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Monthly Noob Challenge 8



  • Manticora



    @ joshschmitt:

    Your bridge element is looking great already, but I would maybe take it to the next level and break up those straight lines by adding some irregularities (just slightly so it doesn't look too repetitive). I don't know if you planned it, but you could maybe even do a second, more unique version that's a little damaged or something like that.

    edit: I'm working from Lowpoly to Highpoly most of the time, too. But sometimes (especially when I'm working on organic stuff), the shape changes too much, and I do it the other way around. I guess you need to find out which workflow suits your stile best. Also you might find out that you want to do a HP-LP workflow for some objects, and a LP-HP workflow for others. I don't think there's one "right" way ;)
  • joshschmitt
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    joshschmitt polycounter lvl 11

    Thats a good idea, I tried sculpting damage before but for some reason I cannot get the look I wanted.

    I sculpt than decimate it, bring it in and I have to retopo which takes forever, then it loses quality when I bake and doesnt look right. I gotta find some good tuts on how to bake the damage properly.
  • joshschmitt
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    joshschmitt polycounter lvl 11

    The problem I have with HP-LP is that it takes more time for me to create a LP than HP. I dont have any sight problems but when I am trying to navigate through a web of edges that I accidentally delete on the HP-LP it doesnt help my cause, happens too often ;p
  • Razielim
    Wow. Really good starts right now. I hope i can finish this project this time.

    My Goals:
    - stay low as possible
    - use only 2 Textures (except the Buildings in distance...)
    - make realistic materials
    - make materials with offset decals
    - realistic light in UDK

    my lowpoly, so far. I think i will add some spotlights to it and place it in nighttime.
    I place the missing stones, when i export it to UDK.

  • Manticora
    @ joshschmitt:

    I don't know if I completely understand your problem, could you maybe post a screenshot or describe your workflow a little closer?

    If you're using zBrush, this tutorial helped me a lot to understand how to add some minor damages:
    That wouldn't need any retopo at all. You could add the detail in zBrush, and do bigger damages back in your modeling software without changing your topology and UVs, which will preserve your detail. I hope you know what I am trying to say. But maybe I got you totally wrong :\
  • joshschmitt
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    joshschmitt polycounter lvl 11

    The problem I have is with big damage, Ill give it a shot here and post my shots.
  • Manticora
    @ joshschmitt:

    Okay, good luck with that!
  • Fenyce
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    Fenyce polycounter lvl 11
    Nice progress everyone!

    So... while I'm setting here and working on my models I started thinking about the concept and...
    I think I have some trouble with figuring out what exactly is happening/what story is told.

    And so I have some problem with the location itself, it there a backwall (since theres a lot of concrete right behind those fences and bridges)? I mean, is that a deadend? So it's some kind of "prison"?

    First I thought it might be some sort of checkpoint. Like for people entering the "city" or the place where the leftovers of the people live... And for protecting, so that "zombies" entering could be killed. So I thought they'd come from the side, from behind the gate... But if it's a deadend... Gnah!! I'm so confused!

    How did you understand that concept?
    The true identity of the concept is....

    It's one of the infection checkpoints setup on the outskirt's of Boston. You can find more about all that on the LAST OF US wiki...

    Personally, I think you should just go with whatever you would like it to be...

    I always start a project by visualising what kind of environment i would want to see at the end.

    There are lots of different ideas that people are currently taking with this concept. Adding functional sections with certain purposes. Corpse transportation :)

    I did a quick sketch of what i see it as on the first page..

    Make it your own and be creative with your initial designs and that will help you come up with your own story for it i guess.

    EDIT - I read back on what you said about a checkpoint for the city where survivors are.. That thought in itself could be really interesting. You could develop your scene as perhaps an outer gate area to some kind of outer wall of a survivor encampment? Add a few sandbags or a turret? Could be fun...

    Good luck with it all :)
  • Kitty|Owl
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    Kitty|Owl polycounter lvl 3
    This may be something people already have knowledge of but for some it might be useful to consider.
    i'm currently starting my blockout (after failing to find time last month i vow to complete this month with my own take on the concept which i'll reveal after finishing the blockout)

    anyway to the point, I am aiming to heavily use custom normals (engine support providing) for my geometry (especially for distance). (see quick example if unsure)
    since its quite likely that some of the lower poly detailing in the distance wont see that much lovin' and i might be able to get away with a texture and uber low poly :P

    blockout and plan to come hopefully soon...

    as you can see from the example the 44tri box would probably hold up quite well in the distance vs the "trow everything at it" box
    @ Kitty Owl - Wow that's awesome. I would never be able to tell if the outer corners were covered. That's a really good idea.

    I look forward to seeing you apply it to your scene :)
  • ansh0488
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    ansh0488 polycounter lvl 11

    A quick blockout done before going for work. All pumped up for this MNC.. :)
  • Greg DAlessandro
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    Greg DAlessandro polycounter lvl 11
    Here is my blockout so far:
  • betaBug
    Little update. Unfortunately I'm an awful texture artist. So I need some critique\advice. Thanks.


  • breakneck
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    breakneck polycounter lvl 13

    is that 6 unique pieces of geometry with unique textures on all? In a normal production scenario, you would only have 1 unique piece of geometry and then have several blood stain decals placed on them in engine.
  • betaBug
    breakneck wrote: »

    is that 6 unique pieces of geometry with unique textures on all? In a normal production scenario, you would only have 1 unique piece of geometry and then have several blood stain decals placed on them in engine.

    Thank for advice. It's 1 piece of geometry with 4 different textures, yes. I just thinking with 1 texture these blocks will looks same. Even with a blood decals on it. (especially without it) Probably shouldn't do that, thanks again.
  • sipher3325
    betabug, I would also use a few grim details that i would be using all over my scene that would be adjusted so that it all looks different.
  • shosh
    betaBug wrote: »
    I just thinking with 1 texture these blocks will looks same. Even with a blood decals on it. (especially without it) Probably shouldn't do that, thanks again.

    Actually, he's right, you can have those out of 1 texture and still look unique. I'll try and make this one with just a few textures (except decals) As i see it now, there will be 1 wall, 1 fabric, 1 ground concrete, 1 barrier, 1 metal and possibly 1 pile of debris . As for decals ... 1 blood, 1 graffiti and 1 dirt
    Kitty|Owl wrote: »

    anyway to the point, I am aiming to heavily use custom normals (engine support providing) for my geometry (especially for distance)

    Um, but why use it on distant objects ? The way custom normals are used is to have near objects have rounded silhouette corners composed of 2 soft edges (meaning roundness) instead of one hard edge and still keep shading. Also, this is used when dealing with generic textures where you can't use a baked normal map. Sure, you can combine those 2 (custom normals+baked normal map) but for the distance lod's those custom normals leave room for single hard edges.
  • Manticora
    betaBug wrote: »
    It's 1 piece of geometry with 4 different textures, yes. I just thinking with 1 texture these blocks will looks same. Even with a blood decals on it. (especially without it) Probably shouldn't do that, thanks again.

    I like the style of your textures :)

    Here's what I would (and will) do about the repetition problem: Make three different dirt masks and add them to one single texture by plugging one each into the R, G and B channel of an image. Quick example:


    You can then use the channels of that texture to make several material instances (you can also combine masks) by adding the dirt directly in your material, and you would only need one concrete texture. You can also use that masks for other materials and create decals from them.

    If the UV Layout of your models is unique, the front and back side will look different too and you can add diversion by rotating them differently.

    Just my two cents :)
  • Fenyce
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    Fenyce polycounter lvl 11
    Manticora wrote: »
    I like the style of your textures :)

    Here's what I would (and will) do about the repetition problem: Make three different dirt masks and add them to one single texture by plugging one each into the R, G and B channel of an image. Quick example:


    You can then use the channels of that texture to make several material instances (you can also combine masks) by adding the dirt directly in your material, and you would only need one concrete texture. You can also use that masks for other materials and create decals from them.

    If the UV Layout of your models is unique, the front and back side will look different too and you can add diversion by rotating them differently.

    Just my two cents :)

    sounds great, I'm looking forward to see your textures!
    Are those masks extra texture sheets? Like when you're vertex painting?
    ATM I'm figuring out how to texture the best, and I'll spend a lot of time on textures, since I want to improve my skills. (And I have so much to learn anyway, that I should put a focus.... and that will be handpainted texture for this time!)

    @ betabug: I think the texture looks great! The blood splatters are awesome.
  • WarrenM
    You can also get fancy with your shader ... like, if you're using UDK, you can apply a grime texture overlay that is mapped to world space UV coordinates so all the blocks have the same base texture on them but the grime maps to unique locations on each one which gives them a more realistic feel.
  • shosh
    betaBug wrote: »
    Little update. Unfortunately I'm an awful texture artist. So I need some critique\advice. Thanks.



    what i see as problems
    - the concrete has no color variation nor detail variation (the second you can go without)
    - Blood spatters are too big and they look unrealistic. Think that those bloodstains didn't occur at the same point in time. One maybe is old and dried, one is fresh, one is so old it started to dissapear, one is covered with dirt.
    - Dirt too has no variation, it looks like the concrete was clean and at some point, in a moment, got dirty. There should be layers of added dirt
    - I can't see very good from the screenshots but it seams there is no difference between the concrete and the painted concrete except color. You need to make sure that material is easy to read in every texture (color, normal, spec)

    Cheers and hf!
  • Manticora
    Fenyce wrote: »
    sounds great, I'm looking forward to see your textures!
    Are those masks extra texture sheets? Like when you're vertex painting?

    I definitely need to work on texture detail and variation, so I guess this will be this month's main focus for me :\

    Well, what I am talking about is setting up a basic shader like this (if you're using UDK):


    By creating Material Instances (right-click on your parent material and select "Create New Material Instance (Constant)") you can tell your material which mask to use. Then you can override the material of the statich meshes you already placed in your scene with one of the instances. You can of course add a lot of complexity to the shader by combining masks, adding color switches and stuff. That way you could do a bunch of different material instances with only two textures.

    You can still combine this technique with vertex painting to get some extra alternation. WarrenM's suggestion is great, too - almost forgot about that! You see you can combine a lot of different methods to create several layers of dirt and really get a lot of variation while using very vew textures :)
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    betaBug wrote: »
    Thank for advice. It's 1 piece of geometry with 4 different textures, yes. I just thinking with 1 texture these blocks will looks same. Even with a blood decals on it. (especially without it) Probably shouldn't do that, thanks again.

    You could do a tiling texture with a vertex paint for the yellow OR you could use the diffuse color in cryengine (if youre using that).

    The blood would be a decal.
    I wouldn't get too hung up on it and come back to it later. It's not perfect but it looks good enough that when the rest of the scene is fleshed out it won't be noticeable. It's better to have a finished scene with pretty good assets instead of a half finished scene full of perfect assets, at least when you are on a timeline.
  • jickrames
    Quick blockout, just fiddling with what I want the concrete barriers to do.
  • Manticora
    @ jickrames:

    Great start!


    I didn't have a lot of time today, so I did only a quick Maya blockout of the front part:

  • CharmingBastard
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    CharmingBastard polycounter lvl 11
    First time here. Here's my quick blockout in Unity.

    My goals:
    - get experience in env modeling
    - learn how to use UDK
    - try character modeling
    @ jickrames - One of the baddest block-out's of all time!

  • Mischievous
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    Mischievous polycounter lvl 6
    Started working on the barriers too, gotta love concrete creations x3

    It's essentially just 2 models with 2 textures, nothing fancy, since I won't be using UDK (clue 1) I can't really do any Noderickery on my end, so I'll mostly rely on simple color textures and normal maps.

    (That white spot on the rusted hook seems to be just a rendering error from Blender, otherwise it's brown)
  • Flumpinator
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    Flumpinator polycounter lvl 10
    Hey all, got a bit of block out done and a couple of assets as I wanted to get stuck in!
    Would like to get this scene in Cryengine but they seem to be having problems with the sdk at the moment but I know it'll be great for the decals :)

    update_01 by Flumpinator.

    wallblock by Flumpinator., on Flickr

    roadblock by Flumpinator., on Flickr
    @ Mischievous

    Sweet, It's like engine guess who! :)

    Looking good man. Nice approach. The added bar loop things give the side some nice detail.

    @ flumpinator.

    Some sweet looking barriers. Nice finish on the concrete texture.
  • Adam Chilton
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    Adam Chilton polycounter lvl 4
    Looking great guys.

    One not that a few people could use is that some of the railings seem to straight and 'perfect'. Add some kinks to the rails, a few bent ones, and even some missing or broken completely.
  • joshschmitt
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    joshschmitt polycounter lvl 11

    The wall block could easily be less tris than shown unless thats the HP model.
  • Leetchi
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    Leetchi polycounter lvl 11
    Hello everyone,

    Even if I have been lurking here for months, I thought the noob challenge may be the perfect place to start, so this is my first post, so please be kind :)

    Since I really don't know anything about UDK (this is my very first work with it, i opened it two days ago for the first time), you'll maybe think it's a bit basic, but i'm slowly learning everything on my own and i'm very motivated.

    Long story short, here are some shots from my scene. I tried to keep the main architecture as on the chosen concept but decided to add some stuff here and there to fill the scene.

    Everything which might help improving is warmly welcomed!

    Good luck to everyone.
  • Baron Flame
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    Baron Flame polycounter lvl 12
    Some really great stuff here guys. Now I feel bad that I spent the yesterday out rather than working here. -_-
    Love the barricades you got there!
    Great work so far. It may just be me but the level does look a bit cluttered for some reason.
  • Mischievous
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    Mischievous polycounter lvl 6
    @Flumpinator, Nice geometry, I like those rough looking beveled edges you have.

    @LANKUS MAXIMUS, Thanks! More shall be revealed in time...

    @Leetchi, Welcome to the stage! Great work, but i would have to agree with Flame, it does look cluttered... I think it's mostly
    because the width of the level (from wall to wall) is too short, and the barriers relevant to the bridge and barrel height are too tall. A good idea is to add a human height reference, just a simple block, 1 by 2 in dimensions, and use that to match your architecture to.
    And I think there are some almost standard things in games, like is it just me or do barrels in almost all games have the relevantly same height which seems to be roughly 2/3rds of the player.
    I echo the above.

    And yes i do believe the standard is usually around 2/3rds.
  • RavenTheBird
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    RavenTheBird polycounter lvl 12
    Seem like everyone have a good start, Keep it up everyone

    This is currently what I have now

    A concrete roadblock, will start making other part and import it into UDK :)
  • joshschmitt
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    joshschmitt polycounter lvl 11

    Seen you making that in Google Hangouts but you no talk :(

    Looks good.
  • Broken_Lawnmower
    I blocked-in the block-out. Time to texure texures.

  • Flumpinator
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    Flumpinator polycounter lvl 10
    @joshschmitt: thanks! I left in some loops from my HP base mesh by accident; although I wasn't sure whether to use geometry for the hole or rely on the normal map?

    Good work everyone, some nice block-outs going on
  • joshschmitt
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    joshschmitt polycounter lvl 11

    I think you could probably use the hole for up close and far away just have a normal map.
  • WarrenM
    As a rule of thumb, if the hole affects the silhouette of the object or is deeper than superficial - model it. Otherwise, normal map it. Of course you can do a low poly hole and use the normal map to fill in any roughness or cracks to complete the illusion.
  • uberphoenix
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    uberphoenix polycounter lvl 8
    I'm trying to export my very basic blockout from udk, but having issues.

    I select the floor bsp, click export selected in udk then when in max it says there is nothing to import...any ideas? :/
  • uberphoenix
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    uberphoenix polycounter lvl 8
    Ok It works if i do select all, but this makes it hard for me to use the block out as a placeholder for individual models :L. Anyone know how i can export single bsp meshes?

    This is what it does when i do export all:


    I would prefer each piece to be moveable, so I can refine the blockout in max but since the single exports say nothing is to be imported it's making my life hard :|
  • joshschmitt
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    joshschmitt polycounter lvl 11

    I believe you have to convert it to a mesh in UDK then export it. Not sure about how you do that.
  • Kryptikk
    @uberphoenix if you run a separate on the BSP piece in Max it should break it all down into pieces. Not the exact thing you wanted but it will work usually (normally a Maya user so not 100%)
  • uberphoenix
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    uberphoenix polycounter lvl 8
    I will try those thanks guys
  • tkfxity
    @uberphoenix - In order to export your BSP blockout you need to follow these steps.

    Enter BSP brush wireframe mode. Press ALT+W to hide static meshes. Select all the brush components of your blockout. While everything is selected hit Convert > static mesh. This should create a static mesh of your brushes into a package. Then right click the static mesh in your package and hit export as obj. Import into 3D program. ???????. Profit!
  • Vatanist
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