Share your hand painted environment, characters, props, textures, whatever! The thread focus is handpainted stylized textures, not aiming to be photorealism.
- 1 embed maximum (1 image, or 1 video, or 1 Sketchfab, etc.)
- Anim GIFs must be less than 2 mb
- Externally-hosted images must be less than 500 kb
- Uploaded images must not exceed 1000 pixels in any dimension
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- Breaking these rules may cause merciless editing by a Moderator
- Why these rules? See WAYWO Usage.
Hello everyone, I drew a throwing knife from Metro 2033!
Всем привет, я нарисовал метательный нож из Метро 2033!
Hello everyone, I retextured the MP9 submachine gun from the game Outfire Battle Royal.
Всем привет, я сделал ретекстуру пистолету-пулемету MP9 из игры Outfire Battle Royal.
A personal project in which I tried a modular way of building a house. In the future using these assemblies I want to make a small location. Something like a Viking village, where this house could be used, maybe by the local Jarl
Good day everyone!
Hello everyone, I retextured the M1A1 Thompson submachine gun from the game The Last Stand.
Hello everyone, this is just a traffic cone
Hello everyone, here I depicted the shackles that prevent me from having freedom in drawing hand-paint textures
There's a 3D viewers on my Art Station if you are interested on whatch more detail and in real time these character:
I was pretty much inspired by the concept art from:
Roman Lychkov
Totem model triangles: 1,622
ArtStation - Forgotten warrior, Toman Tomanov
I hope you like it!
More on my artstation
Hi all! I decided to make a lazy Hand-Paint: I simply took someone else’s drawing, created 3D models for it and transferred the drawing to the model, constantly correcting artifacts (:
Тяжелый танк из игры Medal Of War разукрашенный по концепту!
Heavy tank from the game Medal Of War, decorated according to the concept!
[EN] I made this ship as part of the creation of my space travel map in the universe of Hand-Paint texturing.
I began to be tormented by the question: why do I abandon some projects and not finish them. ChatGPT helped me come up with an analogy with space flights, and as a result, I created a route list for space travel. The interface on this map allows me to clearly see whether it is worthwhile to fit into the creation of the model or not.
While it is impossible to make money from hand-painting, I just need to avoid long and complex tasks, they are too draining.
[RU ]Данный корабль я сделал в рамках создания моей космической карты путешествия во вселенной Hand-Paint текстуриурования.
Меня стал мучить вопрос: почему я бросаю какие-то проекты и не доделываю их. ChatGPT помог мне выйти на аналогию с космическими полетами и в итоге я сварганил себе маршрутный лист космических путешествий. Интерфейс на данной карте позволяет мне наглядно видеть - стоит ли вписываться в создание модели или нет.
Пока невозможно получать денег с ханд-паинт рисования мне нужно просто избегать длительных и сложных задач, они слишком сильно истощают.
Model is 254 tris with 256px texture set
Great job man!
I’ll guide you through the process of modeling, creating PBR and hand-painted textures, and 3D printing, followed by painting the model. to give it an anime style touch.
My Sketchfab:
Hope you like it. Cheers.
Sharing a scene that I made a few weeks ago