Share your hand painted environment, characters, props, textures, whatever! The thread focus is handpainted stylized textures, not aiming to be photorealism.
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This is my lastest project, improve a lot of my handpainted texture skill. Only using base color map size 4k and 17K tris poly
If you like it support me in artstation here :
Thank you for watching!
Here's Vivi fan art (Final Fantasy IX)
2k texture and 8k tris.
Sculpted and Retopologized in Blender ,
Maps Baking done in Marmoset toolbag ,
For hand painting i used 3D coat ..
And Final Rendering also Done in Marmoset toolbag..
I like the Torchlight 2 strategy and I have redrawn some texture weapons.
New addition to my Portfolio - A Tuskarr Milk Delivery Sledge.
Crucible of the First flame
Artstation link here:
Arstation post:
I like the Torchlight 2 strategy and I have redrawn some texture weapons. Part II
This is my first post ever at this forum, I hope you'll enjoy it
Fan art on Crash Bandicoot's 4 Uka Uka Mask
And Sketchfab link:
Thank you.
Hello everyone I have finally returned to the creation of museum weapons of the Second World War. This is a German small shovel Klappspaten 1938.
20 years ago I played games like Blitzkrieg 1, Operation Silent Storm 2 and Men Of War 1, and now I can create content based on these games (and with the same graphics)
Here's my latest character - the first one rigged and animated (sloppily) in Blender!
Come see my artstation for more
Всем привет! Закончил ретекстур модели из Torchlight 2. Я не умею создавать персонажей и не знаю анатомии, но зато очень интересно провел время, строго не судите
I just made a rough sketch with the idea and start with a simple model in Zbrush to stablish the overall shapes and silhouette so I can retopolize and make the low poly models at Maya, then I textured all the details in the color map at 3DCoat.
Hope you like it. you can find more images and a 3D Viewer here at my Art Station:
And why is Allodv Online not DooM, if: the game has heavy armor, portals and demons?
Всем здорова, чуваки! Я тут решил попрактиковаться в создании текстур и покрасил обрез, в итоге он получился словно из Аллодов. И когда я импортировал его в Аллоды, то теперь это выглядит так, словно он изначально там был И с этим обрезом Аллоды Онлайн теперь выглядят как DooM.
И чем вообще Аллодв Онлайн это не DooM, если: в игре есть тяжелая броня, порталы и демоны?
Аллоды Онлайн шутер, как вам? Мне это напоминает игры "А.Л.Л.О.Д: Зона Отчуждения" и "Escape From Nezebgrad", сыграли бы?
Hi people! I continue to paint weapons, and this time I painted a revolver. Nothing special happened during the work, nothing special to share
I just made a base 3D Sculpt in ZBrush to stablish the overall shapes, then I make the retopology and make another modeling phase to ensure the shapes, silohuette and optimization mesh ready for game art.
Then I made the UVs and start the hand painted from scratch at 3DCoat (I didn't bake any maps)
Hope you like it.
You can find some more images and a 3D Viewer to check it out in depth
Hope you like it
Cannon Pirate Stylized
Today I present to you a new version of my old Cannon, stylized and painted by hand,with staging and lighting. Everything was done with 3dsmax and I
painted on 3d coat, with a marmoset rendering
Medieval House
Discover the transformation of my project inspired by World of Warcraft: a stylized medieval apothecary, reimagined for spring. Starting from a high poly model in 2019 with 1 million faces, I optimized and textured the design to achieve 50,000 faces, using 3ds Max and 3D-Coat for a hand-painted finish.
Hello everyone, I have long wanted to make a Demacia sword from the League of Legends and here it is. I wanted it to be as neat as it is usually drawn in illustrations.
Stylized Mirror
Hi all! I’m developing a costume for a warrior character, but I already want to share what I’ve done. I finished creating a weapon for the character, I think it looks cool.
Всем привет! Разрабатываю костюм персонажа воина, но уже хочется поделится тем что получилось. Я закончил создание оружие для персонажа, как по мне выглядит прикольно.
All real-time inside of the Godot engine.
Video and higher-res images in my THREAD
I'm starting a series of dioramas to explore the universe of an alchemist. This project aims to create