Share your hand painted environment, characters, props, textures, whatever! The thread focus is handpainted stylized textures, not aiming to be photorealism.
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Here are some weapons i did some time ago
this also made me realize i need to do more of them!
here is an oldie for a game that never was.
wall tile:
floor tile:
dwarf bust:
Here's some old stuff.
here's some stuff from some projects I worked on
KOS: Really nice!
A while back I created this one. Never finished it. Need to... Modeled highpoly in Maya, then all painted with polypaint in ZBrush. A fantastic concept from Firstkeeper that I followed.
Good job guys!
More wires
Maps, Difuse only
Mount Creature (click to view in 3D)
One for CrashGem Studios's Churbles -
Grabbed from viewport.
I managed to put it together again, I don't know if you can see this but let me know.
Using Video Looper, Cause I don't know how to embed here and or loop youtube anymore.
Amazing work all, I always return to check these out.
always got a soft spot for hand painted stuff lol
Here's some stuff I did earlier this year for a couple mobile game ideas -
Aaaand some learning bits -
The brush blending could use some love and I could add some pebbles to make that soil more obvious, but I guess I'll just move on to other materials.
And that's one of my noob's portfolio pieces :
My first try
Dude, give me the link to your tutorials. Amazing!
Really digging this one, pretty cool silhouette!
I read the handpainted texture tutorial in 'Vertex', found on page 48.
And also several 'mini-tuts' like this one:
After reading the tutorials I started painting the outlines of the planks and locked the layer. I created a new layer on top of my silhouette layer.
Not sure how it is called, but I did click between the two layers while holding the 'alt' key. So everything I draw on the new top layer only gets projected on the silhouette (bit hard to explain).
On that new layer I started painting the forms using a darker and lighter color. This took quite a while to do.
Last step was some color variation using a soft light layer and some dirt/sand spots using a 'spots brush' on low opacity.
That thing is called clipping mask ^^ you can also do it by right clicking the top layer and selection "Create clipping mask" or ALT+CTRL+G by default.
Another way to achieve this is:
1: CTRL+LMB on the small layer portrait left to the name (this will create a selection matching what you have in this layer)
2: CTRL+SHIFT+I invert the selection to have the empty space selected
3: select the top layer as your active one and press delete, everything outside the base shape will be cut out.
my second try. Not really happy about it. But need sleep sooo tomorrow, more work!
Here is a little contribution :
and the 1024 flat texture I worked on before beeing reduced, if someone is intersted. It's pretty dark but the lighting correct that.
Oh well it's an old version, the beard is missing...
About the technique I mostly use baked AO and the green channel of a bent normal map ( which contains vertical lighting information ) as a base. I paint a separate layer for each material/color ( for example one for the grey metal, one for the gold, one for the red clothes... ) and on each one of these layers I put the AO in multiply and the bent normal in overlay. And I put a gradient map on each AO and Bent, depending on the color underneath ( the gold parts have a gradient map from dark purple for the shadows to yellowish/white for the lights ). And finally I just paint the base color layers to add some details and highlights.