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Monthly Noob Challenge 8



    The tire-skid decals must be summoned! :)
  • betaBug
    Cheers everyone!
    Made a little block-out. UDK test.

    btw Height of first person camera in UDK can be also changed in 'Pawn" scripts. In DefaultProperties, string "BaseEyeHeight" and "EyeHeight". It's player collision and camera height.

  • Colossal_Dragon
    Aww I really wanted the sci fi bar scene to win :P oh well! Looking at you guys work really gave me a interesting idea, i'll see if I can get a block out done in a couple of hours :)
  • poopsterspappy
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    poopsterspappy polycounter lvl 7
    definitely going to jump into this one, can you guys recommend some games for inspiration. I'm thinking HalfLife 2, Crysis 2/3, and Fear. Any others Rage maybe?
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    I spent about 2 hours trying to make that cloth tutorial. My recording software was fucking up. Esentially.
    Make a mesh, vertex paint it, black is the areas that do not move, white does, make sure it's in vertex color channel. Apply a Crytek shader in max, MAKE SURE PHYSICALIZE IS CHECKED. Then you need to rotate it to the angle you desire, reset your xforms, and export the mesh.

    In cryengine, add a cloth entity, change the model in the proprieties tab of the entity. The settings for the cloth are pretty simple. In the lower part of your cryengine window click AI/PRYSICS. This will allow you to see it move in editor window without pressing cntl G.

    I have uploaded my CGF's and tutorial max files as well as a cloth texture for testing. If this isn't clear enough just ask me for details.

  • GDR
    You guys are doing inspiring stuff already. ^_^


    Some assets I plan to use for my block out, nothing grand yet, but I'm done for right now so I figure I would post them and get any advice on scale or whatever else.

    I can't draw very well so I briefly wrote what I plan.

    I'm thinking of doing a small abandoned encampment with checkpoints on both sides, as well as makeshift shops (ammo/travel supplies), but for the most part I want it to appear like they're living underground. What you see on the surface will look more like it is for passerby's, and something like a civilian facility built into the walls on the left that has been re-purposed into a military shelter/city as a more permanent residence.

    I like the idea of doing it as a storm water channel, and that is probably the direction I will go.

    This site had some (what I think are good) reference for this idea. Nothing really outdoors, but it gives me some ideas (I like the door!). As far as actually outside something like this, but with larger walls and steeper. I plan to have the bridges crossing inside (rather then over) the channel with doors on both sides as well as retractable ladders up/down.
  • JustinSlick
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    JustinSlick polycounter lvl 6
    GDR wrote: »
    This site had some (what I think are good) reference for this idea.

    Holy crap those pictures are crazy. Engineering projects like that completely blow my mind. It looks just like that one level in Mirror's Edge!
  • Fenyce
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    Fenyce polycounter lvl 11
    hey guys,
    I have a question... so I'm really new to udk and I just wanted to know if any of you are using the bsp brushes for your enviroments or do you use static meshes?
    I mean.. like for the ground and walls and so on.

    I'm trying to get my blockout done, therefore I modeled some meshs (like the gate, fences, bridge,etc.) and now I'm wondering if I should/could also bring the ground etc. in as a static mesh... or would that be kinda stupid?

    Whoah, I've still so much left to learn and understand... gnarf.
  • joshschmitt
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    joshschmitt polycounter lvl 11

    Using too many BSPs are bad from what I understand, and through some research apparently they are more costly than static meshes.

    BSPs are good for walls with no detail, like inside a building, ground etc.

    In this scene its best to use BSPs for the ground and make everything else static mesh. The walls seem to have some geometry and that would be extremely hard to do with BSPs.
  • Fenyce
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    Fenyce polycounter lvl 11

    Yeah, I haven't been planing to do these walls with BSPs, it's been a more general question ;)
    And thanks for your answer!
  • MichaelElphick
    First time participating, here's my breakdown...

  • Mischievous
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    Mischievous polycounter lvl 6
    Whoa, that Tokyo storm water discharge channel is... dumb striking, I never knew such places can actually be. I mean...how do you build something like that XD
    Man what I'd give to actually go to places like that...

    JustinSlick It's exactly like Mirror's edge, I think they followed the channel's layout pretty accurately, but only made it more green :P
    @ AlexCatMasterSupreme.

    Thanks a lot for that. Really appreciate it.

    Been working my way through Helder Pinto's Intro series and hadn't come across anything on cloth yet.
  • NickT3D
    I've got a lot of projects on the go. so here is just a really quick blockout i did in about 10min. I'm using this as practice for my environment modeling as well as being able to complete things quickly. so this project will have less time into it compared to the other stuff im working on.
  • shosh
    Wish i could find a cloth tutorial with maya :( , the "convert from max to maya" failed.
    My cloth ... in not acting "clothish"
  • sevndaythry
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    sevndaythry polycounter lvl 6
    shosh wrote: »
    Wish i could find a cloth tutorial with maya :( , the "convert from max to maya" failed.
    My cloth ... in not acting "clothish"

    To make a cloth static mesh you will have to make a plane and apply a dynamic cloth solver. Then you animate it to let physics do the work.


    I'll post up how mine turned out when I get back to my computer.
  • Greg DAlessandro
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    Greg DAlessandro polycounter lvl 11
    Here is my breakdown:


    This is my first time attempting one of these challenges. I don't have much experience, but I hope to learn and improve modeling/texturing.

    I'll post my progress soon.
  • Mischievous
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    Mischievous polycounter lvl 6
    Wow, that's one really clean breakdown, I personally don't think you need to go to such detail like paint every bar on the fences one color, and leave the gap in between, but that's just me.
    wow, i agree.

    that is one very precise breakdown. Props to you sir :)
  • betaBug
    Wow, nice breakdown, but I didn't think making a decal for paint on concrete blocks it's a good idea.

    Little update from me. Cloth looks weird. Looks like I need some rework on it.



  • Fenyce
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    Fenyce polycounter lvl 11
    I have another real noobish question about udk...
    when I'm saving it tells me "external data won't be found in a game and all refrences will be broken"...
    I saved my workfiles into a project folder on my desktop, so I also wanted to save the udk lvlmap and the package there... do I have to save the package into an special udk folder?
    (I googled and just found that I should name the lvlfile and packagefile diffrently, and so I did...)
    This kinda confuses me... but maybe 2am it just not a good time for me to work~

    Whoohoo, betabug, nice blockout/scene wip.
  • joshschmitt
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    joshschmitt polycounter lvl 11

    Yes, you should save it to the maps section. Just start a new level do save as and see where your folder is, then copy your external file over there and your done.
  • Baron Flame
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    Baron Flame polycounter lvl 12
    Got my fingers crossed this time, well not really, I'd screw it all over again.


    Thou Art Awesome!(as always) xD

    Hey, I was wondering if I should PM you some of the question I have about the CE3 or just post them here?

    thanks dude :) glad to see you jumping on-board. Sweet Breakdown.
  • Baron Flame
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    Baron Flame polycounter lvl 12

    thanks dude :) glad to see you jumping on-board. Sweet Breakdown.

    Hopefully I'll be able to complete this one to some extent, now that my stupid ass job won't be a problem for some time. xD

    Woah! Brilliant stuff so far. Now if only I could figure out how to do the same sort of blockout in CE3. -_-
    My wip blockout. Pretty basic. Wip_01.jpg
    How on earth did you get your blockout to look like that? Mine always looks like a bunch of blocks scattered all over the place in CE3.

    Edit: Nevermind. Just finished reading the whole thing, I really need to read everything before I post.
  • Mischievous
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    Mischievous polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks, I'm currently using Blender, and keeping my game engine a mystery...
    Figured it'd be much easier to use a dedicated modelling program for this, and finally import all of the complete assets in my engine of choice...
    good plan.

    The mystery and suspense will eat away at me now... :)
  • FireTruck
    any one know how to take high res screen shots in UNITY :D
  • FireTruck
  • poopsterspappy
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    poopsterspappy polycounter lvl 7
    I have never done scattered debris before, my inclination says they are just textures with alphas, but then again I'm wondering if they are vertex painted or just placed around via transform tools. thanks for the input :)
    Master of the poopster -

    I'm gonna go for the decal-heavy approach with this project. Im learning the basics of Cryengine atm and I'm loving the defered decals.

    Cheap and sexy :)
  • poopsterspappy
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    poopsterspappy polycounter lvl 7
    Ahh good sir, Lankus Maximus . How do you fare? So when it comes to news paper, letters, crumpled paper cigarette butt/packs etc I can get away with just a texture/alpha and normal. Thats it? just place em where I want em. As well should I put all of my decals on one seperate texture sheet specifically for just decals? Sorry for the ignorance? Hope all is well
  • tehrobster2
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    tehrobster2 polycounter lvl 11
    Hey Guys This is my first Noob challenge and here is my block out =)SqT4PXC.jpg
  • Manticora
    Wow, there are some great blockouts already! I'll start mine tonight or tomorrow, still need to finish last month's challenge :poly122:
    Fenyce wrote: »
    I saved my workfiles into a project folder on my desktop, so I also wanted to save the udk lvlmap and the package there... do I have to save the package into an special udk folder?

    If you prefer saving your udk files into your project folder you can still do that! You just need to open your package(s) with the little folder button next to "Import" (below the package list) in your content browser BEFORE opening your map.
    betaBug wrote:
    Wow, nice breakdown, but I didn't think making a decal for paint on concrete blocks it's a good idea.

    Yeah, I would rather do that with an extra material for the concrete blocks using a mask to blend the concrete with the paint. If you are using UDK, you can just use the LERP (Linear Interpolate) Node, put the concrete into iput A, the paint texture or color into input B and connect your Mask to the Alpha. This would be a cleaner way, and you still wouldn't need any extra textures.


    edit: I scribbled around on the concept a bit, and now I'm thinking about not changing the concept too much, but maybe adding some kind of military vehicle that delivers supplies or carries off the dead bodies or something like that...


    Will start the blockout now ;)
  • Baron Flame
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    Baron Flame polycounter lvl 12
    Manticora wrote: »
    edit: I scribbled around on the concept a bit, and now I'm thinking about not changing the concept too much, but maybe adding some kind of military vehicle that delivers supplies or carries off the dead bodies or something like that...

    Sounds good. How about placing something like a conveyor belt there to carry the bodies to where ever they are being taken to, wouldn't want to get infected with whatsoever they were infected with, do you ? That way you won't have to worry to much about too many NPCs. Just put one over on the overhead walkway/lookout to oversee the process. xD

    Nyhoo I just collected some reference material here for my scene. Not much, seeing as I would be attempting to create the textures myself(I have the reference textures collected but since I am not using them as is....meh). I'll start the blockout in about half an hour, for now I going to sit down in the sun; Lovely weather out there.

    @ Baron Flame - It is indeed a beautiful day. Looking out at the sun covered allotments while working on a grey, blood splattered scene :)

    @ Poopsterpappy - I am well good sir. Well done with your project last month. I was loving those tasty painted textures! I wish i had more than half the month free to finish it. Anyways. All the time in the world now, so its onward and upwards :)

    For things like the dirt, small debris and blood i think i'll be using decal planes with normals applied. As for the rubbish and cartons and whatnot it will probably just require a few really low poly models and stuff, just to give that extra volume.

    As for the texture organisation... I'm not too sure how to approach them yet. I think we'll have to ask Alex (Master of cats) when he's about...

    @ Manticora - Cool idea. I like the corpse transportation vehicle and i also like Baron Flame's call on the conveyor...

    I look forward to seeing it progress :)
  • Manticora
    @ Baron Flame & LANKUS MAXIMUS:

    I'm glad you like it! Haha, a conveyor belt for the corpses :D Great idea.

    I look forward to your progress, too!

    Hmmm, now I'm kinda jealous. I'm seeing a grey (fortunately not that blood-splattered) scene outside of my window. I'm almost happy it's nearly dark already :poly141:
  • fifftyframes
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    fifftyframes polycounter lvl 9
    Would it be considered breaking the rules to use unity? Or would that just be a noob mistake anyway?
    Not at all fifftyframes. A lot of people have used Unity for past projects and they have created some very good looking scenes.

    It's a good engine to try out if your new to in-engine art. Well, i like it anyways :)

    Manticora - All good sir. Just carry on working as hard as you are and then the world is your Oyster!

    Change that concrete vista to a beach view in no time :)
  • Manticora
    Would it be considered breaking the rules to use unity? Or would that just be a noob mistake anyway?

    No, you can use any game engine you like ;) Most people are using UDK or Cry Engine, but you don't have to.


    Haha, thanks :) Actually, I normally like the view, I see more hills than concrete :) What's grey is mostly the sky, it's been cloudy and rainy and cold for days now. You think I can learn to control the weather if I start working even harder? :D
  • D00m
    Here's my breakdown + very early work in progress block-out.

    This is my first time attempting anything in cryengine which is urban and my first time working from a concept.

    This is my first entry to a monthly challenge.

  • MichaelElphick
    Hi guys,
    After searching for a new wallpaper, came across a slighty larger resolution image (2560x1440) of the concept, Ive attached it below in case anyone else needs it.

  • dannyboy91
    Hello all, I've just signed up and thought it would be good idea to get involved in this. I haven't got much confidence in my modelling abilities, so i will be trying to learn from each of your techniques and abilities as best as i can. Anyway, i did a texture breakdown and i will start a block out in the morning.
  • joshschmitt
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    joshschmitt polycounter lvl 11
    Finished my HP Bridge. I need to find a good way to render out HP's

    This is also a modular bridge.

    Manticora wrote: »
    You think I can learn to control the weather if I start working even harder? :D


    Yes i do :poly124:
    @ joshschmitt - First of all. It's Looking good.

    Secondly - Bonus Noob Question!

    I'm currently trying to work through a series of HP-modelling tutorials. In the case of your bridge section, is the reason for creating a high poly model to achieve 'smooth' or 'better' edges in your normal map after baking.

    Can't explain myself very well, i was just wondering if it that was the main point of achievement with an asset that is quite simple in it's overall geometry.

    Hope that makes sense... :)
  • joshschmitt
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    joshschmitt polycounter lvl 11
    @Lankus Maximus


    And yes. Basically you put edge loops around the edges and then turbo smooth, it keeps the edges sharp and smooth.

    For my bridge that's the exact reason. I usually dont do much HPs for architecture but I think the bridge section would need it.
    That's what i was thinking. It's about time i got into the good practice of creating high poly models.

    Would you then go about removing the additional edge loops when selecting the low poly model you wish to use for your finished asset?

    Thanks for your reply.
  • joshschmitt
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    joshschmitt polycounter lvl 11
    @Lankus Maximus

    I have a LP-HP workflow for my assets. I create the Low-Poly in quads. Then make a copy and do the HP.

    I know some people like to work HP-LP but I think its better to do LP first.
    Yeah, I've always made my low and then worked up from there. Pretty much all of the people that were in my class at uni did the opposite, including my tutors.

    Thanks for your answers. Helped me solve some confusions.

    That is all.... For now! :)
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