We'd like to share with you the final level 1 concept, the menu music and some renders of the space whale sculpt. Next up are some call out sketches for additional elements to make some platforms to jump on (like dead surgeons !) Enjoy!
Chris Christodoulou is responsible for this awesome track, btw. Check it out at the link below!
Oh man, this looks awesome. Are you guys planning on doing much animation for the levels/space whale guts? That tongue and robotic arm combo would probably look super sweet in motion.
Really love the art style for this project - both the 2D and the 3D assets are wonderful. I was a fan of the artists even before I'd found this project so seeing them all work together is pretty great.
Is there any place to view a recording of Mr. Coleman's recent stream? There was talk of it being on Blubberbuster's Twitch TV channel, but as yet it remains tragically absent.
Wow. Thank you so much for all the love guys. You give us so much motivation!
@Swizzle: Yes, we plan on having lots of moving parts. Needs the while ambiance of being inside a mouth.
@Golden Yak: We've been having some problems here and there with Twitch and I'm not sure if we can recover the video. But he does plan on doing more, so I shall keep you updated when he does!
I'm excited to share some work by Avery - he made some jumpy things!
We also have a new track by Chris (please click link below.) Enjoy! Also, does anyone know how to embed a soundcloud player on here? XP
Great stuff! I have couple questions regarding your texturing tutorial.
In section where you had all the photoshop layers. Is there a specific reason why you need the normal map in there? The one thats below the grey layer.
Also the green channel layer is extracted from the normal map, not bent normal right?
Sorry for the noobs questions. Been trying out this technique
The normal map as a whole isn't used in the diffuse but it's a nice place to keep it so that you can use it if needed or just limit the number of files you have. And yes, the green channel is extracted from the normal map. I hope that helps!
We're currently working on getting some animations in the level (which is all block in right now) and working on abilities. Hopefully we'll have something cool to show you guys in the next week or two.
It's been a long time since our last update, but we've finally got a full team! Soon, we can start posting the meat of the game. Yum.
We've got some concept work for various pits of death and the final version of Parasite Phil from Avery's livestream, some block in animations for Rudy, and a spaceship.
We're excited to share more with you guys soon. Stay tuned!
@lotet: The game is going to be 2.5D - so all characters and some moving parts in the background will be 3D while most everything else is 2D on planes (like Diablo 3)
Gonna bump this as a reminder of avery stream in one hour!! avery will also be showing a teaser :P
come say hello!
We'd like to share with you the final level 1 concept, the menu music and some renders of the space whale sculpt. Next up are some call out sketches for additional elements to make some platforms to jump on (like dead surgeons !) Enjoy!
Chris Christodoulou is responsible for this awesome track, btw. Check it out at the link below!
Is there any place to view a recording of Mr. Coleman's recent stream? There was talk of it being on Blubberbuster's Twitch TV channel, but as yet it remains tragically absent.
@Swizzle: Yes, we plan on having lots of moving parts. Needs the while ambiance of being inside a mouth.
@Golden Yak: We've been having some problems here and there with Twitch and I'm not sure if we can recover the video.
I'm excited to share some work by Avery - he made some jumpy things!
We also have a new track by Chris (please click link below.) Enjoy! Also, does anyone know how to embed a soundcloud player on here? XP
In section where you had all the photoshop layers. Is there a specific reason why you need the normal map in there? The one thats below the grey layer.
Also the green channel layer is extracted from the normal map, not bent normal right?
Sorry for the noobs questions. Been trying out this technique
The normal map as a whole isn't used in the diffuse but it's a nice place to keep it so that you can use it if needed or just limit the number of files you have.
- BoBo
Show some more!
We're currently working on getting some animations in the level (which is all block in right now) and working on abilities. Hopefully we'll have something cool to show you guys in the next week or two.
More to come soon!
We've got some concept work for various pits of death and the final version of Parasite Phil from Avery's livestream, some block in animations for Rudy, and a spaceship.
We're excited to share more with you guys soon. Stay tuned!
@lotet: The game is going to be 2.5D - so all characters and some moving parts in the background will be 3D while most everything else is 2D on planes (like Diablo 3)
You're doing great work guys! Keep it up!
Also I really enjoy those line drawing concepts!
Can't wait to try out something playable.
Cody will be working on space whale's textures tomorrow at 8PM - 10PM PST. Join us for some painting fun!