Share your hand painted environment, characters, props, textures, whatever! The thread focus is handpainted stylized textures, not aiming to be photorealism.
- 1 embed maximum (1 image, or 1 video, or 1 Sketchfab, etc.)
- Anim GIFs must be less than 2 mb
- Externally-hosted images must be less than 500 kb
- Uploaded images must not exceed 1000 pixels in any dimension
- Don't upload PNG, use JPG
- Breaking these rules may cause merciless editing by a Moderator
- Why these rules? See WAYWO Usage.
You mean..'feels' sticky?
I couldn't agree more!
You should also do some new work if you have time. :poly142:
My knife
riceart, that looks flipping amazing!
Here're a couple tiling textures for a UDK scene that I'm currently a bit burnt out on. This thread makes me want to get back to it though!
here's a UDK Environment WIP
Have to ask, how'd you create that 1st rock texture. looks amazing.
I love that enviroment so far! I'd love to see more!
c&c are appreciated!
unlit condition:
edit: the crystal ball is supposed to have a glass-like material
on my side I'm still practicing some simple textures ^^'
EDIT: Just realised you're the one who did the low poly TF2 guys as well, great stuff!
Old but I still enjoy looking at It and wanted to post something instead of text.
Had an animation of it's transformations but I deleted It from youtube
If I revisit It I will take your suggestions and apply them to the textures, thanks for the comments.
Mr sumo:
Got to love that knight, It inspires me to create more content along the same lines, loving the blue.
Awesome work everyone crazy inspiring work being posted, thanks for sharing.
D4V1DC - That mount is rad dude. I would've loved to see the other two forms!
Here is a little update on my model. Calling it done. I'm planning a more detailed piece for next week!
(roof texture)
Everyone has such awesome stuff in here, I love it
Ranko: Great work!
Sorry, but what makes this hand painted?
Awesome, you finished it! :poly142:
I like the color scheme especially.
I feel the fabric could stand to look a little more like actual fabric. Very nice rendering, regardless.
Just for kicks, you could pack that up as a Quake 3 skin and submit it to the Worldspawn archive.
I blew up the texture for clarity's sake. The actual resolution I'm painting at is 256x128. The weird stretchy part you see on the flat texture is an unwrapping error that I worked around with 3d painting.
Cybroxide really liking the wall and the shark!
linkov loving the texture work as always!
Ranko great job! especially on the diablo shrine
going to join in on the fun and post some stuff from this year
Hunter Murkah
Paladin Alyonushka
Castanic Bust
diffuse only and wires:
Lumbering Oaf
diffuse only and wires:
P.S. Damn! That's a lot of great work, got super inspired by your awesomeness folks
Not sure if it counts O_O
I left out a few comps (like the high-poly for Rumble) since I didn't feel they were really relevant for the thread. This is an awesome idea, keep the posts coming!