and wanted to get back into it.
Now with Luna added (the best hero
I was wondering (as it's the last day of the month) is it too late to join up in this months comp? I'm not sure I could finish an entire item in 24 hours but it would be a fun challenge.
My previous attempts at hair with Lina didn't go so great so I have plenty of room for improvement! xD
Here are the few concepts I've started.
More pics as soon as she's done with texturing
Power Booster by [UN]cagdasx44
Still need to clean up the sculpt and retopo is almost done.
Btw, since the competition started a bit late and there aren't that many submissions, is it possible to get a few days extension?
Ended up going for one of the hairs after showing my concepts to some people.
I hate doing hair so I imagine this won't turn out so good.
3 hours and 40 mins to go. (In Australia at least.
I don't have the highest hopes for a finished asset :S
But by darn tooting I'm going to try!
Having some skinning troubles.
My skinning is all on the one bone, Head01 But I'm not sure why it's clipping through as she moves her head.
2 hours to go.
While I'm pretty new on the block, I think if your done, then an exception can be made for lack of internet at submission time
Sorry if I'm filling the thread with my images :S
Here is the high poly of the scraf.
I really want to work on it more but 40 minutes left. Not looking promising
On the flipside, now I can make a real low poly mesh and not a really dodgy decimated version.... xD
Leaving it incredibly late but thought I'd get cracking on something, hopefully there is a little time left (it's still the 30th here! haha)
Was in the process of writing a brief walk through of this item creation however due to leaving myself so little time I focused on actually finishing it.
Winged Assassin by Hunter-Killer
Emerald Armor
Boreas Embrace by Sylei and Godzy
unable to get emmissive working in engine, anyone care to help? >:(
-Warlock weapon and golem
-Doom wings
-Any kind of mounts (not summons because only big summon is golem)
-Witch doctor weapon
-Maybe pudge's back?
-Sniper weapon
And etc.
-Ogres(Disruptor, Axe, Ogre Magi, Alchemist)
-Purple/Blue/Red/Green etc Heroes?
dont worry sir, we have this competition each month =]
wow, i really like the idea of the newest heroes. Are they too crowded on the worskhop? im not following too close these days
the winter idea is good too, im just a little worried that for the south part of the globe is summer. But it could be called "Winter is coming" and open for some dragon, wolfs and things alike =]
We also have the option to go for something more xmas, but keeping it serious and not restricting to one kind of belief or religion